Plants Around Us

Science Four

Fill in the blanks

Question: 1-Mango and peepal are found in ________.

Answer - Plains

Question: 2 - Mangroves have _________roots.

Answer - Breathing

Question: 3 – Plant of lotus have __________ stem.

Answer - Hollow

Question: 4 - Duck weed is an __________ plant.

Answer - Aquatic

Question: 5 - Lotus and water lily are found in

Answer - Water

Question: 6 - Cactus grows in ___________.

Answer - Desert

Question: 7 - Plants which grow on land are called ___________.

Answer - Terrestrial plants

Question: 8 - Plants grow in water are known as __________

Answer – Aquatic plants

Question: 9 - Cactus plant has spines on __________.

Answer - Leaves

Question: 10. ____________ have hollow stems and broad leaves

Answer – Floating plants

Question: 11- Plants which grow on _________ have conical shape.

Answer: Hilly areas

Question: 12 – Leaves of plants which grow on hilly areas have _______ like shape.

Answer: Needle

Question: 13 – Hydrilla grow in __________.

Answer: Water

Question: 14 – Hydrilla increases __________ in water.

Answer: Oxygen

Question: 15 – Evergreen forest is home of many _________.

Answer: Animals

Question: 16 – Evergreen trees do not ________ their leaves in any season.

Answer: shed

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