Five : Science

Food, Health and Hygiene

Long answer type questions

Answer the following questions

Question: 1- Write the name of foods which we get from plants.

Answer: We get grains, pulses, fruits, vegetables, oils, sugar etc. from plants.

Question: 2. From where do we get food?

Answer: We get food from plants and animals.

Question: 3. Write names of foods which we get from animals.

Answer– We get milk, honey, eggs, chicken, muttons etc. from animals.

Question: 4– Write the name of components of food.

Answer– There are five main components of food.

These are carbohydrate, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Question: 5. What are the main sources of carbohydrate?

Answer – Rice, wheat, maize, potato, honey and sugar are main sources of carbohydrates.

Question: 6. What are the main sources of proteins?

Answer: – Pulses, milk, eggs, mutton are the main sources of protein.

Question: 7. What are the main sources of fats?

Answer: – Meat, vegetables, oil, milk, butter, cheese, and dry fruits are main sources of fats.

Question: 8. What are the main sources of vitamins?

Answer: – Fruits, green vegetables, eggs and fish are main sources of vitamins.

Question: 9. What are the main sources of minerals we need?

Answer: Fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs and iodized salt.

Question: 10. What do you understand by nutrients?

Answer: Main components of food are called nutrients. These are carbohydrate, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Question: 11. Why do we need the carbohydrates?

Answer: – Carbohydrates gives energy and strength. So we need carbohydrates in our diet.

Question: 12 – Why do we need vitamins?

Answer: –Vitamins protects from disease. We need vitamins to keep our body fit and healthy.

Question: 13. Why minerals are important for us?

Answer:– Minerals keeps our bones strong and maintain normal heartbeats. Minerals helps to keep our body healthy and fit.

Question:14– Define a balance diet.

Answer: – A diet which contains all nutrients in proper ratio is called balance diet. A balance diet contains carbohydrate, proteins, vitamins, fats and minerals in proper ratio which we need.

Question: 15 – What do you understand by a disease? Name any five diseases.

Answer: – Disease is a state in which a function or a part of body is not work in proper way.

Diabetes, obesity, measles, malaria and cholera are name of five diseases.

Question: 16– What are communicable diseases? Explain with examples.

Answer: – Diseases which cannot spread from one to another person are called non communicable diseases. Obesity, anaemia, diabetes are some of non–communicable disease.

Question: 17– What are non–communicable diseases? Explain with examples.

Answer: – Diseases which can spread from one to another person are called communicable diseases. Tuberculosis, chickenpox, and common cold are some communicable disease.

Question: 18– What is the need of calcium in our body?

Answer: – Calcium makes ours bones and teeth strong. Lack of calcium in our diet makes bones and teeth weak.

Question: 19– What is vaccination?

Answer: – Vaccination is the use of special substance called vaccines to prevent specific diseases. Vaccines are generally given to the body using injection.

Question: 20 – What is hygiene?


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