Math Twelve

Application of Derivatives NCERT Solutions

NCERT Exercise 6.3

Question: (1)Find the slope of the tangent to the curve `y=3x^4 - 4x at =4`


Here ` y= 3x^2 -4x`

`(dy)/dx = d/(dx) [3x^2 -4x]`

`= 12x^2 - 4`

`[(dy)/(dx)]_x=4 `

`=12xx(4)^3- 4`

` = 768 - 4 = 764`

Thus slope of tangent at `x=4` is `764`

Question: (2) Find the slope of the tangent to the curve `y= (x-1)/(x-2), x!= 2` at `x = 10`


Here `y= (x-1)/(x-2)`

`(dy)/(dx) = d/ (dx)[(x-1)/(x-2)]`

`= ((x-2)d/(dx)(x-1)-(x-1)d/(dx) (x-2))/((x-2)^2)`

`= (x-2-x+1)/((x-2)^2)`


` [(dy)/(dx)]_(x=10)`

` - 1/((10-2)^2)`

`= 1/(64)`

Thus slope of tangent at `x= 10 `is `1/(64)`

Question: (3) Find the slope of the tangent to curve ` y= x^2 -x+1` at the point whose `x` coordinate is `2`


Here `y= x^2 -x -x+1`

`(dy)/(dx)= d/(dx)(x^3 - x+ 1)`

`= 3x^2 -1`


`= 3xx (2)^2-1 = 12 -1 =11`

Thus slope of tangent at `x=2 ` is `11`

Question: (4) Find the slope of the tangent to the curve `y=x^2-3x+2` at the point whose `x- `coordinate is `3`


Here `y = x^3-3x +2`

`dy/dx = d/(dx) (x^3-3x +2)`

` 3x^2 - 3`

`[dy/dx]_ (x=3)`

` = 3xx(3)^2 - 3=27 - 3=24`

Thus slope of tangent at `x=3 is 24`

Question: (5) Finfd the slope of the normal to the curve `x=a cos^2 theta, y= a sin^2 theta` at `theta = pi/ 4`


Here `x=a cos^2 theta` and ` y= asin ^3 theta`

Differentiating both sides w.r,t, `theta`, we have

`(dx)/(d theta)`

`=d/(d theta) [a cos^3 theta]` and `(dy)/(d theta) `

`= d/(d theta) [a sin ^2 theta]`

` =3a cos^2 theta . (- sin theta)`

`=3a sin^2 theta. (cos theta)`

`= 3a sin theta cos^2 theta`

Now `(dy)/(dx)= (dy//d theta)/(dx//d theta)`

` =(3a sin^2 theta cos theta)/(-3a sin theta cos ^2 theta)`

` =-tan theta`

Slope of normal at `theta = pi/4 is (-1)/ [(dy)/(dx)]_ (theta = pi/4)`

` = -1/[-tan pi/4]`

`= -1/-1 =1`

Question: (6) Find the slope of the normal to the curve `x= 1-a sin theta, y= b cos^2 theta` at `theta =pi/2`.


Here ` x= 1 -a sin theta ` and `y = b cos^2 theta`

Differentiating both sides w. r. t. `theta` , we have

`(dx)/(d theta)- d/(d theta)[ 1- a sin theta]` and ` (dy)/(d theta)`

`= d/(d theta) [b cos ^2 theta]`

`=- a cos theta `

` =2b cos theta . (-sin theta)`

`=- 2b sin theta cos theta `

Now `(dy)/(dx)= (dy//d theta)/(dx// d theta)=`

` (-2b sin theta cos theta)/(-a cos theta)`

`( 2b sin theta)/a`

Slope of normal at ` theta = pi/ 2 `is` (-1)/[dy/dx]_ (theta = pi/2)`

`= (-1)/[2b/a sin theta]_( theta =pi/2)`

`= (-a)/(2bsin pi/2) = (-a)/(2b)`

Thus slope of normal at `theta = pi/2 `is ` - a/(2b)`

Question: (7) Find points at which the tangent to the curve `y= x^3 - 3x^2- 3x+ 7` Is parallel to `x-` axis


Here ` y = x^2- 3x^2-9x +7`

`(dy)/(dx) = d/(dx)[x^3 - 3x^2 -9x +7]`

` 3x^2 - 6x- 9 `


` 3(x^2- 3x +x -3)`

` 3(x-3) (x+1)`

Slope of tangent `= 3 (x-3) (x+1)`

Since tangent is parallel to `x-` axis,

`:. (x-3)(x+1)=0`

`=> x=3 ` or ` x=-1`


Then `y=(3)^3-3xx(3)^2-9xx3+7`

` 27 - 27 - 17 +7=-20`

` When `x=-1`

Then `y=(-1)^3-3xx(-1)^2-9xx-1+7`


Thus required points are `(3, -20)` and `(-1, 12)`

Question: (8) Find a point on the curve ` y=(x-2)^2` at which the tangent is parallel to the chord joining the points `(2, 0)` and `(4,4)`


