NCERT Exercise 4.4 Solution-part2

Simple Equations 7th Math

NCERT Exercise 4.4 Solution-part2

Question(2) Solve the following

Question(2)(a) The teacher tells the class that the highest marks obtained by a student in her class is twice the lowest marks plus 7. The highest score is 87. What is the lowest score?


Given, The highest score = 87

And the highest marks = twice the lowest marks + 7

Thus, lowest score = ?

Let the lowest score = p

Thus, according to question,

2p + 7 = 87

Now, after subtracting 7 from both sides, we get

⇒ 2p + 7 – 7 = 87 – 7

⇒ 2p = 80

After dividing both sides by 2, we get

2p/2 = 80/2

⇒ p = 40

Thus, lowest score = 40 Answer

Alternate method to solve an equation

Given, The highest score = 87

And the highest marks = twice the lowest marks + 7

Thus, lowest score = ?

Let the lowest score = p

Thus, according to question,

2p + 7 = 87

After transposing 7 to RHS

[When a digit or variable is transposed to other side, its sign changes]

Thus, +7 will become –7 when transposed to RHS

⇒ 2 p = 87 – 7

⇒ 2p = 80

After transposing 2 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in multiple goes to division after transposing to other side]

Here, 2 will become in division, i.e. goes to denominator after transposing to RHS

⇒ p = 80/2

⇒ p = 40

Thus, lowest score = 40 Answer

Question(2)(b). In an isosceles triangle, the base angles are equal. The vertex angle is 400. What are the base angles of the triangle? (Remember, the sum of three angles of a triangle is 1800)


Given, In an isosceles triangle, base angles are equal

And the vertex angle = 400

Sum of all the three angles of a triangle = 1800

Thus, base angle = ?

Let base angle of the given isosceles triangle = b

Now, according to question,

Vertex angle + base angle + base angle = 1800

⇒ 400 + b + b = 1800

⇒ 400 + 2b = 1800

After subtracting 400 from both sides, we get

⇒ 400 + 2b = 1800 – 400

⇒ 2b = 1400

After dividing both sides by 2, we get

2b/2 = 140o/2

⇒ b = 700

Thus, each of the base angles = 700 Answer

Alternate method to solve an equation

Given, In an isosceles triangle, base angles are equal

And the vertex angle = 400

Sum of all the three angles of a triangle = 1800

Thus, base angle = ?

Let base angle of the given isosceles triangle = b

Now, according to question,

Vertex angle + base angle + base angle = 1800

⇒ 400 + b + b = 1800

⇒ 400 + 2b = 1800

After transposing 400 to RHS

[When a digit or variable is transposed to other side, its sign changes]

Thus, +400 will become –400 when transposed to RHS

⇒ 2b = 1800 – 40

⇒ 2b = 1400

After transposing 2 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in multiple goes to division after transposing to other side]

Here, 2 will become in division, i.e. goes to denominator after transposing to RHS

⇒ b = 140o/2

⇒ b = 700

Thus, each of the base angles = 700 Answer

Question(2)(c) Smita's mother is 34 years old. Two years from now mother 's age will be 4 times Smita's present age. What is Smita's present age?


Given, Smita's mother age = 34 years

Two years from now mother's age = Smita's present age × 4

Thus, Smita's present age = ?

Let, Smita's present age = p

And Two years now Smita's mothers age = 34 + 2

Thus, according to question,

34 + 2 = 4p

⇒ 4 p = 34+ 2

⇒ 4p= 36

After dividing both sides by 4, we get

4p/4 = 36/4

⇒ p = 9

Thus, Smita's present age = 9 years.

Alternate method to solve an equation

Given, Smita's mother age = 34 years

Two years from now mother's age = Smita's present age × 4

Thus, Smita's present age = ?

Let, Smita's present age = p

And Two years now Smita's mothers age = 34 + 2

Thus, according to question,

34 + 2 = 4p

⇒ 4 p = 34 + 2

⇒ 4p= 36

After transposing 4 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in multiple goes to division after transposing to other side]

Here, 4 will become in division, i.e. goes to denominator after transposing to RHS

⇒ p = 36/4

⇒ p = 9

Thus, Smita's present age = 9 years Answer

Question(2)(d) Sachin scored twice as many runs as Rahul. Together, their runs fell two short of a double century. How many runs did each one score?


Given, Score of Sachin = Twice as many runs as Rahul

Score of Sachin + Score of Rahu = 200 – 2 = 198

Thus, score of Sachin and score of Rahul = ?

Let Score of Rahul = r

Thus, Score of Sachin = 2r

Thus, according to question,

r + 2 r = 198

⇒ 3r = 198

Now, after dividing both sides by 3, we get

⇒ r = 198/3

⇒ r = 66

Thus, Score of Rahul = 66

And, since score of Sachin = 2r

Thus, score of Sachin = 2 × 66 = 132

Thus, score of Sachin = 132 and Score of Rahul = 66 Answer

Question (3) Solve the following:

Question(3)(i) Irfan says that he has 7 marbles more than five times the marbles Parmit has. Irfan has 37 marbels. How many marbles does Parmit have?


