Arithmetic Progression

Mathematics Class Tenth


NCERT Exercise 5.2

Question: 1. Fill in the blanks in the following table, given that a is the first term, d the common differnece and `a_n` the nth term of the AP.

Sl a d n `a_n`
(i) 7 3 8 ...
(ii) `-18` ... 10 0
(iii) ... `-3` 18 `-5`
(iv) `-18.9` 2.5 ... 3.6
(v) 3.5 0 105 ....


Answer Table

Sl a d n `a_n`
(i) 7 3 8 28
(ii) `-18` 2 10 0
(iii) 46 `-3` 18 `-5`
(iv) `-18.9` 2.5 10 3.6
(v) 3.5 0 105 3.5


(i) Given, `a=7, d=3, n=8`

Therefore, `a_n=?`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_8 = 7+(8-1)3`


(ii) Given, `a=-18, n=10, a_n=0`

Therefore, `d=?`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. 0 = -18+(10-1)xxd`



`:. d=18/9=2` Answer

(iii) Given, `d=-3, n=18, a_n=-5`

Therefore, `a=?`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. -5=a+(18-1)xx(-3)`



`=>a=-5+51=46` Answer

(iv) Given, `a=-18.9, d=2.5, a_n=3.6`

Therefore, `n=?`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. 3.6=-18.9+(n-1)xx2.5`

`=>3.6=-18.9+2.5\ n-2.5`

`=>3.6=-21.4+2.5\ n`

`=>2.5\ n = 3.6+21.4`

`=>2.5\ n = 25`

`:. n = 25/2.5=10` Answer

(v) Given, `a=3.5, d=0, n=105`

Therefore, `a_n=?`

Here, since common differnece is equal to zero (0) thus, every terms will come equal to first term i.e. `=3.5`

`:. a_105= 3.5` Answer

Question: (2) Choose the correct choice in the following and justify:

(i) 30th term of AP: 10, 7, 4, ..., is

(A) 97

(B) 77

(C) `-77`



Given, 10, 7, 4, ...

Here, First term `a_1= 10`

Common differnece (d)

`= a_2-a_1=a_3-a_2`



∴ 30th term =?

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_30=10+(30-1)xx(-3)`



∴ Option (C)`-77` is the correct answer

(ii) 11th term of the AP: `-3, -1/2, 2, `......, is

(A) 28

(B) 22

(C) `-38`



Given, `-3, -1/2, 2, `......,

Here, First term `(a_1)=-3`

Common differnece (d)




∴ `a_11=?`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_11=-3+(11-1)xx(5/2)`




∴ Option (B) 22 is the correct answer

Question. (3) In the following APs, find the missing terms in the boxes

(i) 2, `square`, 26


Here, First term `(a_1)=2`

And Third term `(a_3)=26`

∴ 2nd term `(a_2)=?`

Let, commond differnece =d

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

And third term `(a_3)`

`=>26 = 2+(3-1)d`



`:. d = 24/2=12`

Now missing term i.e. second term `(a_2)` can be calculated by following two methods

Method (1)

Since, In and AP Second term = First term + common differnece

`:. a_2 = a_1+d`

`=>a_2 = 2+12=14`

Method (2)

Using` a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`a_2= 2+(2-1)xx12`


Thus, number missing in box = 14 Answer

Alternate method

In an AP middle term is the average of other two terms

Or, Middle term `=(text{1st term + 2nd term})/2`



Thus, number missing in box = 14 Answer

(ii) `square, 13, square, 3`


Given, `a_2=13 and a_4=3`

`:. a_1 and a_3=?`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d` where, a = first term, n = number of term and d = common differnece

`:. a_2= a+(2-1)d`

`=>13=a+d` -----(i)

And `a_4 = a+(4-1)d`

`=>3=a+3d` -----(ii)

After subtracting euqation (ii) from (i) we get




`:. d = -10/2=-5`

Now, First term = second term – common differnece

`=>a_1= 13-(-5)`


And third term = second term + common differnece


`=>a_3=13-5= 8`

Thus, missing numbers in boxes are 18 and 8 Answer

Alternate Method

In an AP middle term is the average of other two terms

Or, Middle term `=(text{1st term + 2nd term})/2`

Given, `a_2=13 and a_4 = 3`

`:. a_3 = (a_2+a_4)/2`

`=>a_3 = (13+3)2=16/2`

`=>a_3 = 8`

Here, common difference (d) `= a_4-a_3`


`:. a_1 = a_2-d=13-(-5)`


Thus, missing numbers in boxes are 18 (first term) and 8 (third term) Answer

Question 3 (iii) `5, square, square, 9\1/2`


Given, First term `(a_1) = 5`

And the Fourth term `(a_4) = 9\1/2=19/2`

`:. a_2 and a_3 =?`

Let, common difference = d

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d` where, a = first term, n = number of term and d = common differnece

`:. a_4 = a + (4-1)d`

`=> 19/2=5+3d`





Now, `a_2 = a_1+(2-1)d`

`=>a_2 = 5+1xx3/2`

`=>a_2 = (10+3)/2=13/2`

`=>a_2 = 6\1/2 `

And, `a_3 = a + (3-1)d`

`=>a_3 = 5+2xx3/2=5+3`

`=>a_3 = 8`

Thus, `6\1/2 and 8` are the missing numbers in the boxes respectively. Answer

Question. 3 (iv) `-4, square, square, square, square, 6,` .......


