NCERT Exercise 4.3 Solution

Simple Equations 7th Math

NCERT Exercise 4.3 Solution

Question (1) Solve the following equations

Question (1) (a) 2y + 5/2 = 37/2


Given, 2y + 5/2 = 37/2

After subtracting 5/2 from both sides, we get

2y + 5/25/2 = 37/25/2

⇒ 2 y = 37 – 5/2

⇒ 2 y = 32/2

⇒ 2y = 16

After dividing both sides by 2, we get

2y/2 = 16/2

⇒ y = 8

Thus, y = 8 Answer

Alternate Method to solve an equation

Given, 2y + 5/2 = 37/2

After transposing 5/2 to RHS

[When a digit or variable is transposed to other side, its sign changes]

Thus, 5/2 will become – 5/2 when transposed to RHS

Thus, 2y = 37/25/2

⇒ 2y = 37 – 5/2

⇒ 2y = 32/2

⇒ 2y = 16

After transposing 2 to RHS, we get

When a number or digit which is in multiple in one side is transposed to other side, it goes in denominator.

Thus, here 2 becomes 1/2 after transposing to RHS

Thus, y = 16/2

⇒ y = 8

Thus, y = 8 Answer

Question (1)(b) 5t + 28 = 10


Given, 5t + 28 = 10

After subtracting 28 from both sides, we get

5t + 28 – 28 = 10 – 28

⇒ 5t = – 18

After dividing both sides by 5, we get

5 t/5 = – 18/5

⇒ t = – 18/5 Answer

Alternate Method to solve an equation

Given, 5t + 28 = 10

After transposing 28 to RHS

[When a digit or variable is transposed to other side, its sign changes]

Thus, 28 will become – 28 when transposed to RHS

⇒ 5t = 10 – 28

⇒ 5t = – 18

After transposing 5 to RHS, we get

When a number or digit which is in multiple in one side is transposed to other side, it goes in denominator.

Thus, here 5 becomes 1/5 after transposing to RHS

Thus, t = – 18/5 Answer

Question (1) (c) a/5 + 3 = 2


Given, a/5 + 3 = 2

After subtracting 3 from both sides, we get

a/5 + 3 – 3 = 2 – 3

a/5 = – 1

After multiplying both sides with 5 we get

a/5 × 5 = – 1 × 5

⇒ a = – 5 Answer

Alternate Method to solve an equation

Given, a/5 + 3 = 2

After transposing 3 to RHS

[When a digit or variable is transposed to other side, its sign changes]

Thus, +3 will become –3 when transposed to RHS

a/5 = 2 – 3

a/5 = – 1

After transposing 5 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in denominator is transposed to other side, it is multiplied in other side]

Here, since 5 is in LHS in denominator, thus, it will become in multiplication in RHS

⇒ a = –1 × 5

⇒ a = –5 Answer

Question (1)(d)q/4 + 7 = 5


Given, q/4 + 7 = 5

After subtracting 7 from both sides, we get

q/4 + 7 – 7 = 5 – 7

q/4 = – 2

After multiplying both sides with 4, we get

q/4 × 4 = – 2 × 4

⇒ q = – 8 Answer

Alternate Method to solve an equation

Given, q/4 + 7 = 5

After transposing 7 to RHS

[When a digit or variable is transposed to other side, its sign changes]

Thus, + 7 will become – 7 when transposed to RHS

q/4 = 5 – 7

q/4 = – 2

After transposing 4 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in denominator is transposed to other side, it is multiplied in other side]

Here, since 4 is in LHS in denominator, thus, it will become in multiplication in RHS

⇒ q = – 2 × 4

⇒ q = – 8 Answer

Question (1)(e) 5/2 x = – 10


After multiplying both sides with 2, we get

5/2 x × 2 = – 10 × 2

⇒ 5 x = – 20

After dividing both sides with 5, we get

5x/5 = – 20/5

⇒ x = – 4 Answer

Alternate Method to solve an equation

Given, 5/2 x = – 10

After transposing 2 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in denominator is transposed to other side, it is multiplied in other side]

Here, since 2 is in LHS in denominator, thus, it will become in multiplication in RHS

⇒ 5 x = – 10× 2

⇒ 5 x = – 20

After transposing 5 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in multiple goes to division after transposing to other side]

Here, 5 will become in division, i.e. goes to denominator after transposing to RHS