Here ` y= (x-2)^2`

`(dy)/(dx) = d/(dx)[(x-2)^2]`

`= 2(x-2)`

Slope of tangent `= 2(x-2)`

Slope of the chord joining the points `(2, 0)` and `(4, 4)` is

` (4-0)/(4-2)= 4/2 =2`

It is given that tangent is parallel to the chord joining points `(2, 0)` and `(4,4)`=> `slope of tangent = slope of chord`:. 2(x-2)= 2`

` => x-2 =1 => x=3`

When `x=3`

Then `y= (3-2)^2=1`

Thus required point is `(3,1)`

Question: (9) Find the point on the curve `y=x^3 - 11x + 5 ` at which the tangent is `y=x-11`


Here ` y= x^3-11x+5`

`(dy)/(dx) = d/(dx)(x^3-11x+5)`

`=3x^2 -11`

Slope of tangent `= 3x^ -11`

Slope of the line `y= x= 11 is 1`

`:. 3x^2 -11 =1 `

`=>3x^2 = 12`

` => x^2 =4`

`=> x=+- 2`

When `x=2`

Then `y 2-11 =-9`

When `x=-2`

Then y=-2-11=-13`

Now point `(-2,-13)` doesnot lie on the curve

Thus the required point on the curve is `(2, -9)`

Question: (10) Find the eqution of all lines having slope`-1` that are tangents to the curve `y= 1/ (x-1)^+ x!= `.


Here `y= 1/(x-1)`

` (dy)/(dx) = d/(dx)1/(x-1)`

`=- 1/(x-1)^2`

It is given that slope of tangent is `-1`

`:. - 1/(x-1)^2 `

`-1=> (x-1)^2`

`=1=>x -1 =+-1=>`

` =>x=2` or `x=0`

When `x=2`

Then `y= 1/(2-1)=1`

When `x= 0`

Then `y=1/(0-1)=-1`

The points on the given curve are (2,1) ` and `(0,-1)`

Equation of tangent at points(2, 1)`is

` y-1=-1(x-2)`

`=> y-1 =-x+2`

` => x+y-3=0`

Equation of tangent at point `(0, -1) `is

`y+1 =-(-x-0)`

`=> y+1 =-x`

`=> x+y+1=0`

Thus required lines are `x+y-3 =0` and `x+y+1=0`

Question: (11) Find the equation of all lines having slope 2 which are tangents to the curve ` y= 1/(x-3') x!=3.`


Here `y=1/(x-3)`

` (dy)/(dx)= d/(dx)(1/(x-3))`

` =- 1/(x-3)^2`

It is given that slope of tangent is `2`

`:. -1/ (x-3)^2 = 2 `

`2 => (x-3))^2 =- 1/2 `

Which is not possible because square of a number cannot be equal to a negative number.Thus these exist no tangent having slope `2`.

Question: (12) Find the eqution of all lines having slope `0` which are tangent to the curve

` y= 1/(x^2-2x+3)`


Here ` y= 1/(x^2-2x+3)`

`(dy)/(dx)= d/(dx) 1/(x^2 - 2x +3)`

`d/(dx)[(x^2-2x +3)^-1]`

` - 1/(x^2-2x +3)^2 xx(2x-2)`

`=(-2 (x-1))/(x^2-2x+3)^2)`

It is given that slope of tangent is `0`

`:. (-2(x-1))/(x^2 -2x + 3)^2`

`=0 => -2(x-1)=0 => x=1`

When `x=1`

Then `y = 1/ ((1)^2-2xx1+3)`


Thus point on curve is `(1, 1/2)`

Equation of tangent at point `(1, 1/2)` is

` y=1/2 =`


` =>y=1/2`

Thus required equation of line is `y=1/2`

Question: (13) Find the points on the curve `(x^2)/9 + (y^2)/16 =1` at which tangents are (i) parallel to `x-` axis (ii) parallel to `y-` axis.


