Surface Areas and Volumes: 9 Math

mathematics Class Nine

NCERT Exemplar Exercise 13.1: 9th math

Write the correct answer in each of the following

NCERT Exemplar Exercise 13.1 Surface Areas And Volumes Class nine Math   Question (1) The radius of a sphere is 2r, then its volume will be

(A) 4/3 ℼ r3

(B) 4 ℼ r3

(C) `(8\ pi\ r^3)/3`

(D) 32/3 ℼ r3

Answer (D) 32/3 ℼ r3


9 math surface areas and volumes ncert exemplar exercise 13.1 question19 math surface areas and volumes ncert exemplar exercise 13.1 question1

Given, Radius of a sphere = 2r

Thus, volume of the given sphere = ?

Here, we know that Volume of a sphere = 4/3 ℼ r3

Thus, volume of the given sphere

= 4/3 × ℼ × 2r × 2r × 2r

= 4/3 × ℼ × 8 r3

= 32/3 ℼ r3

Thus, volume of the given sphere = (D) 32/3 ℼ r3 Answer

NCERT Exemplar Exercise 13.1 Surface Areas And Volumes Class nine Math   Question (2) The total surface area of a cube is 96 cm2. The volume of the cube is:

(A) 8 cm3.

(B) 512 cm3

(C) 64 3

(D) 27 cm 3

Answer (C) 64 cm2


Given, the total Surface area of a cube = 96 cm2

Thus, volume of the cube = ?

Now, we know that, the Total Surface Area of a Cube = 6 a2

Therefore, the total surface area of the given cube

96 cm2 = 6 × (a)2

⇒ a2 = 96/6 cm2

⇒ a2 = 16

⇒ a = √ 16 cm2

⇒ a = 4 cm

Now, we know that volume of a cube = a3

= 4 cm × 4 cm × 4 cm

= 64 cm3

Thus, volume of the given cube = (C) 64 cm2 Answer

NCERT Exemplar Exercise 13.1 Surface Areas And Volumes Class nine Math   Question (3) A cone is 8.4 cm high and the radius of its base is 2.1 cm. It is melted and recast into a sphere. The radius of the sphere is:

(A) 4.2 cm

(B) 2.1 cm

(C) 2.4 cm

(D) 1.6 cm

Answer (B) 2.1 cm


Given, the height of a cone = 8.4 cm

And, the radius of the base of the cone = 2.1 cm

Thus, radius of the sphere made after melting the given cone = ?

Now, we know that volume of a cone

= 1/3 ℼ r2 h

Now, the volume of the given cone,

= 1/3 × 22/7 × 2.1 cm × 2.1 cm × 8.4 cm

= 22 × 0.7 cm × 0.3 cm × 8.4 cm

= 38.808 cm3

Thus, volume of the given cone = 38.808 cm3

Now, as per question the given cone is melted and transformed into a sphere

Now, we know that, Volume of a Sphere = 4/3 ℼ r3

Thus, volume of the given sphere

= 38.808 cm3 = 4/3 × 22/7 × r3

`=>r^3= (38.808 cm^3xx3xx7)/(4xx22)`

⇒ r3 = 9.261 cm3

`=>r = root3(9.261 cm^3)`

⇒ r = 2.1 cm

Thus, radius of the given sphere = 2.1 cm Answer

NCERT Exemplar Exercise 13.1 Surface Areas And Volumes Class nine Math   Question (4) In a cylinder, radius is doubled and height is halved, curved surface area will be

(A) halved

(B) doubled

(C) same

(D) four times

Answer (C) same


Given, radius of a cylinder is doubled and height is halved,

Then area of the given cylinder = ?

Let radius of the cylinder = r

Now, as per question, radius is doubled, i.e. radius = 2r

And, let height = h

Now, as per question, height is halved, i.e. height =h/2

Now, we know hta, Curved Surface Area of a Cylinder

= 2 ℼ r h

Now, after doubled of radius and halved of height, the curved surface area of the given cylinder

= 2 × ℼ × 2r × `h/2`

= 2 ℼ rh

Thus, area of the given cylinder remains the same even after doubling of radius and halved of height.

Thus, Answer = (C) Same

NCERT Exemplar Exercise 13.1 Surface Areas And Volumes Class nine Math   Question (5) The total surface area of a cone whose radius is `r/2` and slant height `2l` is

(A) 2 ℼ r (`l` + r)

(B) `pi\ r\ (l + r/4)`

(C) ℼ r (`l` + r)

(D) 2 ℼ r `l`

Answer (B) `pi\r(l + r/4)`


Given, Radius of a cone = r/2

And, slant height of the cone = 2`l`

Thus, total surface area of the given cone = ?

Now, we know that Total Surface Area of a Cone

= ℼ r (`l` + r)

Thus, total surface area of the given cone

9 math surface areas and volumes ncert exemplar exercise 13.1 question5

Thus, total surface area of the given cone `=pi\ r(l+r/4)`

Thus, option (B) `=pi\ r(l+r/4)` is correct option

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