Water Pollution

Science Four

Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks with suitable word:

Question: 1. We should ______ drink polluted water.

Answer: not.

Question: 2. Plants cannot grow _________ water.

Answer: Without

Question: 3. Harmful gases present in atmosphere _______ rain water.

Answer: pollute.

Question: 4. Drainage must not be flown to the rivers or ponds without ________.

Answer: Treatment.

Question: 5. Bathing of cattle in rivers and ponds __________ rivers and ponds water.

Answer: pollute.

Question: 6. Eating of food made of polluted water may cause of diseases like _________ and ________.

Answer: typhoid, diarrhoea.

Question: 7. Increasing number of factories is one of the causes of ________ pollution.

Answer: water.

Question: 8. Water is ______ ________ for many plants and animals.

Answer: natural home.

Question: 9. If animals eat infected plants, they may also _________ and fallen _____.

Answer: infected, sick

Question: 10. Polluted water is not ______ to drink or to make food.

Answer: fit

Question: 11. More number of houses produces more ______ and ______.

Answer: waste, garbage.

Question: 12. Rain is one of the major sources of _____ water.

Answer: fresh.

Question: 13. Water with ___________ is called polluted water.

Answer: impurities.

Question: 14. Water is ________ for all living beings.

Answer: essential.

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