
Science Four

Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks with suitable word.

Question: 1. Insects have usually _______legs.

Answer: six

Question: 2. Insects have ________pair of wings.

Answer: two

Question: 3. The process of shifting of pollen grains from one place to another is called _____________.

Answer: Pollination

Question: 4 Flower produces a sweet liquid called _____.

Answer: Nectar.

Question: 5. Butterflies are attracted to _________flowers.

Answer: fresh

Question: 6. The silk thread is obtained from __________.

Answer: Cocoons

Question: 7. Honeybees suck_______ from flowers.

Answer: nectar

Question: 8. Lac insect usually grow on ___________ tree.

Answer: banyan

Question: 9. Malaria is spread by the bite of female______________.

Answer: Anopheles mosquito

Question: 10. The six chambers of a beehive are called__________.

Answer: honey combs

Question: 11 ________ and ____________ are stinging insects.

Answer: Wasp, honeybees

Question: 12. Spider has ___________ legs.

Answer: eight.

Question: 13. Houseflies spread diseases like diarrhoea, ____________ and ____________.

Answer: cholera, jaundice.

Question: 14. Dengue is spread by the bite of ___________ mosquito.

Answer: Aedes.

Question: 15. We get silk from __________.

Answer: Silk moth

Question: 16. Lac is used in making of _________, _________ and ____________.

Answer: paints, varnishes, bangles.

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