Math Twelve

Application of Derivatives NCERT Solutions

NCERT Exercise 6.4(2)

Question: 1. (xii) `(26.57)^(1/3)`


Let `y= x^(1/3)`


Let `x = 27` and `x+Delta x= 26.57`

` Delta x=(x+Delta x)-x`

` 26.57 -27 =-0.43`

`Delta y= (x+Delta x)^(1/3)-(x)^(1/3)`



`:. (2657)^(1/3)=3+Delta y`

Since `dy` is approximately equal to `Delta y` and is given by`

` dy= (dy)/(dx).Delta x `

`= 1/(3x)^(2/3)xx (-0.43)`

`= (-0.43)/(3xx(27)^(2/3)) `

=` (-0.43)/(3xx9)`


`:. (26.57)^(1/3) `

` =3-0.016=2.984`

Thus approximate value of `(26.57)^(1/3)` is `28.94`

(xiii) `(81.5)^(1/4)`


Let `y= x^(1/4)`

`(dy)/(dx)= 1/ 4x^(3/4)`

`:. Delta x= (x+Delta x)-x`

`=81.5-81 =0.5`

`Delta y=`

` (x+ Delta x)^(1/4) - (x) ^(1/4)`


`:. (815)^(1/4) = 3+Delta y`

Since `dy` is approximately equal to `Delta y` and is given by

`dy= (dy)/(dx).Delta x`

`= 1/(4x)^(3/4) xx (0.5)`

`=0.5/4xx(81)^ 3/4`


`:. (815)^(1/4)=3+0.0046 = 3.0046`

Thus approximate value of `(81.5)^(1/4)` is `3.0046`

(xiv) `(3.968)^(3/2)`


Let `y= x^(3/2)`

`(dy)/(dx)=3/2 x^(1/2)`

Let `x=4` and `x+Delta x=3.968`

`:. Delta x = (x+ Delta x)-x`

` =3.968-4 = -0.032`

`:. Delta x=(x+Delta x)-x`

`=3.968 -4=-0.032`

`Delta y= (x+ Delta x)^(3/2)-(x)^(3/2)`


`:. (3.968)^(3/2)= 8+Delta y`

Since `dy` is approximately equal to `Delta y` and is ginen by

`dy =(dy)/(dx) .Delta x`

`3/2 x^(1/2).(-0.032)`

` = 3/2xx(4)^(1/2)xx(-0.032)`

` 3/2 xx 2 xx (-0.032)= -0.096`

`:. (3.968)^(3/2) = 8-0.096 = 7.904`

Thus approximate value of `(3.968)^(3/2)` is `7.904`

(xv) `(32.15)^(1/5)`


Let `y= x^(1/5)`

`= 1/(5x)^(4/5)`

Let `x= 32` and `x+Delta x = 32.15`

`:. Delta x= (x+ Delta x)-x `

`=32.15 - 32= 0.15`

` Delta y= (x+Delta x)^(1/5)-x^(1/5)`

`=(3215)^(1/5) -(32)^(1/5)`


`:. (3215)^(1/5)=2+ Delta y`

Since `dy` is approximately equal to `Delta y` and is given by

`dy = (dy)/(dx).Delta x`

`1/(5x)^(4/5) .015`


`= (0.15)/(5xx16)=0.0019`

`:. (3215)^(1/5)= 2+0.0019 = 2.0019`

Thus approximate value of `(3215)^(1/5)` is `2.0019`

Question: (2)Find the approximate value of `f(2.01)` Where `f(x)=4x^2+5x+2`


Here `f(x)=4x^2+5x+2`

`f(x)= 8x+5`

Let `x=2` and `x+Delta x=2.01`

`Delta x= (x+Delta x)-x`

`= 2.01-2=0.01`

`f(2.01)=f(x+Delta x)`

Now `Delta = f(x+Delta x)-f(x)`

`:. f(x+Delta x) = f(x) + Delta y`

`= f(x) + f'(x).Delta x`

`(4x^2+5x+2) + (8x+5)(0.01)`

`=(4xx2^2+5 xx 2+2)+(8xx2+5)(0.01)`


`=28 +0.21 =28.21`

Thus approximate value of `f(2.01)` is `28.21`

Question:(3) Find the approximate value of `f(5.001)` where `f(x)=x^2-7x^2+15`


Here `f(x)=x^3-7x^2+15`

`f'(x) =3x^2-14x `

Let `x=5` and `x+Delta x = 5.001`

`:.Delta x=(x+Delta x)-x`

