My Body and Digestion
Our body works like a machine. As a machine needs energy to run, our body also needs the energy to work. A machine gets energy from fuel or electricity. In a similar way, our body gets en...Food and Nutrition
All living being needs food. Food gives us energy. Food gives strength to do different work. Food helps us to grow. Food protects us from diseases. Without food no living being can survive.Plants and Roots
Plants are living beings as we are. Plants grow and respire. Plants also need air to breathe. Plants also need water and food. As human or other animals cannot live without food, water and air, pla...Flowers and Fruits
Flower is the most beautiful part of a plant. Most of the flowers are colourful. Flowers has pleasant smell. Flowers attract the insect and helps in reproduction. Flower grows and turn into fruit. ...Plants Around Us
We see different types of plants around us. Plants are very important for us. Plants give us food to get energy and to do work. Plants give us oxygen to survive. Plants give us wood to make home an...Birds and Beaks
Bird is one of the most beautiful creatures of the world. We see different types of birds around us. They are different in colours, shapes and sizes. Parrot, sparrow, pigeon, swallow, eagle, vultur...Need and Conservation of Water
Water plays very important role in our lives. All living things need water to live. There can be no life without water. Water is found only on one planet in the whole universe that is our earth. Be...Water Pollution
Water is essential for all living beings. None can live without water. There can be no life without water. Plants cannot grow without water. Animals cannot live without water. We get water...Insects