Motion In a Straight Line - 11th physics

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Velocity-Time Graph

Velocity-Time Graph for Some Simple Cases

Case (a) Motion of an object with positive direction and positive acceleration.

Case (b) Motion of an object with positive direction and negative acceleration.

velocity time graph for positive motion and acceleration

Case (c) Motion of an object with negative direction and negative acceleration.

velocity time graph for both motion and acceleration are negative

Case (d) Motion of an object with negative acceleration that changes its direction at time t1. Between times 0 and t1, it moves in positive x–dirction and between time t1 and t2 it moves in the opposite direction.

Calculation of Displacement using velocity-time graph

In velocity-time graph of a moving object the area under the curve represents the displacement over a given time interval.

Let a velocity-time graph of an object which is moving with a constant speed u.

Again, let this object is moving between time t = 0 and t = T

Thus, Velocity-Time graph of this moving object is

velocity time graph of an object with uniform motion

Thus, distance covered by this moving object = Area under the rectangle formed in the graph of height u and base T

= Length × Height

= u × T = uT

Thus, Area of the rectangle = uT

This Area of the rectangle = Distance covered by the moving object = uT

This area uT is equal to the displacement in the given time interval of 0 and T.

Thus, using velocity-time graph the displacement of the moving object can be calculated.

It should be noted that physically acceleration and velocity cannot change values abruptly at an instant. Rather Changes are always continuous.

Kinematic Equations For Uniformly Accelerated Motion

Let a particle is moving with constant acceleration a.

Again let the initial velocity at time 0 is equal to u

And the velocity at time t = v

Therefore, Acceleration


`=>dv =a\ dt `

After integrating both sides, we get

` int_(u)^(v) dv = int_(0)^(t)adt`

Here as time changes from 0 to t the velocity changes from u to v.

Thus after evaluating the integral, we get

` [v]_u^v = a[t]_0^t `

⇒ v – = at

⇒ v = u + at - - - - - (i)

Now, above equation can be written as

` (dx)/(dt) = u + at`

`=> dx = (u +at)dt`

After integrating both side

` => int_0^xdx=int_0^t(u+at)dt`

[At t = 0 the particle is at x = 0. As time changes from 0 to t the position changes from 0 to x.]

` =>[x]_0^x=int_0^tu\ dt + int_0^tatdt `



`=>x=ut+1/2at^2` - - - - - (ii)

Now, from equation (i) we have

v = u + at

After squaring both sides, we get

v2 = (u + at)2

⇒ v2 = u2 + 2 uat + a2t2

⇒ v2 = 2a(ut + 1/2 at2)

[After substituting the value x= ut + 1/2 at2 from equation (ii)]

⇒ v2 = u2 + 2ax - - - - (iii)

Thus, we get three equations for an object in motion in a straight line with constant or uniform acceleration.




The values of quantities initial velocity (u), final velocity (v) and acceleration (a) are taken positive or negative depending on the direction along the positive or negative.

Free Fall

If an object is released under the earth gravity from a height and air resistance is considered neglected, the object falls downwards, this is called Free Fall.

In the free fall the magnitude of acceleration of the falling object is represented by g. And g, the gravity of earth is taken to be equal to 9.8 ms–2.

Thus free fall is a case of motion in a straight line with constant acceleration.

In the case of downwards fall, the gravity (g) is taken negative and is equal to – 9.8 ms–2

But when an object is thrown straight in upward direction, the gravity of earth (g) is taken as positive.

Relative Velocity

Velocity of one object in respect with other one is called relative velocity.

Let two object A and B are moving uniformly with average velocities vA and vB in one dimension, say along x-axis in the same direction.

And if xA(0) and xB(o) are positions of objects A and B, respectively at time t=0, thus, their position xA(t) and xB(t) at time time t are given by:

xA(t) = xA(o) + vAt

xB(t) = xB(o) + vBt

Then, the displacement from object A to object B is given by

xBA(t) = x B(t) – x A(t)

= [xB(o) – x A(o)] + (vB – vA)t

Above equation tells that as seen from object A, object B has a velocity vB – vA because the displacement from A to B changes steadily by the amount vB–vA in each unit of time.

Thus, we say that the velocity of object B relative to object A is vB–vA

That is vBA=vB – vA

Similarly, velocity of object A relative to object B is

vAB=vA – vB

This shows that, vBA = –vAB

Three Cases of Relative Velocity

Let two objects A and B are in motion in same direction along a straight line and their velocities are vA and vB.

Case–I: When Velocity of two Objects are Same

Now, if vA (Velocity of object A) = vB (velocity of object B)

Therefore the displacement of object (xBA)

= xB(t)–xA = xB(0) – xA(0)

This means that the displacements of objects B and object A after time t are equal.

That is the given two objects stay at a constant distance (xB – xA(0)) apart.

 position time graph for two objects with equal velocities

In this case the velocities of both of the objects are equal, the position–time graphs are straight line parallel to each other. And the relative velocity vBA or vAB is zero in this case.

Case–II: When Velocity of Object B is greater than the Velocity of Object A

In this case the velocity of object B is greater than the velocity of object A

This means, vB > vA

This, vB–vA is negative.

position time graph when velocity of one object is greater than other

In this case in the velocity-time graph the graph of one object is steeper than the other and they meet at a common point.

Case–III: When Velocities of Objects have opposite sign

If velocities of objects have opposite signs. This means that the velocity of one object is positive while the velocity of other object is negative.

This means, the velocity of object B = –vB

And the velocity of object A = vA

This means objects are moving in opposite direction.

position time graph when velocities are in opposite direction

In this case of velocities having opposite signs in position-time graph, the both graphs meet at a common point.