Given, Number of marbles Irfan has = 37

And number of marbles Irfan has = 5 × Number of marbles Parmit has + 7

Thus, Number of marbles Parmit has = ?

Let Number of marbles Parmit has = p

Now, According to question,

Number of Marbles Irfan has = 5 × Number of marbles Parmit has + 7

⇒ 37 = 5 × p + 7

⇒ 5p + 7 = 37

After subtracting 7 from both sides, we get

⇒ 5p + 7 – 7 = 37 – 7

⇒ 5p = 30

After dividing both sides by 5, we get

5p/5 = 30/5

⇒ p = 6

Thus, number of marbles Parmit has = 6 Answer

Alternate method to solve an equation

Given, Number of marbles Irfan has = 37

And number of marbles Irfan has = 5 × Number of marbles Parmit has + 7

Thus, Number of marbles Parmit has = ?

Let Number of marbles Parmit has = p

Now, According to question,

Number of Marbles Irfan has = 5 × Number of marbles Parmit has + 7

⇒ 37 = 5 × p + 7

⇒ 5p + 7 = 37

After transposing 7 to RHS

[When a digit or variable is transposed to other side, its sign changes]

Thus, +7 will become –7 when transposed to RHS

⇒ 5p = 37 – 7

⇒ 5p = 30

After transposing 5 to RHS

[When a digit or variable in multiple goes to division after transposing to other side]

Here, 5 will become in division, i.e. goes to denominator after transposing to RHS

⇒ p = 30/5

⇒ p = 6

Thus, Number of marbles Parmit has = 6 Answer

Question(3)(ii) Laxmi's father is 49 years old. He is 4 years older than three times Laxmi's age. What is Laxmi's age?


Given, Age of Laxmi's father = 49 years

And, Age of Laxmi's father = 3 × Laxmi's age + 4

Thus, Laxmi's age = ?

Let, age of Laxmi = a years

Therefore, according to question

Age of Laxmi's father = 3 × Laxmi's age + 4

⇒ 49 years = 3a + 4

⇒ 3a + 4 = 49

After subtracting 4 from both sides, we get

⇒ 3a + 4 – 4 = 49 –4

⇒ 3a = 45

After dividing both sides by 3, we get

3a/3 = 45/3

⇒ a = 15

Thus, Laxmi's age = 15 years Answer

(iii) Maya, Madhura and Mohsina are friends studying in the same class. In a class test in geography, Maya got 16 out of 25. Madhura got 20. Their average score was 19. How much did Mohsina score?


Given, Score of Maya = 16

Score of Madhura = 20

Average score = 19

Thus, score of Mohsina = ?

Let score of Mohsina = m

Since, average score of all the three friends = 19

Thus, total score = 3 × 19 = 57

Thus, total score = Score of Maya + Score of Madhura + Score of Mohsina

⇒ 57 = 16 + 20 + m

⇒ 16 + 20 + m = 57

⇒ 36 + m = 57

After subtracting 36 from both sides, we get

⇒ 36 + m – 36 = 57 – 36

⇒ m = 21

Thus, score of Mohsina = 21 Answer

Question (3)(iv) People of Sundargram planted a total of 102 trees in the village garden. Some of the trees were fruit trees. The number of non fruit tress were two more than three times the number of fruit trees. What was the number of fruit trees planted?


Given, Total number of trees = 102

Number of non fruit trees = 3 × number of fruit trees + 2

Thus, number of fruit trees = ?

Let number of fruit trees = f

Thus, Number of non fruit trees = 3 × f + 2

Therefore, according to question,

Number of fruit trees + Number of non fruit trees = 102

⇒ 3f + 2 + f = 102

⇒ 4f + 2 = 102

After subtracting 2 from both sides, we get

⇒ 4f + 2 – 2 = 102 – 2

⇒ 4f = 100

After dividing both sides by 4, we get

⇒ f = 100/4

⇒ f = 25 Answer

Thus, number of fruit trees = 25 Answer

Question (4) Solve the following riddle:

I am a number, Tell my identity!

Take me seven times over, And add a fifty!

To reach a triple century, You still need forty!


According to question, A number × 7 + 50 + 40 = 300

Thus, number = ?

Let number = n

Thus, The equation is

n × 7 + 50 + 40 = 300

⇒ 7n + 90 = 300

After subtracting 90 from both sides, we get

⇒ 7n + 90 – 90 = 300 – 90

⇒ 7n = 210

After dividing both sides by 7, we get

7n/7 = 210/7

⇒ n = 30

Thus, number = 30 Answer

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