Nutrition In Plants

Science Class Seven

Extra Questions and their Answer

Question (1) Choose the correct option for the questions given below:

(i) Which among the following defined the photosynthesis?

(a) Taking a photo of Universe

(b) Developing a negative of photograph

(c) Food making process of human

(d) Food making process of a plant

Answer: (d) Food making process of a plant

(ii) Which is not necessary for photosynthesis?

(a) Carbon dioxide

(b) Oxygen

(c) Water

(d) Sunlight

Answer: (b) Oxygen

(iii) Which is released during the photosynthesis?

(a) Carbon dioxide

(b) Oxygen

(c) Water

(d) Sunlight

Answer: (b) Oxygen

(iv) What is the meaning of Autotrophs?

(a) Self nourishment

(b) Other nourishment

(c) Nourishment at tropical area

(d) All of the above

Answer: (a) Self nourishment

(v) What is a parasite?

(a) Feed on other organism

(b) Give food to other organism

(c) A decent paragraph

(d) A badly written paragraph

Answer: (a) Feed on other organism

Question (2) Very small answer type question

(a) Which part of the plant known as ?kitchen of the plant??

Answer: Leaves

(b) From where plant gets water during photosynthesis?

Answer: Soil

(c) What is the name of nitrogen fixing plant?

Answer: Leguminous plants.

(d) Whether alga is a plant or animal?

Answer: Plant

(e) What is the name of plant that eats insect?

Answer: Insectivorous plants.

Question (3) Small answer type questions

(a) What are the components necessary for photosynthesis?

Answer: Sunlight, chlorophyll, carbon dioxide and water are necessary for photosynthesis. In the absence of anyone of these photosynthesis would not occur.

(b) What is Autotrophs?

Answer: Organisms which make their food themselves are called Autotrophs. Green plants are autotrophs.

(b) What is Heterotrophs?

Answer: Organims including animals which dependent for food directly or indirectly on plants are called Heterotrophs.

(c) What is Photoautotrophs?


The organisms which make their food by the process of photosynthesis are called 'Photoautotrophs', since they create their own food using sunlight.

(d) How plants absorbs carbon dioxide for photosynthesis?


Plants absorb carbon dioxide from air using stomata. Stomata are pores present on the lower portion of green leaves.

Question (4) Long answer type question

(a) What do you understand by photosynthesis? Explain with a reactions.


Photosynthesis is the food making process of green plants. Presence of sunlight, chlorophyll, carbon dioxide and water are must for the process of photosynthesis to be taken place.

Leaves of green plants absorb carbon dioxide from air, water from the soil and energy from sunlight and synthesise food in the form of carbohydrate.

In the process of photosynthesis carbon dioxide is absorbed and oxygen is released.

Food produced in the photosynthesis is stored in root, stem, leaves and fruit of the plants for use in future.

Reaction involve in the process of photosynthesis:

Carbon dioxide + Water + Chlorophyll + sunlight ⇒ Carbohydrate + Oxygen.

(b) What is a Saprophytes?


There are many organisms which grow and feed on dead and decaying materials are called saprophytes.

The mode of nutrition of saptrophytes is known as Saprophytic Mode of Nutrition. For example bacteria and fungi. Mushroom is one of the most common examples of saprophyte.

(c) Why farmers use fertilizers?


Fertilizers are used to enrich the fertility of soil. Plants get their nutrients other than carbohydrate from the soil. So gradually the amount of nutrients decreases in soil. The less amounts of nutrients in soil resulting as less fertility and less yield.

To fulfill the deficient nutrients farmers use fertilizers to the soil.

(d) What is symbiotic relationship?


In some cases two organisms live together and help each other. Such a relationship between two organisms, where both get benefited, is called Symbiotic Relationship.


Lichen is a combination of Alga and Fungus. The fungus supplies water, minerals and salt to the Alga, whereas Alga supplies food after preparing it to the Fungus. In this example both alga and fungus get benefited.

(e) How nutrition occur in non-green plants?


Non green plants do not have chlorophyll present in them and thus they cannot prepare their food using photosynthesis. Non green plants take nutrition from other plants.

Non green plants climb up on other green plants and take nutrition from that plants. Such non green plants are called parasite. The plants on which non green plants feed are called host.

Cuscuta is an example of non green plants.

Question (5) Fill in the blanks

(a) Organisms which make their food themselves are called _______.

Answer: Organisms which make their food themselves are called Autotrophs.

(b) Heterotrophs take their food from _________.

Answer: Heterotrophs take their food from other plants.

(c) Without sunlight photosynthesis is _______ possible.

Answer: Without sunlight photosynthesis is not possible.

(d) Life on earth was not possible in the absence of _______________.

Answer: Life on earth was not possible in the absence of photosynthesis.

(e) Nitrogen fixing plant is known as ______

Answer: Nitrogen fixing plant is known as leguminous plant

Question (6) Write "T" for true statement and "F" for false statement

(a) Farmers use fertilizer to enhance the fertility.

Answer: T

(b) Plants absorb nitrogen from the air.

Answer: F

Correct statement: Plants absorb nitrogen from soil.

(c) Heterotrophs do not make their food themselves.

Answer: T

(d) Nitrogen fixing organism are called Diazotrophs.

Answer: T

(e) Cobra Lily is an insectivores plant.

Answer: T

Question (7) Match the following

Column I Column II
(1) Heterotrophs (a) Sunlight
(2) Photosynthesis (b) Mushroom
(3) Insectivores (c) Component of food
(4) Saprophyte (d) Animal
(5) Nutrient (e) Pitcher plant


Column I Column II
(1) Heterotrophs (d) Animal
(2) Photosynthesis (a) Sunlight
(3) Insectivores (e) Pitcher plant
(4) Saprophyte (b) Mushroom
(5) Nutrient (c) Component of food

