Math Twelve

Determinants NCERT Solutions

NCERT Exercise 4.5 Q:9-18

Question:9 . `[(2, 1, 3), (4, -1, 0), (-7, 2, 1)]`


Let A=`[(2, 1, 3), (4, -1, 0), (-7, 2, 1)]`

|A|=`[(2, 1, 3), (4, -1, 0), (-7, 2, 1)]`

=`2(-1-0)-(4-0)` `+3(8-7)`















`A_31= (0+3)`


`=12, A_33`


`adj A= [(-1, -4, 1), (5, 23, -11), (3, 12, -6)]`

`= [(-1, 5, 3), (-4, 23, 12), (1, -11, -6)]`

`A^-1=1/|A| adj A`

`=1/-3 [(-1, 5, 3), (-4, 23, 12), (1, -11, -6)]`

Question:10 .

`[(1, -1, 2),(0, 2, -3), (3, -2, 4)]`


Let A =`[(1, -1, 2),(0, 2, -3), (3, -2, 4)]`

`|A|=[(1, -1, 2),(0, 2, -3), (3, -2, 4)]`

`=1(8-6)-(-1)(0+9)` `+2(0-6)`















`adj A =[(2, -9, -6),(0, -2, -1),(-1, 3, 2)]`

` =[(-2, 0, 1),(9, 2, -3),(6, 1, -2)]`

Question:11 .

`[(1, 0, 0),(0, cosalpha, sin alpha), (0, sin alpha, -cos alpha)]`


Let A=`[(1, 0, 0),(0, cosalpha, sin alpha), (0, sin alpha, -cos alpha)]`

|A|`[(1, 0, 0),(0, cosalpha, sin alpha), (0, sin alpha, -cos alpha)]`





`-1,A_12 = -(0-0)`









`=(cosalpha-0)=cos alpha`

`adj A[(-1, 0, 0), (0, -cosalpha, -sinalpha), (0, -sinalpha, cosalpha)]^1`

`=[(-1, 0, 0), (0, -cosalpha, -sinalpha), (0, -sinalpha, cosalpha)]`

`A^-1=1/|A| adj A`

`1/-1[(-1, 0, 0), (0, -cosalpha, -sinalpha), (0, -sinalpha, cosalpha)]`

`=[(1, 0, 0), (0, cosalpha, sinalpha), (0, sinalpha, -cosalpha)]`

Question:12 .

Let A=`[(3, 7), (2, 5)]` and B =`[(6, 8), (7, 9)]`,verify that `(AB)^-1=B^-1A^-1`.


Here A=`[(3, 7), (2, 5)]`

`|A|=[(3, 7), (2, 5)]`

`15 -4=1`


`=-2, A_21=`


`adj A=[(5, -2), (-7, 3)]`

`=[(5, -7), (-2, 3)]`

`A^-=1/|A|adj A`

`1/1[(5, -7), (-2, 3)]` `=[(5, -7), (-2, 3)]`

`B=[(6, 8), (7, 9)]`

`|B|=[(6, 8), (7, 9)]`



`=-8,B_22 =6`

`adj B =[(9, -7),(-8, 6)]` `=[(9, -8), (-7, 6)]`

`B^-1=1/|B| adj B`

`=1/-2[(9, -8),(-7, 6)]` `=1/2[(-9, 8), (7, -6)]`

Now`AB=[(3, 7), (2, 5)][(6, 8), (7, 9)]`

`[(18+49, 24+63), (12+35, 16+45)]`

`=[(67, 87), (47, 61)]`

`|AB|=|(67, 87), (47, 61)|`





`:. adj |AB|`

`=[(61, -47), (-87, 67)]'` `=[(61, -87), (-47, 67)]`

`(AB)^-1 =1/|AB| adj |AB|`

`1/-2 [(61, -87), (-47, 67)]`

`1/2[(-61, -87), (47, -67)]`

Now` B^-1A^-1=`

`1/2[(-9, 8), (7, -6)][(5, -7), (-2, 3)]`

`=1/2[(-45-16, 63+24),(35+12, -49-18)]`

`=1/2[(-61, 87), (47, -67)]`

Thus `(AB)^-1=B^_1A^-1`

Question:13 .

If A`=[(3, 1), (-1, 2) ]` show that `A^2-5A+71=0` Hence find `A^-1`.


