
Solutions - Intext Questions and Answer - class 12 chemistry

Solution of NCERT In Text Questions

Question - 2.1 - Calculate the mass percentage of benzene (C6 H 6) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4) if 22 g of benzene is dissolved in 122 g of carbon tetrachloride.



Mass of solute (WB ) = 22g

Mass of solvent (W B) = 122 g

Mass of solution = 22g + 122 g = 144 g

Mass % of benzene = ?

Mass % of carbon tetrachloride = ?

Now, Mass percentage of benzene

Solutions class 12 chemistry - NCERT In Text Solution2

And, Mass percentage of carbon tetrachloride Solutions class 12 chemistry - NCERT In Text Solution3

Solutions class 12 chemistry - NCERT In Text Solution4

Thus, Mass percentage of benzene = 15.27%

And, Mass percentage of carbon tetrachloride = 84.72%