Understanding Quadrilaterals - 8th math


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NCERT Exercise 3.3-part-2

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.3 Question (6) Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram have equal measure. Find the measure of each of the angles of the parallelogram.


Given, two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are equal in measure.

Then find the each angles of the parallelogram.

We know that, a square and rectangle has equal measure of adjacent angles.

And, a square and rectangle has angles equal to 900

Thus, each angles of the parallelogram = 900 Answer

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.3 Question (7) The adjacent figure HOPE is a parallelogram. Find the angle measures x, y and z. State the properties you use to find them.

understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.3 question7


In the given figure of parallelogram HOPE

Given, ∠EHP = 400

And, ∠ O = 700

Then, measure of angles x, y and z = ?

Between angle EAP and angle HPO

Both of the angles EAP and HPO are pair of alternate interior angles, and we know that, pair of alternate interior angles are equal in measure.

Thus, ∠HPO = ∠EHP

⇒ y = 400

Now, between ∠HOP and 700

Both the angles form a linear pair of angle, and hence are supplementary

Thus, ∠HOP + 700 = 1800

⇒ ∠HOP = 1800 – 700

⇒ ∠HOP = 1100

Now, in triangle HOP

We know that, sum of all the three angles of a triangle = 1800

Thus, z + ∠HOP + y = 1800

⇒ z + 1100 + 400 = 1800

⇒ z + 1500 = 1800

⇒ z = 1800 – 1500

⇒ z = 300

Now, between angles PEH and HOP

Both PEH and HOP are the opposite angles of the given parallelogram, and hence are equal

Thus, ∠PEH = ∠HOP

⇒ x = 1100

Thus, x = 1100, y = 400 and z = 300 Answer

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.3 Question (8) The following figures GUNS and RUNS are parallelograms. Find x and y. (Lengths are in cm)


understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.3 question8


In the given parallelogram GUNS

Side GU = 3y – 1

And Side, SN = 26 cm

And, GS = 3x

And, UN = 18 cm

Thus, x and y = ?

We know that, opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal.

Thus, in the given parallelogram,

Side GS = Side UN

3x = 18 cm

`=>x=18/3` cm

x = 6 cm

Now, side GU = side SN

3y – 1 = 26 cm

3y = 26 + 1

3y = 27 cm

`=>y = 27/3` cm

y = 9 cm

Thus, x = 6 cm and y = 9 cm Answer


understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.3 question8-ii


In the given parallelogram, let the point where both the diagonals meet is O

understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.3 question8-ii-answer

Given, RUNS is a parallelogram and RN and SU are diagonals of the parallelogram.

And, OS = 20 cm

OU = y + 7

And, RO = 16 cm

And, ON = x + y

Thus, value of x and y = ?

Now, we know that, diagonals of parallelogram bisect one another.

Thus, in the given parallelogram in the diagonal SU


[∵ O is the middle point of diagonal SU as RN another diagonal bisects it.]

⇒ y + 7 = 20

⇒ y = 20 – 7

⇒ y = 13 cm

Now, in diagonal RN


[∵ O is the middle point of diagonal RN as SU another diagonal bisects it.]

⇒ x + y = 16

After substituting the value of y = 13 cm, we get

x + 13 cm = 16 cm

⇒ x = 16 cm – 13 cm

⇒ x = 3 cm

Thus, x = 3 cm and y = 13 cm Answer

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.3 Question (9)

understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.3 question9

In the above figure both RISK and CLUE are parallelograms. Find the value of x.


In the given figure let meeting point of EC and IS is O.

understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.3 question9-answer

Now, In parallelogram RISK

Between ∠ RKE and ∠ ISK

Both ∠ SKR and ∠ ISK are adjacent angles of the parallelogram RISK, and hence are supplementary.

