Understanding Quadrilaterals - 8th math


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NCERT Exercise 3.2

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.2 Question (1) Find x in the following figures.


understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.2 question1a


We know that, sum of exterior angles of a polygon = 3600

Thus, here sum of exterior angles of the given triangle

= 1250 + 1250 + x = 3600

⇒ 2500 + x = 3600

x = 3600 – 2500

x = 1100 Answer


understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.2 question1b


understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.2 question1b-answer

Given, ∠ D = 900

∠ F = 700

∠ C = 600

Thus, x = ?

Here, given, ∠ GAC = 900

Now, since ∠ GAC and ∠ BAC forms a straight line, and hence are supplementary.

Thus, ∠ GAC + ∠ BAC = 1800

⇒ 900 + ∠ BAC = 1800

⇒ ∠ BAC = 1800 – 900

⇒ ∠ BAC = 900

Now, we know that, sum of external angles of a polynomial = 3600

Thus, sum of angles of the given pentagon = 3600

⇒ 900 + 700 + x + 900 + 600 = 3600

⇒ 3100 + x = 3600

⇒ x = 3600 – 3100

⇒ x = 500 Answer

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.2 Question (2) Find the measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon of

(i) 9 sides (ii) 15 sides


(i) Measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon of 9 sides

We know that, each exterior angle of a regular polygon of n sides `360^o/n`

Where, n = number of sides

Thus, each exterior angle of a regular polygon of 9 sides `=360^o/9`

= 400

Thus, each exterior angle of a regular polygon of 9 sides = 400 Answer

(ii) Measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon of 15 sides

We know that, each exterior angle of a regular polygon of n sides `360^o/n`

Where, n = number of sides

Thus, each exterior angle of a regular polygon of 15 sides `=360^o/15`

= 240

Thus, each exterior angle of a regular polygon of 15 sides = 240 Answer

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.2 Question (3) How many sides does a regular polygon have if the measure of an exterior angle is 240?


Given, measure of an exterior angle of a regular polygon = 240

Therefore, number of sides of the given regular polygon = ?

We know that, number of sides of a regular polygon `360^o/x`

Where x = measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon

Thus, number of sides of the given regular polygon `=360^o/24^o`

= 15 sides

Thus, number of sides of the given regular polygon = 15 Answer

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.2 Question (4) How many sides does a regular polygon have if each of its interior angles is 1650?


Given, each of the interior angles of a regular polygon = 1650

Thus, number of sides = ?

Let each exterior angle = m

We know that, interior angle and exterior angle together form a straight line, and hence are supplementary.

Thus, interior angle + exterior angle = 1800

⇒ 1650 + m = 1800

⇒ m = 1800 – 1650

⇒ m = 150

Thus, each exterior angle of the given polygon = 150

Now, we know that, number of sides of a regular polygon `360^o/x`

Where x = measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon

Thus, number of sides of the given regular polygon `=360^o/15^o`

= 24 sides

Thus, number of sides of the given regular polygon = 24 Answer

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.2 Question (5) (a) Is it possible to have a regular polygon with measure of each exterior angle as 220?


Given each exterior angle of a regular polygon = 220

Thus, possibility of formation of regular polygon = ?

Now, we know that, number of sides of a regular polygon `360^o/x`

Where x = measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon

Thus, number of sides of the given regular polygon `=360^o/22^o`

= 16.36 sides

Since, sum of exterior angles of a regular polygon which is equal to 3600 is not divisible completely by given angle of 220, thus formation of such regular polygon is not possible.

Thus, Answer = No

(b) Can it be an interior angle of a regular polygon? Why?


If each interior angle of a regular polygon = 220

Therefore, exterior angle of that very polygon = 1800 – 220

= 1580

Here, 3600, which is the sum of exterior angles of a polygon is not divisible by 1580 completely.

Thus, it is not possible to have the measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon to have equal to 1580.

Consequently, it is not possible to have each interior angle of a regular polygon equal to 220.

Thus, Answer = No

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.2 Question (6) (a) What is the minimum interior angle possible for a regular polygon? Why?


The measure of interior angle decreases with number of sides of a polygon.

We know that a triangle is a polygon with minimum number of sides.

A regular polygon with three sides is known as equilateral triangle.

And measure of each interior angle of a equilateral triangle is equal to 600.

Thus, minimum interior angle possible for a regular polygon = 600 Answer

(b) What is the maximum exterior angle possible for a regular polygon?


The maximum measure of exterior angle is possible when interior angle of a polygon is minimum.

Since, an equilateral triangle has minimum measure of interior angle and is equal to 600

Thus, measure of exterior angle of an equilateral triangle

= 1800 – 600

= 1200

Now, since an equilateral triangle has maximum measure of exterior angle and is equal to 1200

Thus, maximum measure of exterior angle possible for a regular polygon = 1200 Answer