Here A`=[(3, 1), (-1, 2) ]`

`:. A^2=A.A`

`=[(3, 1), (-1, 2) ][(3, 1), (-1, 2) ]`

`=[(9-1, 3+2), (-3-2, -1+4)]` `[(8, 5), (-5, 3)]`


`=[(8, 5), (-5, 3)]-5[(3, 1)(-1, 2)]` `+7[(1, 0)(0, 1)]`

`=[(8, 5), (-5, 3)][(15, 5)(-5, 10)]` `+[(7, 0)(0, 7)]`

`=[(8-15+7, 5-5+0), (-5+5+0, 3-10+7)]` `=[(0, 0),(0, 0)]`

Thus `A^2-5A+71=0`

pre -multiplying by `A^-1`on both side we get


`=>A^-1A^2-5A^-1A` `+7A^-1 1=0`

`=> A-51+7A^-1=0`

`=> A^-1 =1/7 (51-A)`

`=1/7(5[(1, 0), (0, 1)]-[(3, 1), (-1, 2)])`

`=1/7([(5, 0), (0, 5)]-[(3, 1), (-1, 2)])`

`=1/7[(2, -1), (1, 3)]`

Thus `A^-1=1/7[(2, -1), (1, 3)]`

Question:14 .

Find the matrix A =`[(3, 2), (2, 1)]` find the numbers a and b suchthat `A^2-aA+bI=0`.


Here A =`[(3, 2), (2, 1)]`

`:. A^2=A.A=A `

`=[(3, 2), (2, 1)][(3, 2), (2, 1)]`

`=[(9+2, 6+2), (3+1, 2+1)]=[(11, 8), (4, 3)]`


`=>[(11, 8), (4, 3)]+a[(3, 2), (1, 1)]` `+b[(1,0), (0, 1)]`=0

`=>[(11, 8), (4, 3)]+[(3a, 2a), (a, a)]` `+[(b, 0), (0, b)]=0`

`=>[(11+3a+b, 8+2a+0), (4+a+0, 3+a+b)]=0`

`=>4+a=0 and 3+a+b=0`

`=>a=-4and 3-4+b=0`


Thus a= -4 and b=1

Question:15 .Find the matrix `A=[(1, 1, 1), (1, 2, -3), (2, -1, 3)]`show that `A^3-6A^2+5A+11I=0`

Hence find `A^-1`.



Here A=`[(1, 1, 1), (1, 2, -3), (2, -1, 3)]`


`[(1, 1, 1), (1, 2, -3), (2, -1, 3)][(1, 1, 1), (1, 2, -3), (2, -1, 3)]`

`=[(1+1+2, 1+2-1, 1-3+3), (1+2-6, 1+4+3, 1-6-9),(2-1+6, 2-2-6, 2+3+9)]`

`=[(4, 2, 1), (-3, 8, -14), (7, -3, 14)]`


`[(4, 2, 1), (-3, 8, -14), (7, -3, 14)]` `[(1, 1, 1), (1, 2, -3), (2, -1, 3)]`

`=[(4+2+2, 4+4+-1, 4-6+3), (-3+8-28, -3+16+14, -3-24-42), (7-3+28, 7-6-14, 7+9+42)]`

`= [(8, 7, 1), (-23, 27, -69), (32, -13, 58)]`

Now `A^3-6A62+5A+11I`

`=[(8, 7, 1), (-23, 27, -69), (32, -13, 58)]` `6[(24, 12, 6), (-3, 8, -14), (7, -3, 14)]+5` `[(1, 1, 1), (1, 2, -3), (2, -1, 3)]+11[(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)]`

`=[(8, 7, 1), (-23, 27, -69), (32, -13, 58)]` `-[(24, 12, 6), (-18, 48, -14), (42, -18, 84)]`

`+[(5, 5, 5), (5, 10, -15), (10, -5, 15)]` `+[(11, 0, 0), (0, 11, 0), (0, 0, 11)]`

`=[(8-24+5+11, 7-12+5+0, 1-6+5+0), (-2323+18+5+0, 27-448+10+11, -69+84-15+0), (32-42+10+0, -13+18-5+0, 58-84+155+11)]`