` 5.001-5=0.001`

`f(5.001)=f(x+Delta x)`

Now `Deltay=f(x+Deltax)-f(x)`

`:.f(x+Delta x)= f(x)+Delta y`

` f(x) + f'(x).Delta x `

`[:.Delta y=f'(x).Delta x]`



` [125-175+15]+[75-70][0.001]`

`-35 + 0.005=-34.995`

Thus approximately value of `f(5.001)` is `-34.995`

Question:(4) Find the approximate change in the valumee v of a cube of side `x ` metres caused byincreasing the side by `1%`


Here side of cube is `x m`.

Then `v=x^3`

`:. (dv)/(dx) =3x^2`

Let `Delta x` be change inside `=1%0fx=0.01x`

Now change in volume `Delta v =(dv)/(dx).Delta x`

`= (3x^2)(0.01x)= 0.03x^3m^3`

Question:(5)Find the approximate change in the surface area of a cube of side `x` metres caused by decreasing the side by `1%`


Here side of cube is `x` m

Then `s=6x^2`

`:. (ds)/(dx)=12x`

Let `Delta x` be change in side `= 1% 0f x =- 0.01x`

Now Change in surface area `Delta v =(dv)/(dx).Delta x`

`= (12x) (-0.01 x) =-0.12x^2m^2`

Question:(6) If the radius of a sphere is measured as `7 m ` with an error of `0.02 m` then find the approximate error in calculating its volume..


Let `r` be the radius of the sphere and`Delta r ` be the error in measuring the radius.

Then 1r=7m ` and ` Delta r =0.02 m`

Now volume of a sphare is given by

`v = 4/3 pir^3`

`(dv)/(dr)= 4/3 pi xx3r^2 =4pir^2`

`:. (dv) = (dv)/(dr).Delta r = ( 4pir^2). Delta r`

` =4pi xx7^2xx0.02= 3.92pi m^3`

Question: (7) If the radius of a sphere is measured is `9 m` with an error of `0.03 m , then find the approximate error in calculating its surface area.


Let `r` be the radius of the sphare and `Delta r` be the error in measuring the radius.

Then `r=9m` and `Delta r =0.03m

Now surface area of a sphere is given by`

`s = 4pi r^2`

`(ds)/(dr) = 8pir`

`:. ds=(ds)/(dr).Delta r`

` =(8pir).Delta r`


`=2.16pi m^2`

Question: (8) If `f(x)=3x^2+15x+5`,

(A)` 47.66`


(c) `67.66`

(D) `77.66`


Here `f(x)= 3x^2+15x+5`


Let `x=3 and ` x+Delta x =3.02`

`:. Delta r = (x+Deltax) -x 3.02 - 3=0.02`

`f(3,02) = f(x+Delta x)`

Now `Deltay = f(x+Delta x)-f(x)`

`:. f(x+Delta x)= f(x)+Delta y`

`=f(x)+ f'(x).Delta x `

`[&because ; Delta y = f'(x).Delta x]`

`=(3x^2+15x+5)+(6x+15).Delta x `

`[3xx3^2+15xx3 + 5]+ [6xx3+15] (0.02)`

`[27+45+5]+ [18+15] (0.02)`


`=77+0.66 = 77.66`

Thus answer is (D)

Question:(9) (The approximate change in the volume of a cube of side `x` metres caused by increasing the side by `3%` is



(C)`0.09 x^3 m^3`



Here side of cube is `x m`

Then ` v=x^3`

`(dv)/(dx) =3x^2`

Let `Delta x` be change in side ` = 3% of x=0.03x`

Now change in volume `Delta v =(dv)/(dx).Delta x`

`=(3x^2)(0.03x)=0.09x^3 m^3`

Thus answer is (c)

