Lines and Angles: 9 Math

mathematics Class Nine

NCERT Exercise 6.2: 9th math

Lines and Angles Class ninth math NCERT Exercise 6.2 Question (1) In figure, find the values of x and y and then show that AB||CD.

class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 question 1


class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 solution of question 1


∠ANM = 50o

And, ∠CYP = 130o

Thus, ∠x and ∠y = ?

And to prove that AB || CD.

Since, ∠ANM and ∠x are linear pair, thus their sum will be 180o

i.e. ∠ANM + ∠x = 180o

⇒ 50o + ∠x = 180o

⇒ ∠x = 180o – 50o

⇒ ∠x = 130o

Now, since ∠COP and ∠NOD are vertically opposite angles, thus they are equal.

i.e. ∠NOD = ∠COP

⇒ ∠y = 130o

Now, here ∠x = ∠y = 130o

i.e. Alternate interior angles x and y are equal.

Thus, by the corresponding angles theorm, which says that if a ransversal intersects two lines such that a pair of alternate interior angles is equal, the the two lines are parallel.

Thus, AB || CD Proved

And, ∠x = ∠y = 130o Answer

Lines and Angles Class ninth math NCERT Exercise 6.2 Question (2) In figure, if AB||CD, CD||EF and y : z = 3 : 7, find x.

class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 question 2


Given, AB || CD and CD||EF

And, y : z = 3 : 7

Thus, x = ?

Here, x and z are alternate internal angles and hence are equal.

i.e. x = z - - - - - (i)

As given y : z = 3 : 7

Thus, let y = 3m and z = 7m

Now, according to theorem based on parallel lines, which says that If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, the each pair of interior angles of the same side of the transversal is supplementary.

Here, x and y are the pair of interior angles of the same side of the transversal and hence are supplementary.

Thus, ∠x + ∠y = 180o

⇒ ∠z + ∠y = 180o

[Because ∠x and ∠z are alternate angles and thus are equal. From equation (i)]

⇒ 7m + 3m = 180o

⇒ 10m = 180o

`=> m = 180^o/10`

⇒ m = 18o

Now, z = 7m

Thus after substituting the value of m in above expression we get

z = 7 × 18o

⇒ y = 126o = x

Thus, x = 126o Answer

Lines and Angles Class ninth math NCERT Exercise 6.2 Question (3) In figure, if AB||CD, EF `_|_` CD and ∠GED = 126o, find ∠AGE, ∠GEF and ∠FGE.

class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 question 3


Given, AB||CD, EF `_|_` CD

And ∠GED = 126o

Then, ∠AGE, ∠GEF and ∠FGE = ?

class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 solution of question 3

Here, ∠GED and ∠AGE are alternate interior angles and hence are equal.

i.e. ∠AGE = ∠GED

⇒ ∠AGE = 126o

Now, ∠AGE and ∠FGE are linear pair of angles and hence = 180o

i.e. ∠AGE + ∠FGE = 180o

⇒ 126o + ∠FGE = 180o

⇒ ∠FGE = 180o – 126o

⇒ ∠FGE = 54o

Now, ∠GEF + ∠FED = 126o

⇒ ∠GEF + 90o = 126o

[Because EF `_|_` CD and as given in question ∠GED = 126o ]

⇒ ∠GEF = 126o – 90o

⇒ ∠GEF = 36o

Thus, ∠AGE = 126o, ∠GEF = 36o and ∠FGE = 54o Answer

Lines and Angles Class ninth math NCERT Exercise 6.2 Question (4) In figure, if PQ||ST, ∠PQR = 110o and ∠RST = 130o, find ∠QRS.

[Hint: Draw a line parallel to ST through point R.]

class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 question 4


Given, PQ||ST

And, ∠PQR = 110o

And, ∠RST = 130o

Thus, ∠QRS = ?