`=[(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)]`=0


Pre-multiplying both sides by `A^-1`, we get

`A^-1(A^3-6A^2+5A+11I)` `=A^-1.0`

`=>A^-1A^3-6A^-1A^2+` `5A^-1A+11A^-I=0`



`1/11(6[(1, 1, 1), (1, 2, -3), (2, -1, 3)]-[(4, 2, 1), (-3, 8, -14), (7, -3, 14)]` `-5[(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)])`

`1/11([(6, 6, 6), (6, 12, -18), (12, -6, 18)]-[(4, 2, 1), (-3, 8, -14), (7, -3, 14)]` `-[(5, 0, 0), (0, 5, 0), (0, 0, 5)])`

`1/11 [(6-4-5, 6-2-0, 6-1-0),(6+3-0, 12-8-5, -18+14-0), (12-7-0, -6+3-0, 18-14-5)]`

`1/11[(-3, 4, 5), (9, -1, -4), (5, -3, -1)]`

Thus `A^-1=1/11[(-3, 4, 5), (9, -1, -4), (5, -3, -1)]`

Question:16 .

If A`=[(2, -1, 1), (-1, 2, -1), (1, -1, 2)]`, verify that `A^3-6A^2+9A-4I=0 ` and hence find `A^-1.


Here A`=[(2, -1, 1), (-1, 2, -1), (1, -1, 2)]`


`[(2, -1, 1), (-1, 2, -1), (1, -1, 2)]A`=[(2, -1, 1), (-1, 2, -1), (1, -1, 2)]`

`=[(4+1+1, -2-2-1, 2+1+2), (-2-2-1, 1+4+1, -1-2-2), (2+1+2, -1-2-2, 1+1+4)]`

`=[(6, -5, 5), (-5, 6, -5), (5, -5, 6)]`


`=[(6, -5, 5), (-5, 6, -5), (5, -5, 6)][(2, -1, 1), (-1, 2, -1), (1, -1, 2)]`

`=[(12+5+5, -6-10-5, 6+5+10), (-10-6-5, 5+12+5, -5-6-10), (10+5+6, -5-10-6, 5+5+12)]`

`=[(22, -22, 21), (-21, 22, -21), (21, -21, 22)]`

Now `A^3-6A^2+9A-4I`

`=[(22, -22, 21), (-21, 22, -21), (21, -21, 22)]-[(36, -30, 30), (-30, 36, -30), (30, -30, 36)]` `+[(18, -9, 9), (-9, 18, -9), (9, -9, 18)]` `-[(4, 0, 0), (0, 4, 0), (0, 0, 4)]`

`=[(22-36+18-4, -21+30-9-0, 21-30+9-0), (-21+30-9-0, 22-36+8-4, -21+30-9-), (21-30+9-0, -21+30-9-0, 22-36+18-4)]`

`=[(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)]=0`

Thus `A^3-6A^2+9A-4I=0`

Pre-multiplying by `A^-1` on both sides, we get


`=>A^-1A^3-6A^-1A^2` `+9A^-1A-4A^-1 I=0`


`=>A^-1 =1/4 (A^2-6A+9I)`

`=1/4([(6, -5, 5), (-5, 6, -5), (5, -5, 6)]-6[(2, -1, 1), (-1, 2, -1), (1, -1, 2)]` `+9[(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)])`

`=1/4([(6, -5, 5), (-5, 6, -5), (5, -5, 6)]-[(12, -6, 6), (-6, 12, -6), (6, -6, 12)]` `+[(9, 0, 0), (0, 9, 0), (0, 0, 9)])`

`1/4[(6-12+9, -5+6+0, 5-6+0), (-5+6+0, 6-12+9, -5+6+0), (5-6+0, -5+6+0, 6-12+9)]`

=`1/4[(3, 1, -1), (1, 3, 1), (-1, 1, 3)]`

Thus `A^-1=1/4[(3, 1, -1), (1, 3, 1), (-1, 1, 3)]`

Question:17 .

Let A be a non singular square matrix of order `3xx3` Then |adj A| is equal to






We know that (adj A)A=|A|I

`=|A|[(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)]`

Now `|(adj A).A|=[(|A|, 0, 0), (0, |A|, 0), (0, 0, |A|)]`

`|(adj A)||A|`

`=|A|^3[(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)]=|A|^3.I `

` :.|adj A| |A|^2`Thus answer is (B).


If A is an invertible matrix of order 2 then det (A^-1)is equal to






we know that `A A^-1 =I`




Thus answer is (B).

