Body Movements: science class six

NCERT Exercises and asnwer

Question (1) Fill in the blanks

(a) Joints of the bones help in the _________ of the body.

Answer: Joints of the bones help in the movement of the body.

(b) A combination of bones and cartilages form the _______ of the body.

Answer: A combination of bones and cartilages form the skeleton of the body.

(c) The bones at the elbow are joined by a ______ joint.

Answer: The bones at the elbow are joined by a hinge joint.

(d) The contraction of the _______ pulls the bones during movement.

Answer: The contraction of the muscles pulls the bones during movement.

Question (2) Indicate true (T) and false (F) among the following sentences.

(a) The movement and locomotion of all animals is exactly the same.

Answer: False

Correct statement: The movement and locomotion of all animals is not same.

(b) The cartilage are harder than bones.

Answer: False

Correct statement: The cartilage are softer than bones.

(c ) The finger bones do not have joints.

Answer: False

Correct statement: The finger bones also have joints.

(d) The fore arm has two bones.

Answer: True

(e) Cockroaches have an outer skeleton.

Answer: True

Question (3) Match the items in column I with one or more items of column II.

Column I Column II
Upper jaw have fins on the body
Fish has an outer skeleton
Ribs can fly in the air
Snail is an immovable joint
Cockroach protect the heart
shows very slow movement
have a streamlined body

Column I Column II
Upper jaw is an immovable joint.
Fish have fins on the body. have a streamlined body.
Ribs protect the heart
Snail shows very slow movement
Cockroach has an outer skeleton. can fly in the air.

Question (4) Answer the following

(a) What is a ball and socket joint?

Answer: The round, ball–like end of a bone fits into the same-size socket of the other bone. This kind of joint is called ball and socket joint.

(b) Which of the skull bones are movable?

Answer: Only lower jaw of the skull bones are movables.

(c) Why can our elbow not move backwards?

Answer: Our elbow has hinge joint. The bones with hinge joints allow the movement only in one direction like the hinge of a door. So, our elbow cannot move backwards.

Extra Questions:

(1)Write "T" for true and "F" for false statement -

(a) A adult skeleton have 206 types of bones.

Answer: True

(b) Hinge joint is present at the joints of the bones of our ankle.

Answer: True

(c) Snake has six pair of legs.

Answer: False

Correct statement: Snake has no legs.

(d) Cockroaches can't fly.

Answer: False

Correct statement: Cockroaches can fly.

(e) Birds can fly and walk both.

Answer: True

(f) The facial skeleton consists of seven bones.

Answer: True

(g) The vertebrae have pivot joints.

Answer: True

(h) The total number of bones present in human body is 206.

Answer: True

(i) The total number of ribs present in the rib cage is 16 pair.

Answer: False.

Correct statement: The total number of ribs present in rib cage is 24. i.e. 12 pairs.

(j) The largest bone of the human body is femur.

Answer: True

(2) Choose the correct option for the questions given below -

(i) Which of the following has seven bones?

(a) Vertebrae.

(b) Index finger

(c) Facial skeleton

(d) Ring finger

Answer: (c) Facial skeleton

(ii) Snake's movement on the ground is called

(a) Slithering

(b) Walking

(c) Running

(d) Swimming

Answer: (a) Slithering

(iii) Movement of only part of a body is called

(a) Locomotion

(b) Movement

(c) Transition

(d) Walking

Answer: (b) Movement

(iv) Which type of joint our ankle has?

(a) Hinge joint

(b) Saddle joint

(c) Gliding joint

(d) Pivot joint

Answer: (a) Hinge joint

(v) Which type of joint present in our elbow?

(a) Hinge joint

(b) Saddle joint

(c) Gliding joint

(d) Pivot joint

Answer: (a) Hinge joint

(3) Answer the following questions

(a) What is the name of movable part of the skull?

Answer: The name of movable part of the skull is lower jaw

(b) Which type of body shape a bird has?

Answer: A bird has boat shaped body.

(c) What is the name of hip bone?

Answer: Name of hip bone is pelvis

(d) How many legs a cockroach has?

Answer: Cockroach has three pairs of legs

(4) Short answer type question

(a) What is the function of spinal cord?

Answer: Spinal cord keeps our body straight and it helps us during walking, moving, and sitting etc.

(b) What do you mean by skeleton system?

Answer: The framework of bones which support and give a particular shape to the body of an animal is called skeleton system.

(b) What happens if we do not have skeleton?

Answer: If we do not have skeleton system our body have not a definite shape. We cannot walk, run and sit.

(c) What are the examples of hinge joints?

Answer: Joints present in elbow, knee and foot are examples of hinge joints.

(d) What is the function of fins and tails in the movement of a fish?

Answer: The tails and fins helps steer the body in motion.

(e) Name the organs that are protected by the rib cage.

Answer: Rib cage protects heart and lungs.

(f) Explain the movement of an earthworm.

Answer: Earthworms move by contraction and expanding their bodies.

(g) What makes birds fly?

Answer: Feather present on the body of a bird makes it fly.

(4) Long answer type question

(a) Explain the movement of snake.

Answer: Snake moves very fast. It moves in S–shaped loops and in a zig–zag manner. A snake cannot move in a straight line. Snake has a long backbone running along the length of their body. A snake while moving makes many loops on its side. The forward push of the loops against the surface makes the snake move forward.


