Acid Base & Salt - Class 10th Science

Base in Water Solution

When a base is dissolved in water it dissociates hydroxide ions (OH).


When sodium hydroxide is dissolved in water it produces hydroxide ion.

 dissociation of sodium hydroxide in water 66

When calcium hydroxide is dissolved in water, it produces hydroxide ion.

 dissociation of calcium hydroxide in water 67

When potassium hydroxide is dissolved in water it produces hydroxide ion.

 dissociation of potassium hydroxide in water 68

When ammonium hydroxide is dissolved in water, it produces hydroxide ion.

 dissociation of ammonium hydroxide in water 69

Magnesium hydroxide, a base, is not fully soluble in water, but it gives hydroxide ion when dissolved in water.

 dissociation of magnesium hydroxide in water 70

Ammonia gas is basic in character and soluble in water. When ammonia gas is dissolved in water it gives ammonium hydroxide. This ammonium hydroxide dissociates hydroxide ion.

reaction of ammonia with water 71 reaction of ammonia water 72

ammonia + water 73

Is a base produce hydroxide ion in absence of water?

Similar to acid base also not produced hydroxide ion in absence of water. However base produce hydroxide ions in molten state. This is the cause that a base conducts electricity in molten form.

How neutralization reaction takes place:

Acid produces hydrogen ions and base produces hydroxide ions. Thus when an acid and base react, hydrogen ions produced by acid and hydroxide ions produced by base combined together and water molecules are formed. Because of formation of water molecule by hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion reaction mixture becomes neutralize. Along with water molecule respective salt is also formed in a neutralization reaction.

In other words hydrogen ions of an acid and hydroxide ions of a base neutralize each other.

Acid + Base ⇒ Salt + Water

General reaction of acid and base 74

Where, X is anion (negative ion) of an acid and M is the cation (positive ion) of a base.

Formation of water by the reaction of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions 75