Given, `-4, square, square, square, square, 6,` .......

Here, `a_1 = -4 and a_6 = 6`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d` where, a = first term, n = number of term and d = common differnece

`:. a_6= a+(6-1)d`

`=> 6 = -4+5d`



Now, ∵ `a_2 = a+d`

`:. a_2 = -4+2=-2`

And, `a_3 = a+(3-1)d`

`=>a_3 = -4+2xx2`

`=>a_3 = -4+4=0`

And, `a_4 = -4+(4-1)2`

`=>a_4 = -4+3xx2=-4+6`


And, `a_5 = -4+(5-1)2`

`=>a_5 = -4+4xx2`

`=>a_5 = -4+8=4`

&there4, missing numbers in boxes are, `-2`, 0, 2 and 4 respectively.

Question. 3 (v) `square, 38, square, square, square, -22`



Given, Second term `(a_2)=38` and Sixth term `(a_6) = -22`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d` where, a = first term, n = number of term and d = common differnece

`:. a_2 = a+(2-1)d`

` 38=a+d` -----(i)

And, `a_6 = a + (6-1)d`

`:. -22=a+5d` -------(ii)

Now by subtracting equation (ii) from equation (i) we get



`=> 60 = -4d`

`=>d = 60/(-4)=-15`

Now, first term `(a_1) = a_2-d`

`:. a_1 = 38-(-15)=38+15`

`=> a_1 = 53`

Third term `(a_3)=a+(3-1)d`

`=>a_3 = 53+2xx(-15)`

`=>a_3 = 53-30=23`

Fourth term `(a_4)=a+(4-1)xxd`

`=>a_4 = 53+3xx(-15)`

`=>a_4 = 53-45=8`

Fifth term `(a_5) = a +(5-1)d`

`a_5 = 53+4xx(-15)`

`a_5 = 53-60 = -7`

Thus, missing numbers in the boxes are 53, 23, 8 and `-7` respectively. Answer

Question. (4) Which term of the AP: 3, 8, 13, 18, ..., is 78?


Given, First term `(a_1)` = 3

Common difference `(d) = 8-3=13-8=5`

Let, the given term `a_n= 78`

Thus, `n =?`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d` where, a = first term, n = number of term and d = common differnece

` a_n = 3+(n-1)xx5`

`:. 78 = 3 + (n-1)xx5`

`=> 78 = 3+5n-5`

`=> 78 = 5n -2`

`=> 5n = 78+2`

`=> n =80/5 = 16`

Therefore, given term is `16^(th)` term. Answer

Question. (5) Find the number of terms in each of the following APs:

(i) 7, 13, 19, ....., 205


Given, First term `(a_1) = 7`

Last term `(l)` = 205

According to the given list of numbers, which is in AP

Common difference `(d) = a_2 - a_1 `

` => d = 13-7=6`

Let last term is `n^(th) term

Thus, `n=?`

Now, `l=a_n = 205`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d` where, a = first term, n = number of term and d = common differnece

`:. 205 = 7 + (n-1) 6`

`=> 205 = 7 + 6n - 6`

`=> 1+6n = 205`

`=> 6n = 205-4= 204`

`:. n = 204/6 = 34`

∴ There are 34 terms in the given Arithmeti Progression (AP)

Question. 5 (ii) `18, 15\1/2, 13, ..., -47`


Here, First term `(a_1) = 18`

Second term `(a_2) = 15\1/2=31/2`

Last term `(l) = -47`

there4; Common difference `(d) = a_2-a_1=31/2-18`

` =>d = (31-36)/2`

`=>d = -5/2`

Let, given last term `(l) = nth` term

`:. n = ?`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d` where, a = first term, n = number of term and d = common differnece

`:. a_n= 18+(n-1)xx(-5/2)`

`=> -47 = 18+(-(5n)/2+5/2)`

`=> -47 = 18 - (5n)/2+5/2`

`=> -47-18 -5/2=-(5n)/2`

`=> -(5n)/2=-65-5/2`

`=> -(5n)/2=(-130-5)/2`

`=> -5n=-135`

`:. n = 135/5=27`

∴ There are 27 terms in the given Arithmetic Progression (AP). Answer

Question (6) Check whether `-150` is a term of the AP: 11, 8, 5, 2, ....


Here, First term `(a_1) = 11`

And Second term `(a_2) = 8`

Since, the given list of number is in Arithmetic Progression (AP)

Therefore, Common difference `(d) = a_2-a_1`

`d = 8-11 = -3`

Now, let the given term `-150 = n^(th)` term

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d` where, a = first term, n = number of term and d = common differnece

`:. -150 = 11 + (n-1) xx (-3)`

`=> -150 = 11 -3n + 3`

`=> -150 = -3n + 14`

`=>-3n = -150 - 14 = -164`

`=> n = 164/3 = 54\2/3`

Since, result of `n` is not a whole number, thus given term is not a term of the given Arithmetic Progression (AP). Answer

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