


Conversion of Decimal into Percentage-part-3

Question: (21) Convert 0.01 into percentage

Solution : Given, 0.01

math percentage88

[Note: To omit decimal from numerator place number of zero equal to digits after decimal in numerator to the denominator and vice versa]

Alternate method:

Given, 0.01

= 0.01 x 100

= 01.00

= 1% Answer

Question: (22) Convert 0.02 into percent

Solution: Given, 0.02

math percentage89

Alternate method:

Given, 0.02

= 0.02 x 100

= 02.00

= 2% Answer

Question: (23) Convert 0.03 into percent

Solution: Given, 0.03

math percentage90

Alternate method:

Given, 0.03

= 0.03 x 100

= 03.00

= 3% Answer

Question: (24) Convert 0.04 into percent

Solution: Given, 0.04

math percentage91

Alternate method:

Given, 0.04

= 0.04 x 100

= 04.00

= 4% Answer

Question: (25) Convert 0.05 into percent

Solution: Given, 0.05

math percentage92

Alternate method:

Given, 0.05

= 0.05 x 100

= 05.00

= 5% Answer

Question: (26) Convert 0.001 into percent

Solution: Given, 0.001

math percentage93

Alternate method:

Given, 0.001

= 0.001 x 100

= 00.100

=0.1% Answer or

math percentage94

Question: (27) Convert 0.002 into percent

Solution: Given, 0.002

math percentage95

Alternate method:

Given, 0.002

= 0.002 x 100

= 00.200

=0.2% Answer or

math percentage96

Question: (28) Convert 0.003 into percent

Solution: Given, 0.003

math percentage97

Alternate method:

Given, 0.003

= 0.003 x 100

= 00.300

=0.3% Answer or

math percentage98

Question: (29) Convert 0.004 into percent

Solution: Given, 0.004

math percentage99

Alternate method:

Given, 0.004

= 0.004 x 100

= 00.400

=0.4% Answer or

math percentage100

Question: (30) Convert 0.005 into percent

Solution: Given, 0.005

math percentage101

Alternate method:

Given, 0.005

= 0.005 x 100

= 00.500

=0.5% Answer or

math percentage102

MCQs Test