Here equation of curve is` (x^2)/9+(y^2)/16 =1`

Differentiating both sides w.r.t. `x` we have

`d/(dx)((x^2)/9 + (y^2)/16)`

` = d/(dx)(1)`

`:. (2x)/9 + (2y)/16 (dy)/dx =0`

`=> (dy)/dx`

` = (-2x)/9 xx 16/2y `

` = - (16x)/9y`

(i) tangent is parallel to `x-`axis

`:. (dy)/(dx)=0`

`:. - (16 x)/9y= 0 => x=0`

When `x=0 `then ` (0)^2/9+ y^2/16 =1`

` => y^2=16 => y=+- 4`

Thus required points are `(0,4)`and `(0, -4)`

(ii)tangent is parallel to `y-` axis

`:. (dy)/(dx) = 1/0`

` :. - (16 x)/9y = 1/0 `

`=> 9y = 0 => y=0 `

When `y= 0` then `x^2/9+(0)^2/16 =1`

`=>x^2 = 9 =>`


Thus required points are `(3,0)`

Question: (14) Find the eqution of the tangent and normal to the given curves at the indicated points.

(i) `y= x^4-6x^3+ 13 x^2- 10 x + 5 at (0, 5)`

(ii)` y=x^4-6x^3 + 13 x^2 - 10 x + 5at (1,3)`

(iii) `y= x^3 at (1, 1)`

(iv)` y=x^2 at (0,0)`

(v)`x=cos t, y= sin t` at `t = pi/4`


(i) Here ` y= x^4 - 6^3+ 13x^2- 10x +5`

` (dy)/(dx)= d/(dx)(x^4-6x^3 +13 x^2 - 10x + 5)`

` = 4x^3 - 18 x^2 + 26 x -10`

`[(dy)/(dx)]_(x=0) `

`= 4xx (0)^3 - 18 xx (0)^2 + 26 xx0 - 10`

` =- 10`

`:.` Equation of tangent at `(0, 5)` is

` y-5 =- 10 (x-0) `

`=> y-5 =-10x `

`10x + y -5 =0`

Equation of normal at `(0,5)` is

` y=5 = 1/10 (x-0) `

`=> 10 y - 50 =x`

`=>x- 10 y + 50=0`

(ii) Here `y=x^4-6x^3 + 13 x^2 - 10 x + 5`

`=4x^3 - 18 x^2 + 26 x -10`

`[(dy)/(dx)]_(x=1) `

`= 4xx (1)^3 - 18 xx (1)^2 + 26 xx1 - 10`

` =4- 18 + 26 - 10 =2`

` :. Equation of tangent at (1, 3)` is

` y-3 = 2(x-1)=> y-3`

` =2x -2 => 2x -y +1 =0`

Equation of normal at `(1, 3) ` is

` y-3 = - 1/2 (x-1)`

`=> 2y - 6 =-x+1`

`=> x+2y-7=0`

(iii) Here `y= x^3`

`(dy)/(dx)= d/(dx) (x^3)`



` = 3xx (1)^2 =3`

Equation of tangent at `(1, 1)` is

` y-1 = 3(x-1)`

`=>y-1 = 3x -3`

` => 3x - y -2 =0`

Equation o normal at `(1, 1) is

` y-1 = - 1/3 (x-1)`

`=> 3y -3=-x+1`

` => x+3y-4=0`

(iv) Here ` y=x^2`

` (dy)/(dx) = d/(dx) (x^2)`

`= 2x`


` = 2xx (0)=0`

Equation of tangent at `(0, 0)`is

` y-0 = 0 (x - 0)`

`=> y=0`

Equation of normal at `(0, 0)` is

`y=0 = 1/0 (x-0)=> x=0`

(v) Here `x= cos t` and`y=sin t`

Differentiating both sides w.r.t. `t` we have

`(dx)/(dt)= d/(cos t)` and ` (dy)/(dx) = d/(dt) (sin t)`

`=- sin t = cos t`

Now `(dy)/(dx)`

`= ((dy)//(dt))/((dx)//(dt))`

` (cos t)/(-sin t)`

` =- cot t`


` =-cot (pi/4) -1`

At `t=pi/4`

`x= cos pi/4`

` = 1/sqrt 2 ` and

`y = sin pi/4 = 1/sqrt 2`

`:.` Equation of tangent at `( 1/sqrt2 , 1/ sqrt 2)` is

`y- 1/sqrt2 =- 1(x-1/sqrt 2)`

` =>y-1/sqrt 2`

` =- x +1/sqrt2`

` => x+y -y- sqrt2=0`

Equation of normal at `( 1/sqrt2. 1/sqrt2)` is

`y -1/sqrt 2 `

`y- 1/sqrt2`

` = -1/ -1(x- 1/sqrt 2)`

`=> y- 1/sqrt 2`

` =x- 1/ sqrt2`

`=> x=y`

