NCERT Exercise 11.4-part-2

Perimeter and Area 7th Math

NCERT Exercise 11.4-part-2

Question (7) Through a rectangular field of length 90 m and breadth 60 m, two roads are constructed which are parallel to the sides and cut each other at right angles through the centre of the fields. If the width of each road is 3 m, find

(i) the area covered by the roads.

(ii) the cost of constructing the roads at the rate of ₹ 110 per m2


class 7th math Perimeter and area solution of ncert exercise 11.4 Q7

Let ABCD is the given rectangular field, in which according to question

Length (DC) = 90 m

Breadth (AD) = 60 m

Width of road EH and PQ = 3 m

Rate of construction of road = ₹ 110 per m2

Thus, area of roads and cost of construction of road =?

Calculation of area of road parallel to the length of the field

Length of the road parallel to the length of the field = length of the field = 90 m

Width of the road = 3 m

Now, we know that, Area of rectangle = Length × Width

Thus, area of the rectangular road = 90 m × 3 m

= 270 m2

Calculation of area of road parallel to the width of the field

Length of the road parallel to the width of the field = width of the field = 60 m

Width of the road = 3 m

Now, we know that, Area of rectangle = Length × Width

Thus, area of the rectangular road parallel to the width = 60 m × 3 m

= 180 m2

Calculation of area of the square where roads cross each other

Side of the square where roads cross each other = 3 cm

We know that, Area of square = (Side)2

= (3 m)2

= 9 m2

Thus; area of square at which both the roads cross each other

= 9 m2

(i) Area covered by roads

Area of covered by roads

= Area of road parallel to the length + Area of the road parallel to width – Area of square where roads crosses

= 270 m2 + 180m2 – 9 m2

= 450 m2 – 9 m

= 441 m2

Thus, total areas covered by roads = 441 m2

(ii) Cost of construction of roads

∵ cost of construction of 1 m2 of road = ₹ 110

∴ cost of construction of 441 m2 of road = ₹ 110 × 441 m2

= ₹ 48510

Thus, area covered by road = 441 m2 and cost of construction of road = ₹ 48510 Answer

Question (8) Pragya wrapped a cord around a circular pipe of radius 4 cm (adjoining figure) and cut off the length required of the cord. Then she wrapped it around a square box of side 4 cm (also shown). Did she have any cord left? (`pi` = 3.14)

class 7th math Perimeter and area solution of ncert exercise 11.4 Q8


Given, radius of circular pipe = 4 cm

And, side of square box = 4 cm

We know that, circumference of a circle `= 2 pi r`

Thus, radius of given circular pipe `=2 pi 4 cm`

= 3.14 × 8 cm

= 25.12 cm

Thus, length of wire required to wrap the given circular pipe = 25.12 cm


We know that, perimeter of a square = side × 4

Thus, perimeter of given square box = 4 cm × 4

= 16 cm

Thus, wire required to wrap the given square box = 16 cm

Thus, difference in the circumference and perimeter of circle and square

= 25.12 cm – 16 cm

= 9.12 cm

Thus, if the piece of wire which is wrapped around the circular pipe is wrapped over the given square, then cord left = 9.12 cm

Thus, length of cord left = 9.12 cm. And answer is Yes

Question (9) The adjoining figure represents a rectangular lawn with a circular flower bed in the middle. Find:

class 7th math Perimeter and area solution of ncert exercise 11.4 Q9

(i) the area of the whole land

(ii) the area of the flower bed

(iii) the area of the lawn excluding the area of the flower bed

(iv) the circumference of the flower bed.

Solution :


Length of the rectangular lawn = 10 m

And, width of the rectangular lawn = 5 m

Radius of flower bed = 2 m


(i) the area of the whole land

We know that, area of a rectangle = Length × Breadht

Thus, area of given rectangular land = 10 m × 5 m

= 50 m2

Thus, are of the whole land = 50 m2 Answer

(ii) the area of the flower bed

We know that, area of a circle = `pi r^2`

Thus, area of given circular flower bed `=pi (2 m)^2`

`=22/7 xx 4 m^2`

`= (88 m^2)/7`

= 12.57 m2

Thus, Area of given circular flower bed = = 12.57 m2 Answer

(iii) the area of the lawn excluding the area of the flower bed

The area of the lawn excluding the area of flower bed = The area of lawn – Area of flower bed

= 50 m2 – 12.57 m2

= 37.43 m2

Thus, the area of the lawn excluding the area of flower bed = 37.43 m2 Answer

(iv) the circumference of the flower bed.

