Growing Plants
Long answer type questions
Question: 1 Why plants are useful for us?
Answer: Plants give us lots of things like food, oil, medicine, cloths, etc. Plants give us oxygen to breathe. We cannot live without plants. Thus plants are very important for us.
Question: 2 — What is germination?
Answer: The process by which a seed produces a baby plant or seedling is called germination.
Question: 3. What are essential for a seed to grow into plant?
Answer — Water, air soil and sunlight are essential for a seed to grow into plant.
Question: 4. What is dispersal of seed?
Answer — The process by which seeds are scattered away from the mother plants is called dispersal. By dispersal of seed plants reproduce their own kind.
Question: 5. Why do seeds need to be dispersed?
Answer: – For proper growth of plants, seeds must be scattered so that seeds can get proper water, air and space. Thus, seeds need to be dispersed.
Question: 5. Write name of some plants which disperse their seeds by Wind.
Answer : – Seeds of dandelion, sycamore, and cotton, etc. are dispersed by wind.
Question:6. Which types of seeds are dispersed by wind?
Answer: – Seeds dispersed by wind have light weight and wings and hair on them.
Question:7. Which plants do disperse their seeds by water?
Answer: – Seeds of coconut, lotus, etc. are dispersed by water.
Question: 8. How do animals help in dispersal of seeds?
Answer: – Animals help in dispersal of seeds by following methods:
Animals and humans being eat some fruits and throw away the seeds which grow into new plants.
Birds and animals eat fruits. Seeds pass through their digestive system and remain undigested which are dispersed by droppings.
Certain seeds have hooks, stiff hair, or spines, which help in their dispersal after stuck with the fur of animals.
Question: 9. Which plants can grow from the roots.
Answer: – Plants of carrot, radish, beetroot, and Dahlia, etc. can grow from the roots.
Question: 10. What are the special features by which potatoes grow into plants?
Answer: – Potato is a special kind of stem, which grows underground. It has buds called ‛eye’ on its surface. Any piece of potato with an eye can grow into a new plant.
Question: 11. Write the name of plants which grow from spores.
Answers: – Fungi, Mushrooms and ferns, etc. are grown from spores.
Question: 12. What is agriculture?
Answer: – The practice of growing plants on a large scale for food or other purposes is called agriculture.
Question: 13. What are Rabi crops?
Answer: – Crops grown from November to April are called Rabi crops. For examples wheat, beans, and legumes, etc.
Question: 14. Why do we spray pesticides on crops?
Answer: – Pesticides are sprayed to protect the crops. They are sprayed with chemicals called pesticides to protect them from insects and other harmful animals.
Question: 15 what is cotyledons?
Answer: – The swollen part of seed is called cotyledons. It store food for the baby plant.