Need and Conservation of Water

Science Four

Short answer type questions

Answer the following question in one or two words

Question: 1. Cutting of trees in large numbers is called what?

Answer: Deforestation

Question: 2. Collecting of rain water for use is called what?

Answer: rain water harvesting.

Question: 3. Save of water is called what?

Answer: Water conservation.

Question: 4. What is the name of process to clean water using filters?

Answer: Purification.

Question: 5. Method of removing dust and other particles from water using filters is called what?

Answer: Filtration.

Question: 6. Write the name of one disease caused by drinking of contaminated water.

Answer: Jaundice.

Question: 7. Write the name of one source of fresh water.

Answer: rivers.

Question: 8. Glaciers are source of which type of water?

Answer: Fresh.

Question: 9. Oceans contains which type of water?

Answer: Salty or saline.

Question: 10. Write the name of one cause which leads to water scarcity.

Answer: Growing population.

Question: 11. What do you understand by potable water?

Answer: drinking water.

Question: 12. What makes rain water acidic?

Answer: Harmful gases present in air.

Question: 13. Can living beings survive without water?

Answer: No.

Question: 14. Should we close the water tap after use?

Answer: Yes.

Question: 15. What does chlorination do?

Answer: Purification of water.

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