Plants and Roots

Science Four

Questions - Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words

Question: 1- Baniyan and maize plants have ________ root for extra support.

Answer – aerial.

Question: 2- Carrot and radish are _ _ _ _ _ _ _root.

Answer – edible Or Answer – tap

Question: 3 - Mangroves are found in________.

Answer - marshy areas.

Question: 4 - Underground part of a plant is called __________

Answer - root

Question: 5 - Roots absorb __________and ________ from the soil.

Answer - water and mineral.

Question: 6 - Mango and baniyan have _________Root.

Answer - Tap

Question: 7- Grass and rose have________root.

Answer: Fibrous

Question: 8 - Root are of __________types.

Answer- Two

Question: 9 – There are two types of root (a) _______ (b) ________.

Answer – (a) Tap (b) fibrous

Question: 10 - Root holds the plant _______in soil.

Answer - upright

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