Math Twelve

Inverse Trigonometric Functions NCERT Solutions

NCERT Exercise 2.1

Find the principle values of the following

Question: 1. `sin^-1(-1/2)`


let `sin^-1(-1/2)=theta `

`=> sin theta=-1/2`

Now we know that the range of principal value branch of `sin^-1` is `[-pi/2,pi/2]`

`:.sintheta=-1/2` `=-sinpi/6=sin(-pi/6)`


Thus, principal value of `sin^-1(-1/2)` is `-pi/6`

Question: 2. `cos^-1(sqrt3/2)`

Let `cos^-1(sqrt3/2)=theta`

`=> sin theta = sqrt3/2`

Now we know that the range of principal value branch of `cos^-1` is `[0,pi]`

`:. cos theta = sqrt3/2=cos pi/6`

`=> theta=pi/6 in [0, pi]`

Question: 3. `cosec^-1(2)`

Let `cosec^-1(2)=theta`

Now we know that the range of principal value branch of `cosec^-1` is `[-pi/2, pi/2]-[0]`

`:. cosec theta = 2 = cosec pi/6`

`=> theta = pi/6 in [-pi/2, pi/2]-[0]`

Thus principal value of `cosec^-1(2)` is `pi/6`

Question: 4. `tan^-1(-sqrt3)`

Let `tan^-1(-sqrt3)=theta`

`=> tan theta =-sqrt3`

We know that the range of principal value branch of `tan^-1` is `(-pi/2, pi/2)`

`:. tan theta =-sqrt3`

`=-tan pi/3 = tan (-pi/3)`

`=> theta = -pi/3 in (-pi/2, pi/2)`

Thus, principal value of `tan^-1(-sqrt3)` is `-pi/3`

Question: 5. `cos^-1(-1/2)`

Solution: Let `cos^-1 (-1/2) = theta`

`=> cos theta = -1/2`

We know that the range of principalvalue of `cos^-1` is `[0, pi]`

`:. cos theta = -1/2=-cos pi/3`

`=cos(pi-pi/3) = cos 2pi/3`

`=> theta = 2pi/3 in [o, pi]`

Thus principal value of `cos^-1(-1/2)` is `2pi/3`

Question: 6.`tan^-1(-1)`


let `tan^-1(-1)=theta`


we know that the range of principal value of `tan^-1 is(-pi/2,pi/2)`

`:.tantheta=-1=-tan pi/4` `=tan(-pi/4)`

`=>theta=- pi/4 in (- pi/2,pi/2)`

Thus principal value of `tan^-1 (-1) is - pi/4`

Question: 7.`sec^1(2/sqrt3)`


Let `sec^-1(2/sqrt3)=theta`

We know that the range of principal value branch of `sec^-1 is [0,pi]-{pi/2}`

`:. sectheta=2/sqrt3 =sec(pi/6)`


Thus principla value of `sec^-1(2/sqrt3) is pi/6`

Question:8 .`cot^-1(sqrt3)`


Let `cot^-1(sqrt3)=theta`

`=> cottheta =sqrt3`

we know that the range of principal value branch of `cot^-1` is `(0.pi)`

`:. cottheta=sqrt3=cot(pi/6)`

`=> theta = pi/6in(0,pi)`

Thus principal value of `cot^1(sqrt3)` is `pi/6`

Question:9 .`cos^-1(- 1/sqrt2)`


Let `cos^-1(- 1/sqrt2)=theta`

`=>costheta=- 1/sqrt2`

we know that the range of principal value branch of `cos^-1` is `[0,pi]`

`:.costheta=-1/sqrt2 =-cos` `pi/4`

`=cos (pi -pi/4)=cos``(3pi)/4`

`=>theta =(3pi)/4in[0,pi]`

Thus principal value of `cos^-1(- 1/sqrt2)` is `(3pi)/4`

Question:10 .`cosec^-1(-sqrt2)`


Let `cosec^-1(-sqrt2)=theta`

`=>cosec theta= -sqrt2`

we know that the range of principal value branch of `cosec^-1` is `[- pi/2,pi/2]-{0}`

`=> theta = -pi/4in[- pi/2,pi/2]-{0}`

`:. cosec theta = -sqrt2` `=-cosec(pi/4)=cosec(- pi/4)`

`=>theta=- pi/4in[- pi/2,pi/2]-{0}`

Thus principal value of `cosec^-1(-sqrt2)` is `-pi/4`

Find the value of the following:

Question:11 .

`tan^-1(1)+cos^-1(- 1/2)+` `sin^-1(- 1/2)`


Let `tan^-1(1)= theta_1`

`=>tan theta_1 = 1 tan (pi/4)`

`theta_1=pi/4in(- pi/2,pi/2)`

Let `cos^-1(-1/2)=theta_2`

`=>Costheta_2=-1/2 = -cos(pi/3)` `=cos(pi-pi/3)=cos (2pi)/3`

`=>theta_2=(2pi)/3 in [0,pi]`

Let `sin^-1(- 1/2)=theta_3`

`=> sintheta_3=- 1/2 ` `=-sin (pi/6)=sin(- pi/6)`

`=>theta_3= - pi/6in [- pi/2,pi/2]`

`:. tan^-1 (1)+ cos^-1(- 1/2)+` `sin^-1(- 1/2)` `=theta_1+theta_2+theta_3=pi/4+(2pi)/3-pi/6`

`=(3pi+8pi-2pi)/12 =(9pi)/12 =(3pi)/4`

Question:12 . `cos^-1(1/2)+2sin^-1(1/2)`


Let ` cos^-1(1/2)=theta_1`

`=> cos theta_1=1/2=cospi/3`


Let `sin^-1 (1/2)=theta_2`

`=>sintheta_2=1/2=sin pi/6`

`theta_2 = pi/6in[- pi/2,pi/2]`

`:.cos^-1(1/2)+2sin^-1(1/2)` `=theta_1+theta_2=pi/3+(2xpi)/6=(2pi)/3`

Question:13 .if `sin^-1x=y` then

(A) `0 <= y <= pi`

(B) `-pi/2 <= y <= pi/2`

(C) `0 < y < pi`

(D) `-pi/2 < y < pi/2`


`sin^-1 x =y => sin y = x`

We know that the range of principal value branch of `sin^-1 is ``[-pi/2, pi/2]`

So `y in [-pi/2, pi/2]`

Thus answer is (B) `-pi/2 <= y <= pi/2`

Question: 14. `tan^-1 sqrt3 - sec^-1(-2)` is equal to

(A) `pi`

(B) `-pi/3`

(C) `pi/3`

(D) `(2pi)/3`

Let `tan^-1 sqrt3 =theta_1`

`=> tan^-1 sqrt3 = tan (pi/3)`

`=> theta_1 = pi/3 in (-pi/2, pi/2)`

Let ` sec^-1(-2) = theta_2`

`=> sec theta_2 = -2 = -sec (pi/3)`

`=sec (pi-pi/3)= sec 2pi/3`

`=> theta_2 = (2pi)/3 in [o, pi]-(pi/2)`

`:. tan^-1 sqrt3 - sec^-1(-2) = theta_1-theta_2`

`= pi/3 - (2pi)/3 = -pi/3`

Thus answer is (B) `-pi/3`

