Number System: 9 Math

mathematics Class Nine

Solution of NCERT 1.5 (class ninth mathematics): 9th math

Question (1) Classify the following numbers as rational or irrational

(i) `2-sqrt5`

Answer : Irrational.

Explanation: Since, one part of the given expression i.e. `sqrt5` is an irrational number, thus given number is an irrational.

(ii) `(3+sqrt(23))-sqrt(23)`


Given, `(3+sqrt(23))-sqrt(23)`

`=3+\cancel(sqrt(23))- \cancel(sqrt(23))`


Thus, Given number is rational. Answer

(iii) `(2sqrt7)/(2sqrt7)`


Given, `(2sqrt7)/(2sqrt7)`

= 0

Thus, given number is rational. Answer

(iv) `1/sqrt2`


Given, `1/sqrt2`

Since, `sqrt2` is an irrational number.

Thus, given number is irrational. Answer

(v) `2pi`


Given, `2pi`

Since `pi` is an irrational number.

Thus, given number is irrational. Answer

Question (2) Simplify each of the following expressions:

(i) `(3+sqrt3)(2+sqrt2)`


Given, `(3+sqrt3)(2+sqrt2)`


`=6+3sqrt2+2sqrt3+sqrt6` Answer

(ii) `(3+sqrt3)(3-sqrt3)`


Given, `(3+sqrt3)(3-sqrt3)`


[∵ (a+b)(a–b)=a2– b2]

=9 – 3

= 6 Answer

(iii) `(sqrt5+sqrt2)^2`


Given, `(sqrt5+sqrt2)^2`

`=(sqrt5)^2+(sqrt2)^2+2sqrt5\ sqrt2`



(iv) `(sqrt5-sqrt2)(sqrt5+sqrt2)`


Given, `(sqrt5-sqrt2)(sqrt5+sqrt2)`


= 5 – 2

= 3 Answer

Question (3) Recall, `pi` is defined as the ratio of the circumference (say c) of a circle to its diameter (say d). That is `pi = c/d`. This seems to contradict the fact that `pi` is irrational. How will you resolve this contradiction?


When measuring with scale or a tape the findings of any rational numbers are only to an approximation. This is the cause that while measuring the circumference of a circle, i.e. `pi` only approximate value is taken. This is the cause that it appears that we take `pi` as rational but actually `pi` is irrational number.

Thus, there is no contradiction.

Question (4) Represent `sqrt(9.3)` on the number line.


9 math rational number ncert exercise 1.5 question4

To represent `sqrt(9.3)` do the following steps

(a) Draw a horizontal line and cut a segment equal to 9.3 unit, say CA = 9.3 unit

(b) Mark AE equal to 1 unit

(c) Find the centre of line segment CE

(d) Now, draw a semicircle on line segment CE

(e) Draw a perpendicular at A, which cut the semicircle at point D

(f) Now, this AD will be equal to `sqrt(9.3)`

(g) Measure AD and cut equal to this length on number line, i.e. horizontal line taking from A which becomes AE

(h) Now, AD = AE `=sqrt(9.3)`

This AE is the representation of `sqrt(9.3)` on the number line


It is clear from the figure drawn above that

CA = 9.3 unit

AB = 1 unit

∴ diameter of the circle = 9.3 + 1 = 10.3 unit

∴ radius, OB = OC = OD `=(10.3)/2` unit

Now, OA = OB – AB




Now, in triangle, ODA

∠ A = 900

∴ According to Pythagoras Theorem

OD2 = OA2 + AD2

⇒ AD2 = OD2 – OA2

`=>AD^2 =(( 10.3)/2)^2-((8.3)/2)^2`




`:. AD= sqrt(9.3)`

Hence, AD = `sqrt(9.3)` proved

Question (5) Rationalize the denominators of the following

(i) `1/sqrt7`


Given, `1/sqrt7`

After multiplying with `sqrt7/sqrt7` we get


`=sqrt7/7` Answer

(ii) `1/(sqrt7-sqrt6)`


Given, `1/(sqrt7-sqrt6)`

After multiplying with `(sqrt7+sqrt6)/ (sqrt7+sqrt6)` we get

`=1/(sqrt7-sqrt6)xx(sqrt7+sqrt6)/ (sqrt7+sqrt6)`

`=(sqrt7+sqrt6)/ ((sqrt7-sqrt6) (sqrt7+sqrt6))`

Now, after applying (a + b) (a – b) = a2 – b2, we get




`=(sqrt7+sqrt6)` Answer

(iii) `1/(sqrt5+sqrt2)`


Given, `1/(sqrt5+sqrt2)`

After multiplying with `(sqrt5-sqrt2)/ (sqrt5-sqrt2)` we get

`1/(sqrt5+sqrt2)xx(sqrt5-sqrt2)/ (sqrt5-sqrt2)`

`=(sqrt5-sqrt2)/( (sqrt5+sqrt2) (sqrt5-sqrt2))`

Now, after applying (a + b) (a – b) = a2 – b2, we get



`=(sqrt5-sqrt2)/3` Answer

(iv) `1/(sqrt7-2)`


Given, `1/(sqrt7-2)`

After multiplying with `(sqrt7+2)/ (sqrt7+2)` we get

`1/(sqrt7-2)xx(sqrt7+2)/ (sqrt7+2)`

`=(sqrt7+2)/( (sqrt7-2) (sqrt7+2))`

Now, after applying (a + b) (a – b) = a2 – b2, we get



`=(sqrt7+2)/3` Answer

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