Plants Around Us

Science Four

Aquatic Plants

(2) Plants that grow in water (Aquatic Plants)

There are many plants grow in water. For example – water lily, lotus, water lettuce, duckweed, etc. Plants that grow in water are called Aquatic plants.

The word ‘Aqua’ means water. Thus, plants that grow in water get name as Aquatic plants.

Aquatic plants grow in ponds, lake and other water bodies.

Some aquatic plants float on water and some remain fixed in water. Some of them grow even under water. Thus, aquatic plants can be divided into following three types:

Floating aquatic plants

These types of plants float on water. Their stem and leaves are hollow and filled with air. They are very light weight. These quality keep them floating in the water. They move because of wind and water current. Roots of floating aquatic plants do not go to the bed of the water. Water lettuce, water hyacinth and duck weed are some examples of floating plant.

Fixed aquatic plants

Fixed aquatic plants generally grow into ponds and lakes. Their roots are attached to the bed of the water body. Their stems are hollow and leaves are broad. Hollow stems and broad leaves keep them floating above the water surface. Water lily, lotus, etc. are some of the example of fixed aquatic plants.

The stem of lotus is eaten as vegetable and is also known as Kamal Kakari.

Underwater plants

Plants that grow under the water are called Underwater Plants. Hydrilla is a example of underwater plant. Hydrilla and other water plants help to increase the oxygen level in water and remove carbon dioxide from it. Increasing of oxygen in the water helps in making water suitable for fish and other aquatic animals to get enough oxygen to survive.

Plants are very important for animals whether they live on land, in air, on trees or in water as all animals depend on plants.

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