Food and Nutrition

Science Four

One or two words answer type questions

Write names the following [in one or two words]

Question: 1 - Vitamin good for eye sight.

Answer-Vitamin A

Question: 2 - Vitamin required for healthy bones and teeth.

Answer- Vitamins D

Question: 3 - Two minerals needed for bones and teeth.

Answer - Calcium and Minerals

Question: 4 - Mineral required for healthy skin and nerves.

Answer: Iron

Question: 5 - Vitamin required for healthy skin and nerves.

Answer - Vitamin B.

Question: 6 – Nutrients that give energy.

Answer - Carbohydrates and fats

Question: 7 - It helps in growth.

Answer - Protein.

Question: 8 – Contains no proteins but necessary in food we take.

Answer: Roughage

Question: 9 – It helps in formation of haemoglobin.

Answer: Iron.

Question: 10 – Sources of roughage.

Answer: Green leafy vegetables and fruits.

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