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class/std Ten Science

Chemical Reactions and Equations



MCQs: 3

Question: 21. Which of the following product is formed when calcium oxide reacts with water?

  1. Slaked lime
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Calcium oxide
  4. Oxygen gas

Answer: (a) Slaked lime

Question: 22. What is the another name of quick lime?

  1. Calcium hydroxide
  2. Calcium oxide
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Sodium oxide

Answer: (b) Calcium oxide

Question: 23. What is the chemical name for slaked lime?

  1. Calcium carbonate
  2. Calcium oxide
  3. Calcium hydroxide
  4. Carbon monoxide

Answer: (c) Calcium hydroxide

Question: 24. Heating of ferrous sulphate gives which of the following product?

  1. Ferric oxide
  2. Sulphur dioxide
  3. Sulphur trioxide
  4. All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

Question: 25. In which of the following category will you put the reaction of heating of ferrous sulphate?

  1. Decomposition reaction
  2. Combination Reaction
  3. Displacement reaction
  4. All of the above

Answer: (a) Decomposition reaction

Question: 26. In which of the following category will you put the reaction of heating of calcium carbonate?

  1. Decomposition reaction
  2. Thermal decomposition reaction
  3. Endothermic reaction
  4. All of the above.

Answer: (d) All of the above

Question: 27. Which of the following product is formed after heating of limestone?

  1. Calcium oxide
  2. Calcium carbonate
  3. Hydrogen gas
  4. All of the above

Answer: (a) Calcium oxide

Question: 28. What happens when silver chloride is put under sunlight?

  1. Silver metal and chlorine gas are formed
  2. Silver metal and hydrogen gas are formed
  3. Only silver metal is formed
  4. Only hydrogen gas is formed

Answer: (a) Silver metal and chlorine gas are formed

Question: 29. Which of the following is formed when lead nitrate is put under thermal decomposition?

  1. Lead oxide
  2. Nitrogen dioxide
  3. Oxygen gas
  4. All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

Question: 30. What happens when carbon dioxide is passed in lime water?

  1. Lime water turns milky because of formation of calcium carbonate
  2. Lime water turns milky because of formation of water
  3. Lime water turns red because of formation permanganate
  4. Lime water turns red because of formation of copper sulphate

Answer: (a) Lime water turns milky because of formation of calcium carbonate

MCQs Test

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