Math Twelve

Determinants NCERT Solutions

NCERT Exercise 4.6

Examine the consistenncy of the system of equations in Exercises 1 to 6

Question:1 .




The system of equation canbe written in the form AX=B, where

`A=[(1, 2), (2, 3)],X` ` =[(x), (y)]and B=[(2), (3)]`

Now `|A|=|(1, 2), (2, 3)|`


So the system of equation is conssistent.

Question:2 .




The system of equations can be written in the form AX + B,where

`A= [(2, -1), (1, 1)]X` ` =[(x), (y)]and B=[(5), (4)]`

Now `|A|= |(2, -1), (1, 1)|`


Sothe system of equations is consistent.

Question:3 .




The system of equations can be written in the from AX=B, where

`A= [(1, 3), (2, 6)]X` ` =[(x), (y)]and B=[(5), (8)]`

Now `|A|= [(1, 3), (2, 6)]`


So the system of equations is inconsistent.

Question:4 .





The system of equations can be written in the form AX=B,

Where `A=[(1, 1, 1 ), (2, 3, 2), (a, a, 2a)],X` `[(x), (y), (z)]and B=[(1), (2), (4)]`

Now `|A|=[(1, 1, 1 ), (2, 3, 2), (a, a, 2a)]`

`=1(6a-2a)-1(4a-2a)` `+1(2a-3a)`


so the system of equations is consitent.

Question:5 .






The system of equations can be written in the form AX=B.

Where `A=[(3, -1, -2), (0, 2, -1), (3, -5, 0)],X`

`=[(x), (y), (z)]and B=[(2), (-1), (3)]`

Now `|A|=|(3, -1, -2), (0, 2, -1), (3, -5, 0)|`



So the system of equations is inconsitent.

Question:6 .





The system of equations can be written in the form AX=B

Where `A=[(5, -1, 4), (2, 3, 5), (5, 2, 6)],X`

`=[(x), (y), (z)]and B=[(5), (2), (1)]`

Now `|A|=[(5, -1, 4), (2, 3, 5), (5, 2, 6)]`

`=3(18+10)-(-1)(12-25)` `+4(-4-15)`


So the systemm of equations is consistent.

Solve system of linear equations, using matrix method in Exercises 7 to 14.

Question:7 .




The system of equations can be written in the form AX=B

Where `A=[(5, 2), (7, 3)],X`

`=[(x), (y)]and B=[(4), (5)]`

Now `|A|=[(5, 2), (7, 3)]`


`:. A_11=3A_12=-7,A_21` `=-2,A_22=5`

`:. adj A=[(3, -7), (-2, 5)]=` `[(3, -2), (-7, 5)]`

`:.A^-1=1/|A|adj A`

`=1/1[(3, -2), (-7, 5)]` `=[(3, -2), (-7, 5)]`


`[(x), (y)]=[(3, -2), (-7, 5)][(4), (5)]`

`=[(12-10), (-28+25)]` `=[(2), (-3)]`

`:. x-2and y=-3`.

Question:8 .




The system of equations can be written in the form AX= B,

Where `A=[(2, -1), (3, 4)],X`

`=[(x), (y)]and B=[(-2), (3)]`

Now `|A|=[(2, -1), (3, 4)]`


`:.A_11=4,A_12= -3,A_21`

`=-(-1)=1, A_22=2`

`:. adj A =[(4, -3), (1, 2)]`

`:.=[(4, 1), (-3, 2)]`

`:.A^-1=1/|A| adj A`

`=1/11[(4, 1), (-3, 2)]`

`=1/11[(4, 1), (-3, 2)]`


`[(x), (y)]=`

`1/11[(4, 1), (-3, 2)][(-2), (3)]`

`=1/11[(8+3), (6+6)]=[(-5/11), (12/11)]`

`:. x=-5/11 and y=12/11`

Question: 9 .




The systemm of equations can be written in the form AX = B,

Where `A=[(4, -3), (3, -5)],X`

`=[(x), (y)]and B=[(3), (7)]`

Now `|A|=[(4, -3), (3, -5)]`

`=-20-(-9)` `=-20+9=-11`

`:.A_11=-5,A_12= -3,A_21`

`=-(-3)=3, A_22=4`

`adj A=[(-5, 3), (3, 4)]` `[(-5, 3), (-3, 4)]`

`:.A^-1=1/|A| adj A`

`=1/-11[(-5, 3), (-3, 4)]`

`=1/11[(5, -3), (3, -4)]`


`[(x), (y)]=`

`1/11[(5, -3), (3, -4)][(3), (7)]`

`=1/11[(15-21), (9-28)]`

=`[(-6/11), (-19/11)]`

`:.x=-6/11 and y=19/11`

Question:10 .




The system of equations can bewritten in the form AX = B,

Where `A =[(5, 2), (3, 2)],X=`

`[(x), (y)]and B =[(3), (5)]`

Now `|A| =|(5, 2), (3, 2)|`

`=10 -6=4`

`:.A_11=2,A_12= -3,A_21`


`adj A=[(2, -3), (-2, 5)]` `[(2, -2), (-3, 5)]`

`:.A^-1=1/|A| adj A`

`=1/4[(2, -2), (-3, 5)]`

`1/4 [(2, -2), (-3, 5)]`


`[(x), (y)]=`

`1/4[(2, -2), (-3, 5)][(3), (5)]`

`:.1/4[(6-10),(-9+25)]` `=1/4[(-4), (16)]=[(-1), (4)]`

`:. x=-1 and y =4`

