Surface Areas and Volumes: 9 Math

mathematics Class Nine

NCERT Exemplar Exercise 13.4 Q5-8: 9th math

Solution of NCERT Exemplar Exercise 13.4 Surface Areas And Volumes Class 9 Math   Question (5) The volumes of the two spheres are in the ratio 64 : 27. Find the ratio of their surface areas.


Given, ratio of volumes of two spheres = 64 : 27

Thus, ratio of surface areas of the given two spheres = ?

9 math surface areas and volumes ncert exemplar exercise 13.4 question59 math surface areas and volumes ncert exemplar exercise 13.4 question5

Now, we know that, Volume of sphere = 4/3 ℼ r3

Thus, ratio of volumes of two spheres having radii R and r

= 4/3 ℼ R3 : 4/3 ℼ r3

= R3 : r3

Thus, ratio of volume of two spheres = ratio of cube of their radii

⇒ 64 : 27 = (4)3 : (3)3

Thus, Thus, radius of big sphere (R) = 4

And, radius of small sphere (r) = 3

Now, we know that, surface area of sphere = 4 ℼ r2

Thus, ratio of surface area of two spheres having radii R and r respectively

= 4 ℼ R2 : 4 ℼ r2

= R2 : r2

Thus, ratio of surface area of two spheres = ratio of square of their radii

Thus, ratio of curved surface area of given two spheres

= 42 : 32

= 16 : 9

Thus, ratio of surface areas of given two spheres = 16 : 9 Answer

Solution of NCERT Exemplar Exercise 13.4 Surface Areas And Volumes Class 9 Math   Question (6) A cube of side 4 cm contains a sphere touching its sides. Find the volume of the gap in between.


Given, side of cube = 4 cm

And, this cube contains a sphere touching its side,

Thus, volume of gap in between the cube and sphere = ?

Here, volume of gap in between the cube and sphere = volume of cube – volume of sphere

Calculation of the volume of the cube

We know that, Volume of a cube = (side)3

Thus, volume of the given cube = (4 cm)3

= 64 cm3

Thus, volume of the cube = 64 cm3

Calculation of volume of given sphere

Now, since sphere kept in the cube is touching its side

Thus, diameter of sphere = edge of cube = 4 cm

Thus, radius of the sphere = 4/2 = 2 cm

Now, we know that, Volume of a sphere = 4/3 ℼ r3

Thus, volume of the given cube = 4/3 ℼ (2 cm)3

= 4/3 × 22/7 × 8 cm3

= 88/21 × 8 cm3

= 33.524 cm3

Thus, volume of the sphere = 33.524 cm3

Calculation of volume of gap between sphere and the edges of cube

The volume of gap between sphere and edges of the cube = volume of cube – volume of sphere

= 64 cm3 – 33.524 cm3

= 30.476 cm3

Thus, volume gap between sphere and cube = 30.476 cm3 Answer

Solution of NCERT Exemplar Exercise 13.4 Surface Areas And Volumes Class 9 Math   Question (7) A sphere and a right circular cylinder of the same radius have equal volumes. By what percentage does the diameter of the cylinder exceed its height?


Given, the radius and volume are equal of a sphere and a right circular cylinder.

Thus, percent of exceed of diameter of the height of the cylinder = ?

Let, radius of sphere and that of right circular cylinder = r

And, height of the right circular cylinder = h

Now, we know that, Volume of a sphere = 4/3 ℼ r3

And, Volume of a right circular cylinder = ℼ r2 h

Now, according to question,

Volume of sphere = volume of right circular cylinder

⇒ 4/3 ℼ r3 = ℼ r2 h

⇒ 4/3 r = h

⇒ r = 3/4 h

Thus, radius of the cylinder = 3/4 h

Thus, diameter of the cylinder `=2xx3/4h`

⇒ Diameter of the cylinder = 3/2 h

⇒ Diameter of the cylinder = 1.5 h

Thus, for diameter increase in height = 1.5 h – h = 0.5 h

Now, in h the increase = 0.5 h

Thus, in 1, the increase `=(0.5h)/h=0.5`

Thus, in 100, the increase = 0.5 × 100 = 50%

Thus, diameter of the cylinder exceeds from its height = 50% Answer

Solution of NCERT Exemplar Exercise 13.4 Surface Areas And Volumes Class 9 Math   Question (8) 30 circular plates, each of radius 14 cm and thickness 3 cm are placed one above the another to form a cylindrical solid. Find:

(i) the total surface area

(ii) volume of the cylinder so formed.


Given, thickness of one circular plate = 3 cm

And, radius of circular plate = 14 cm

And total number of plates place one above another to form a cylindrical solid = 30

Thus, the total surface area and volume of the cylinder formed = ?

(i) The total surface area of the cylindrical solid formed

Here, since, total 30 circular plates area kept above one another and thickness of one plate = 3 cm

Thus, total height of the cylinder so formed

= thickness of one plate × total number of plate

= 3 cm × 30 = 90 cm

And, radius of the plate = 14 cm

Now we know that, total surface area of a cylinder

= 2 ℼ r (r + h)

Thus, total surface area of the given cylinder

= 2 × 22/7 × 14 cm × (14 cm + 90 cm)

= 44 × 2 cm × 104 cm

= 44 × 208 cm2

= 9152 cm2

Thus, total surface area of the cylindrical solid formed

= 9152 cm2 Answer

(ii) The volume of the cylinder so formed

We know that, volume of a cylinder

= ℼ r2 h

= 22/7 × (14 cm)2 × 90 cm

= 22/7 × 14 cm × 14 cm × 90 cm

= 22 × 2 cm × 14 cm × 90 cm

= 22 × 2520 cm3

= 55440 cm3

Thus, volume of the cylinder formed = 55440 cm3 Answer

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