


Conversion of decimal into percent

To convert a decimal into percentage do the following steps:

(1) Multiply the given decimal with 100

(2) Omit the decimal by multiplying denominator with required number of ‘10’

(3) Do the required calculation to reduce the get expression or fraction to its lowest form

(4) Add a percent sign

(5) Get number or fraction will be the answer

Example –

(1) Convert 1.5 into percent


Given, 1.5

Step 1 – Multiply with 100

= 1.5 x 100

Step 2 – Multiply the denominator by 10. (Since, there one digit after the decimal, i.e. 1.5)

math percentage73

Step 3 – Do the required calculation to reduce the get expression to its lowest form

math percentage74

Step 4 – Suffix percent (%) sign

= 150%

Alternate method:

Given, 1.5

Step: 1 – Multiply the given number by 100

=1.5 x 100

Step 2 – Get the result of multiplication

= 1500

Step 3 – Here given, number (decimal) is equal to 1.5, Here there is one digit after the decimal. Thus, place decimal after one digit from left

= 150.0

Step – 4 – Since there is only one zero after the decimal, and there is no digit after that zero, so omit the zero

= 150

Step – 5 – Add a percent sign to get the required percent. This is the required answer

= 150%

(2) Convert 1.25 into percent


Given, 1.25

= 1.25 x 100

Since, here there are two digits after the decimal, so multiply denominator with 100 (i.e. 10 x 10)

math percentage75

Alternate method:

Given, 1.25

= 1.25 x 100

= 125.00

= 125% Answer

(3) Convert 0.25 into percent


Given, 0.25

= 0.25 x 100

math percentage76

Alternate method:

Given, 0.25

= 0.25 x 100

= 25.00

= 25% Answer

(4) Convert 0.0005 into percent


Given, 0.0005

math percentage77

Alternate method:

Given, 0.0005

= 0.0005 x 100

= 0.0500

= 0.05% Answer

Questions based on Conversion of Decimal into Fraction and their solution

Question: (1) Convert 0.3% into fraction


Given, 0.3%

math percentage57

Question: (2) Convert 0.4% into fraction


Given, 0.4%

math percentage58

Question: (3)Convert 0.05% into fraction


Given, 0.05%

math percentage59

Question: (4) Convert 0.03% into fraction


Given, 0.03%

math percentage60

Question: (5) Convert 1.5% into fraction


Given, 1.5%

math percentage61

Question: (6) Convert 2.5% into fraction


Given, 2.5%

math percentage62

Question: (7) Convert 1.25% into fraction


Given, 1.25%

math percentage63

Question: (8) Convert 25.5% into fraction


Given, 25.5%

math percentage64

Question: (9) Convert 425.5% into fraction


Given, 425.5%

math percentage65

Question: (10) Convert 2.25% into fraction


Given, 2.25%

math percentage66

MCQs Test