Construction A line parallel to ST is drawn through point R.

class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 solution of question 4

Since, AB||ST

Thus, ∠PQR and ∠QRB are alternate angles and hence are equal.

i.e. ∠PQR = ∠QRB = 110o

Similarly, ∠RST and ∠SRA are alternate angles and hence are equal.

i.e. ∠RST = ∠SRA = 130o

Let ∠QRA = a, ∠QRS = b and ∠SRB = c

Now, a + b + c = 180o - - - - - - (i)

[Because these angles together form a straight angle]

And, ∠SRA + ∠QRB = 130o + 110o

⇒ (a + b) + (b + c) = 240o

⇒ a + b + b + c = 240o

⇒ a + 2b + c = 240o - - - - - (ii)

Now, after subtracting equation (i) from equation (ii) we get

class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 solution question 4

Thus, b = ∠ QRS =60o

Thus, ∠QRS = 60o Answer

Alternate Method

Given, PQ||ST

And, ∠PQR = 110o

And, ∠RST = 130o

Thus, ∠QRS = ?

Construction A line parallel to ST is drawn through point R.

class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 alternate solution of question 4

According to theorem related to parallel line If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then each pair of interior angles on the same side of the transversal is supplementary.

Here, ∠RST and angle c are interior angle of the same side of transversal, and hence are supplementary.

i.e. ∠RST + ∠c = 180o

⇒ 130o + ∠c = 180o

⇒ ∠c = 180o – 130o

⇒ ∠c = 50o - - - - - (i)

And angle PQR and angle QRB are a pair of alternate angles and hence are equal.

Because one of the theorem related to parallel lines says that if a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then each pair of alternate interior angles is equal.

i.e. ∠PQR = ∠QRB = 110o

Now, ∠QRS = ∠QRB – ∠c

⇒ ∠QRS = 110o – 50o

[From equation (i) ∠c = 50o]

⇒ ∠QRS = 60o Answer

Lines and Angles Class ninth math NCERT Exercise 6.2 Question (5) In figure, if AB||CD, ∠APQ = 50o and ∠PRD = 127o, find x and y.

class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 question 5


Given, AB||CD

And, ∠APQ = 50o

And ∠PRD = 127o

Then, x and y = ?

One of the theorem of parallel lines says that If a transversal intersects two parallel lines, then each pair of alternate interior angles is equal.

∠PQR and ∠APQ are pair of alternate interior angles, and hence are equal.

i.e. ∠PQR = ∠APQ = 50o

⇒ x = 50o

Considering QR as a transversal

∠APR and ∠PRD are pair of alternate angles, and hence are equal.

i.e. ∠APR = ∠PRD = 127o

Now, ∠y = ∠APR – ∠APQ

= 127o – 50o

⇒ y = 77o

Thus, x = 50o and y = 77o Answer

Lines and Angles Class ninth math NCERT Exercise 6.2 Question (6) In figure, PQ and RS are two mirrors placed parallel to each other. An incident ray AB strikes the mirror PQ at B, the reflected ray moves along the path BC and strikes the mirror RS at C and again reflects back along CD. Proved that AB||CD.

class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 question 6


Given, PQ and RS are two mirrors placed parallel to each other.

AB is a incident ray and BC is reflected ray.

And when BC is incident ray, then CD is reflected ray.

Thus, to prove AB||CD.

class 9th math lines and angles ncert exercise 6.2 solution of question 6

We know that, in the case of a plane mirror, incident ray = reflected ray

Here, `/_ABP =i` is incident ray.

And, `/_CBQ =r` is reflected ray.

Thus, `/_ABP = i=/_CBQ=r`

And when BC is incident to mirror RS,

`/_RCB = i` is incident ray

And, `/_DCS = r` is reflected ray.

Thus, `/_RCB=i=/_DCS=r`

Now, ∠ABP, ∠ABC and ∠CBQ together form a straight angle

Thus, ∠ABP + ∠ABC + ∠CBQ = 180o

⇒ ∠ABC = 180o – (∠ABP + ∠CBQ) - - - - - (i)

Similarly, ∠RCB + ∠BCD + ∠DCS = 180o

[Because these three angles together form a straight angle]

⇒ ∠ABC + ∠BCD + ∠CBQ = 180o

[Because = ∠RCB = ∠ABC and ∠DCS = ∠CBQ]

⇒ ∠BCD = 180o Ó (∠ABC + ∠CBQ) - - - - - (ii)

Thus, from equation (i) and equation (ii)


Now, one of the theorem related to parallel lines says that If a transversal intersects two lines such that a pair of alternate interior angles is equal, then the two lines are parallel.

Here AB and CD are two lines and BC is a transversal.

Now, since ∠ABC and ∠BCD are alternate interior angles and are equal

Thus, AB||CD Proved

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