Growing Plants
Questions based on True - False
Question: 1. Cotyledons store food for the baby plants.
Answer: True.
Question: 2. Sun light is not essential for germination.
Answer: False
[Correct statement: Sun light is essential for germination.]
Question: 3. The process by which a seed produces a baby plant or seedling is called germination.
Answer: True
Question: 4. Outer covering of a seed is called seed coat.
Answer : True.
Question: 5. Potato and onions are roots.
Answer: False
(Correct statement: Potato and roots are stem)
Question: 6. Cutting and gathering of ripened crops is called harvesting.
Answer: True.
Question: 7. Supply of water to a field for the growth of plants is called irrigation.
Answer: True.
Question: 8. Farmers grow crops by cutting steps in the planes.
Answer: False
(Correct statement: Farmers grow crops by cutting steps in mountains.)
Question: 9. Seeds of coconut and lotus are dispersed by water.
Answer: True
Question: 10. Mushroom grows from spores.
Answer: True.
Question: 11. Seeds of cocklebur are dispersed by animals.
Answer: True
Question: 12. Bursting of seeds after ripening is called explosion.
Answer: True.
Question: 13. Seeds of cotton are dispersed by water.
Answer: False
[Correct statement: Seeds of cotton are dispersed by air.]
Question: 14. Plants of coconut generally grow near sea or ocean.
Answer: True.
Question: 15. A fruit of lemon has only one seed.
Answer: False
[Correct statement: A fruit of lemon contain many seeds.]
Question: 16. A mango has only one seed.
Answer: True.
Question: 17. Seeds of dandelion are dispersed by air.
Answer: True.
Question: 18. Seeds of mango fruit are dispersed by explosion.
Answer: False
[Correct statement: Seeds of mango is dispersed by animal.]
Question: 19. Pesticides are sprayed to irrigate the crops.
Answer: False
[Correct statement: Pesticides are sprayed to protect the crops.]
Question: 20. Cutting and gathering of ripened crops is called harvesting.
Answer: True.
Question: 21. Step farming is practiced in hilly areas.
Answer: True.