We know that, circumference of a circle = `2 pi r`

Thus, circumference of the given flower bed `=2 xx 22/7xx2 m`

`= 88/7 m `

= 12.57 m2

Thus, the circumference of the flower bed = 12.57 m2 Answer

Question (10) In the following figures, find the area of the shaded portions:


class 7th math Perimeter and area solution of ncert exercise 11.4 Q10-i

Solution :


AB = DC = Length of the rectangle = 18 cm

AD= BC = width of the rectangle = 10 cm

Now, we know that, area of a rectangle = Length × Width

Thus, area of the given rectangle = 18 cm × 10 cm

= 180 cm2

Now, in the triangle AFE,

Base (AF) = 6 cm and Height (AE) = 10 cm

Now, we know that, area of a triangle = `1/2` × Base × Height

Thus, area of the given triangle AFE `=1/2` × 6 cm × 10 cm

= 3 cm × 10 cm

= 30 cm2

Now, in the triangle ECB,

Base (EB) = 8 cm and Height (BC) = 10 cm

Now, Area of the triangle ECB `=1/2` × Base(EB) × Height (BC)

`= 1/2xx 8 cm xx 10 cm`

= 4 cm × 10 cm

= 40 cm2

Now, area of the shaded portion

= Area of the rectangle ADCB – (Area of `triangle` AFE + Area of `triangle` ECB)

= 180 cm2 – (30 cm2 + 40 cm2)

= 180 cm2 – 70 cm2

= 110 cm2

Thus, Area of the shaded portion = 110 cm2 Answer


class 7th math Perimeter and area solution of ncert exercise 11.4 Q10-ii

Solution :

class 7th math Perimeter and area solution of ncert exercise 11.4 Q10-ii -answer

Given, PQ = QR = 20 cm

Since, both side is equal thus, given polygon is a square.

Now, we know that, Area of a square = side × side

Thus, area of the given square, PQRS = 20 cm × 20 cm

⇒ Area of square (PQRS) = 400 cm2

Now, in triangle, PTQ

Base (PT) = 10 cm and Height (QP) = 20 cm

We know that, area of a triangle = `1/2` × Base × Height

Thus, area of triangle PTQ `=1/2xx10 cmxx20 cm`

= 5 cm × 20 cm

⇒ Area of `triangle` PTQ = 100 cm2

Now, in triangle TSU,

Base (SU) = 10 cm and Height (TS) = 10 cm

Thus, area of `triangle` TSU = `1/2` Base (SU) × Height (TS)

`=1/2xx10 cm × 10 cm`

= 5 cm × 10 cm

= 50 cm2

Thus, Area of triangle TSU = 50 cm2

Now, in triangle URQ,

Base (UR) = 10 cm and Height (QR) = 20 cm

Thus, area of triangle URQ = `1/2` × Base (UR) × Height (QR)

= `1/2 xx 10 cmxx20 cm`

= 5 cm × 20 cm

= 100 cm2

Thus, area of triangle URQ = 100 cm2

Thus, Area of shaded portion = Area of square PQRS – (Area of triangle PQT + Area of triangle TSU + Area of triangle QUR)

= 400 cm2 – (100 cm2 + 50 cm2 + 100 cm)

= 400 cm2 – 250 cm2

= 150 cm2

Thus, Area of the shaded portion = 150 cm2 Answer

Question (11) Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD. Here, AC = 22 cm, BM = 3 cm, DN = 3 cm, and BM`_|_`AC, DN`_|_`AC

class 7th math Perimeter and area solution of ncert exercise 11.4 Q11


Given, in triangle BAC,

Base (AC) = 22 cm and Height (BM) = 3 cm

Now, we know that, Area of a triangle = `1/2` × Base × Height

Thus, area of triangle BAC = `1/2` × AC × BM

`=1/2` × 22 cm × 3 cm

= 11 cm × 3 cm

= 33 cm2

Thus, area of triangle BAC = 33 cm2

Now, in triangle ADC,

Base (AC) = 22 cm and Height (DN) = 3cm

Since, triangle ADC and triangle BAC has same height and base

Thus, area of triangle ADC = Area of triangle BAC = 33 cm2

Now, Area of quadrilateral ABCD = Area of triangle BAC + Area of triangle ADC

= 33 cm2 + 33 cm2

= 66 cm2

Thus, area of given quadrilateral ABCD = 66 cm2 Answer

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