Surface Areas and Volumes: 9 Math

mathematics Class Nine

NCERT Exercise 13.3: 9th math

Important Formula

Curved Surface Area of A Cone `=pi \ r\ l`

Where r = radius of base and `l` = slant height

Total Surface Area of a Cone `=pi \ r(l+r)`

NCERT Exercise 13.3 Questions and Solution and Answer

Assume `p=22/7` unless stated otherwise.

Surface Areas And Volumes Class nine Math NCERT Exercise 13.3Question (1) Diameter of the base of a cone is 10.5 cm and its slant height is 10 cm. Finds its curved surface area.


9 math surface areas and volumes ncert exercise 13.3 question 1 9 math surface areas and volumes ncert exercise 13.3 question 1

Given, Diameter of the base = 10.5 cm

Therefore, Radius = 10.5/2 = 5.25 cm

And, Slant height = 10 cm

Therefore, Curved surface area of the given cone = ?

We know that, Curved Surface Area of a Cone `= pi r l`

Thus, Curved Surface Area of the given Cone of the given cone

`= 22/7 xx 5.25 xx 10\ cm^2`

= 22 × 0.75 × 10 cm2

= 22 × 7.5 cm2

= 165 cm2

Thus, Curved Surface Area of given Cone = 165 cm2 Answer

Surface Areas And Volumes Class nine Math NCERT Exercise 13.3Question (2) Find the total surface area of a cone, if its slant height is 21 m and diameter of its base is 24 m.


Given, Slant height of the cone = 21 m

And, Base diameter of the cone = 24 m

Therefore, radius of cone (r) = 12 m

Thus, total surface area of the given cone = ?

We know that, Total surface area of a cone `= pi r (l + r)`

Thus, Total Surface Area of the given cone

`=22/7 xx 12 (21+ 12)`

`=22/7 xx 12 xx 33`

= 1244.57 m2

Thus, total surface of the given cone = 1244.57 m2 Answer

Surface Areas And Volumes Class nine Math NCERT Exercise 13.3Question (3) Curved surface area of a cone is 308 cm2 and slant height is 14 cm. Find

(i) Radius of the base and

(ii) Total surface area of the cone.


Given, Curved surface area of the cone = 308 cm2

And, Slant height of the cone = 14 cm

Therefore, (i) radius of the base and (ii) Total surface area of the cone = ?

(i) Radius of the base

We know that, Curved surface area of a cone = ℿ r `l`

Thus, Curved Surface Area of given Cone

= `22/7` × r × 14

⇒ 308 = `22/7` × r × 14

⇒ 308 = 22 × r × 2

⇒ 308 = 44 r


⇒ r = 7 cm

Thus, radius of the base of given cone = 7 cm Answer

(ii) Total surface area of the cone

We know that, Total surface area of a cone `= pi\ r (r + l)`

Therefore, Total surface area of the given cone

= `22/7` × 7 (7 + 14)

= 22 × (7 + 14)

= 22 × 21

= 462 cm2

Thus, Total Surface Area of the given cone = 462 cm2 Answer

Surface Areas And Volumes Class nine Math NCERT Exercise 13.3Question (4) A conical tent is 10 m heigh and the radius of its base is 24 m. Find

(i) Slant height of the tent.

(ii) Cost of the canvas required to make the tent, if the cost of 1 m2 canvas is Rs 70.


Given, Height of conical tent = 10 m

And, Base radius of the conical tent = 24 m

Therefore, (i) Slant height and (ii) Cost of canvas at the rate of Rs 70 per 1m2 = ?

(i) Slant height of the tent.

9 math surface areas and volumes ncert exercise 13.3 question 4

In a cone, height, radius and slant height of a cone together make a right angled triangle.

Therefore, (slant height)2 = (height)2 + (radius)2

Therefore, {slant height of the given cone(`l`)}2

= (102 )+(24)2

⇒ `l^2` = 100 + 576

⇒ `l^2 = 676`


⇒ `l` = 26 m

Thus, slant height of the given cone = 26 m Answer

(ii) Cost of the canvas required to make the tent, if the cost of 1 m2 canvas is Rs 70.

Here canvas required to make the tent = Curved surface area of the given conical tent

Now, we know that, Curved Surface Area of a Cone `=pi\ r\ l`

Therefore, Curved surface area of the given tent

= `22/7` × 24 × 26 m2

=`22/7` × 624 m2

= `13728 /7` m2

Thus, Area of canvas to make the tent `=13728/7\m^2`

Calculation of cost of the canvas

As given in the question, rate of canvas = Rs 70 per square meter

Therefore, cost of canvas = Area of canvas × Rate of canvas

`= 13728/7xx 70`

= Rs 137280.00

Thus, cost of canvas to make the tent = Rs 137280.00 Answer

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