Thus, ∠ SKR + ∠ ISK = 1800

⇒ 1200 + ∠ ISK = 1800

⇒ ∠ ISK = 1800 – 1200

⇒ ∠ ISK = 600

Now, in parallelogram CLUE

Between ∠ CLU and ∠ UEC

Both ∠CLU and ∠UEC are opposite angles of parallelogram CLUE and hence are equal.

Thus, ∠ UEC = ∠ CLU

⇒ ∠ UEC = 700

Now, in triangle EOS

We know that, sum of measure of all the three angles of a triangle = 1800

Thus, ∠ SEO + ∠ OSE + x = 1800

⇒ 700 + 600 + x = 1800

⇒ 1300 + x = 1800

⇒ x = 1800 – 1300

⇒ x = 500 Answer

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.3 Question (10) Explain how this figure is a trapezium. Which of its two sides are parallel?

understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.3 question10


In the given quadrilateral,

Given, ∠ L = 800

And, ∠ M = 1000

Thus, find the parallel sides.

understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.3 question10-answer

Let side NM and KL are parallel

And, ML is the transversal passing through these parallel lines.

Now, Between angle LMN and angle NMS

∠ LMN and ∠ NMS are linear pair, and thus are supplementary

Thus, ∠LMN + ∠ NMS = 1800

⇒ 1000 + ∠ NMS = 1800

⇒ ∠ NMS = 1800 – 1000

⇒ ∠ NMS = 800

Now, In between ∠ KLM and ∠ NMS

Since, ∠ KLM = ∠ NMS = 800

And we know that, pair of corresponding angles is equal, then line are parallel.

Here, ∠ KLM and ∠ NMS are pair of corresponding angles and are equal, thus, Line KL and NM are parallel.

Thus, in the given trapezium side KL and NM are parallel. Answer

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.3 Question (11) Find m∠C in given figure if `bar(AB)||bar(DC)`.

understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.3 question11


In the given quadrilateral ABCD

Given, AB||DC

And, ∠ B = 1200

Thus, ∠C = ?

In the given quadrilateral ∠B and ∠C are adjacent angles.

And, we know that sum of measure of adjacent angles of a quadrilateral = 1800

Thus, ∠ B + ∠ C = 1800

⇒ 1200 + ∠ C = 1800

⇒ ∠ C = 1800 – 1200

⇒ ∠ C = 600

Thus, m∠C = 600 Answer

Understanding Quadrilaterals NCERT Exercise 3.3 Question (12) Find the measure of ∠P and ∠S if `bar(SP)||bar(RQ)` in the given figure. (If you find m∠R, is there more than one method to find m∠P?)

understanding quadrilaterals ncert exercise 3.3 question12


Given, `bar(SP)||bar(RQ)` in the given quadrilateral PQRS

And, ∠Q = 1300

And, ∠R = 900

Then, ∠ P and ∠ S = ?

We know that, adjacent angles of a quadrilateral are supplementary, that is their sum is equal to 1800

Thus, ∠Q + ∠P = 1800

⇒ 1300 + ∠P = 1800

⇒ ∠P = 1800 – 1300

⇒ ∠P = 500

Similarly, ∠R and ∠S are adjacent angles of the given quadrilateral. And hence they are supplementary, this means measure of their sum = 1800

Thus, ∠R + ∠S = 1800

⇒ 900 + ∠S = 1800

⇒ ∠S = 1800 – 900

⇒ ∠S = 900

More method to find m∠P

In the given quadrilateral,

∠Q = 1300

And, ∠R = 900

Now, since ∠R and ∠S are linear pair, thus measure of their sum = 1800

Hence, ∠S = 900

Now, we know that, sum of measure of all the four angles of a quadrilateral = 3600

Thus, In the given quadrilateral,

∠P + ∠Q + ∠R + ∠S = 3600

⇒ ∠P + 1300 + 900 + 900 = 3600

⇒ ∠P + 3100 = 3600

⇒ ∠P = 3600 – 3100

⇒ ∠P = 500

Thus, m∠P = 500 Answer