⇒ x = – 20/5

x = – 4 Answer

Question (1) (f)5/2 x = 25/4


Given, 5/2 x = 25/4

After multiplying both sides with 2, we get

5/2 𝓍 × 2 = 25/4 × 2

⇒ 5 x = 50/4

After dividing both sides by 5, we get

5 x/5 = 50/4 × 5

⇒ x = 10/4

x = 5/2 Answer

Alternate Method to solve an equation

Given, 5/2 x = 25/4

After transposing 2 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in denominator is transposed to other side, it is multiplied in other side]

Here, since 2 is in LHS in denominator, thus, it will become in multiplication in RHS

5x = 25 × 2/4

⇒ 5 x = 50/4

After transposing 5 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in multiple goes to division after transposing to other side]

Here, 5 will become in division, i.e. goes to denominator after transposing to RHS

⇒ x = 50/4 × 5

⇒ x = 10/4

⇒ x = 5/2 Answer

Question (1) (g) 7 m + 19/2 = 13


Given, 7 m + 19/2 = 13

After subtracting 19/2 from both sides, we get

⇒ 7m + 19/219/2 = 13 – 19/2

⇒ 7 m = 26 – 19/2

⇒ 7 m = 7/2

After dividing both sides by 7, we get

7m/7 = 7/2 × 7

⇒m = 1/2 Answer

Alternate Method to solve an equation

Given, 7 m + 19/2 = 13

After transposing 19/2 to RHS

[When a digit or variable is transposed to other side, its sign changes]

Thus, 19/2 will become – 19/2 when transposed to RHS

⇒ 7 m = 13 – 19/2

⇒ 7 m = 26 – 19/2

⇒ 7 m = 7/2

After transposing 7 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in multiple goes to division after transposing to other side]

Here, 7 will become in division, i.e. goes to denominator after transposing to RHS

⇒ m = 7/2 × 7

⇒ m = 1/2 Answer

Question(1) (h) 6z + 10= – 2


Given, 6z + 10 = – 2

After subtracting 10 from both sides, we get

⇒ 6z + 10 – 10 = – 2 – 10

⇒ 6z = 12

After dividing both sides by 6, we get

6z/6 = – 12/6

⇒ z = –2 Answer

Alternate Method to solve an equation

Given, 6z + 10 = – 2

After transposing 10 to RHS

[When a digit or variable is transposed to other side, its sign changes]

Thus, +10 will become –10 when transposed to RHS

⇒ 6z = – 2 – 10

⇒ 6z = –– ansposing 6 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in multiple goes to division after transposing to other side]

Here, 6 will become in division, i.e. goes to denominator after transposing to RHS

6z/6 = – 12/6

⇒ z = – 2 Answer

Question(1) (i) 3ℓ/2 = 2/3


Given, 3ℓ/2 = 2/3

After multiplying both sides by 2, we get

3ℓ/2 × 2 = 2/3 × 2

⇒ 3 ℓ = 4/3

After dividing both sides by 3, we get

3 ℓ/3 = 4/3 × 3

⇒ ℓ = 4/9 Answer

Alternate Method to solve an equation

Given, 3ℓ/2 = 2/3

After transposing 2 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in denominator is transposed to other side, it is multiplied in other side]

Here, since 2 is in LHS in denominator, thus, it will become in multiplication in RHS

⇒3 ℓ = 2 × 2/3

⇒ 3ℓ = 4/3

After transposing 3 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in multiple goes to division after transposing to other side]

Here, 3 will become in division, i.e. goes to denominator after transposing to RHS

⇒ℓ = 4/3 × 3

⇒ ℓ = 4/9 Answer

Question (1) (j) 2b/3 – 5 = 3


Given, 2 b/3 – 5 = 3

After adding 5 to both sides, we get

2b/3 – 5 + 5 = 3 + 5

2b/3 = 8

After multiplying both sides by 3, we get

2 b/3 ×3 = 8 × 3

⇒ 2b = 24

After dividing both sides by 2, we get

2b/2 = 24/2

⇒ b = 12 Answer

Alternate Method to solve an equation

Given, 2b/3 – 5 = 3

After transposing – 5 to RHS

[When a digit or variable is transposed to other side, its sign changes]

Thus, – 5 will become +5 when transposed to RHS

2b/3 = 3 + 5

2b/3 = 8

After transposing 3 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in denominator is transposed to other side, it is multiplied in other side]

Here, since 3 is in LHS in denominator, thus, it will become in multiplication in RHS

⇒ 2b = 8 × 3

⇒ 2b = 24

After transposing 2 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in multiple goes to division after transposing to other side]

Here, 2 will become in division, i.e. goes to denominator after transposing to RHS

⇒ b = 24/2

⇒ b = 12 Answer

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