Arithmetic Progression

Mathematics Class Tenth


NCERT Exercise 5.3

Question: (1) Find the sum of the following APs:

(i) 2, 7, 12, ....., to 10 terms


Here, First term `a=2`

Common difference `(d) = 7-2= 5`

And no. of terms `n = 10`

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_10 = 10/2[2xx2+(10-1)5]`

`=10/2 [4+9xx5]`




Thus, sum of first 10 terms of given AP = 245. Answer

(ii) `-37, -33, -29`, ...., to 12 terms.


Given, First term `a= -37`

Common difference (d) `= -33-(-37)` `=-33+37 = 4`

Number of terms, `n = 12`

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_12=12/2[2(-37)+(12-1)4]`


`= 6xx(-30)`


Thus, sum of first 12 terms for given AP `= -180` Answer

(iii) `0.6, 1.7, 2.8`, ...., to 100 terms


Here, given, First term `(a) = 0.6`

Common difference `(d)=1.7-0.6=1.1

`n = 100`

Sum of first 100 terms, `S_100=?`

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`S_100 = 100/2[2xx0.6+(100-1)1.1]`





Thus, sum of first 100 terms for the given Arithmetic Progression (AP) = 5505. Answer

(iv) `1/15, 1/12, 1/10`, ..., to 11 terms.


Here, given, First term, `a=1/15`

Common difference, `d=1/12-1/15`



And, `n =11`

∴ Sum of first 11 terms, `S_11=?`

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_11=11/2[2xx1/15+(11-1)1/60]`







Thus, sum of first 11 terms for the given Arithmetic Progression (AP)`=1\13/20` Answer

Question. (2) Find the sums given below:

(i) `7+10\1/2+14+...+84`


Here, given, First term, `a=7`

Common difference, `d=10\1/2 -7`




`:. S_n=?`

Now, we know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_n=7+(n-1)7/2`






`=> n = 22+1`

`=> n = 23`

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_23=23/2[2xx7+(23-1)xx7/2]`






Thus, Sum of the given Arithmetic Progression(AP) `=1046\1/2` Answer



Here, given, First term, `a=34`

Common difference, `d = 32-34=-2`

`n^(th)` term, `a_n = 10`

`:. S_n = ?`

Now, we know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_n = 34+(n-1)xx(-2)`

`=> 10 = 34 + (n-1)xx(-2)`

`=>(n-1)(-2)= 10-34`


`=> n-1=(-24)/(-2)`

`=>n-1 = 12`

`=> n = 12+1=13`

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_13=13/2[2xx34+(13-1)xx(-2)]`

`=> S_13=13/2[68+12xx(-2)]`





Thus, sum of the given term in Arithmetic Progression (AP) = 286 Answer

(iii) `-5+(-8)+(-11)+...+(-230)`


Here, First term, `a=-5`

Common difference, `d=-8-(-5)=-3`

nth term `a_n = -230`

`:. S_n =?`

Now, we know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. -230 = -5+(n-1)xx(-3)`

`=>-230 +5 =(n-1)xx(-3)`


`=>n-1 = 75`

`=>n = 75+1=76`

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`S_76 = 76/2[2xx(-5)+(76-1)xx(-3)]`




`=>S_76= -8930`

Thus, sum of the given terms for Arithmetic Progression `= -8930` Answer

Question. (3) In an AP:

(i) Given, `a=5, d=3, a_n =50` find `n and S_n`


Now, we know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. 50 = 5+(n-1)3`

`=> 50-5 =(n-1)3`


`=>n-1 = 45/3=15`

`=> n = 15+1=16`

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_16 = 16/2[2xx5+(16-1)3]`


`=>S_16 = 440`

Thus, `n=16 and S_n=440` Answer

(ii) given, `a=7, a_13=35,` find `d and S_13`


We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_13 = 7+(13-1)d`

`=>35 = 7+12d`

`=> 12d = 35-7=28`

`=> d = 28/12=7/3`

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_13 = 13/2[2xx7+(13-1)7/3]`



`=13/2xx42 = 13xx21`


Thus, `d = 7/3 and S_13 = 273` Answer

(iii) given, `a_12 = 37, d=3` find `a and S_12`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_12 = a+(12-1)3`


`:. a = 37-33=4`

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_12 = 12/2[2xx4+(12-1)3]`



`=>S_12 = 246`

Thus, `a=4 and S_12 = 246` Answer

(iv) given, `a_3 = 15, S_10 = 125` find `d and a_10`


We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_3 = a+(3-1)d`

`=>15=a+2d` ------(i)

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_10 = 10/2[2a+(10-1)d]`



`=>25=2a+9d` ------(ii)

Now, after multiplying equation (i) by 2 we get

`30=2a+4d` -----(iii)

Now, after subtracting equation (ii) from equation (iii) we get


`=>5 = 2a+4d-2a-9d`

`=>5 = -5d`

`:. d = -5/5 = -1`

Now, By putting the value of d in equation (i) we get

`15 = a + 2xx(-1)`


`:. a = 15+2 = 17`

Now, by using `a_n = a+(n-1)d` we get

`a_10 = 17+(10-1)(-1)`

`=>a_10 = 17+9(-1)=17-9`

`=>a_10 = 8`

Thus, `d = -1 and a_10 = 8` Answer

(v) given, `d=5, s_9 = 75`, find `a and a_9`


Given, `d=5, s_9 = 75`

`:. a = ? and a_9=?`

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_9 = 9/2[2a+(9-1)5]`

`=>75 = 9/2[2a+8xx5]`

`=>75 = 9/2[2a+40]`

`=>75 = 9/2xx2[a+20]`

`=>75 = 9[a+20]`




`=> a = -35/3`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_9 = -35/3+(9-1)5`





Thus, `a = -35/3 and a_9 = 85/3` Answer

(vi) Given, `a=2, d=8, S_n = 90`, find `n and a_n`


We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_n = n/2[2xx2+(n-1)8]`

`=> 90 = n/2[4+8n-8]`





`=>2n^2 -n -45=0`

`=>2n^2 -10n +9n-45=0`



Now, if `2n+9=0`

`:. 2n = -9`

`=> n = -9/2`

And, if `n-5 = 0`

`:. n = 5`

After discarding the negative value of n, we have

`n = 5`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_5 = 2+(5-1)8`

`=>a_5 = 2+4xx8=2+32`

`=>a_5 = 34`

Thus, `n = 5 and a_n = 34` Answer

(vii) Given, `a=8, a_n = 62, S_n =210`, find `n and d`


Here, given, `a=8, a_n = 62, S_n =210`

`:. n = ? and d =?`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_n = 8+(n-1)d`

`=>62 = 8+(n-1)d`

`=>(n-1)d = 62-8`

`=>(n-1)d = 54` ----(i)

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. S_n = n/2[2xx8+(n-1)d]`

`=>210 = n/2[16+(n-1)d]`

`=>(210xx2)/n= 16+(n-1)d`

`=>420/n = 16+(n-1)d`

After substituting the value of `(n-1)d` from equation (i), we get

`=>420/n = 16+54`

`=>420/n = 70`

`:. n = 420/70`

`=> n = 6`

Now, by putting the value of `n=6` in equation (i), we get

`(6-1)d= 54`

`=>5d= 54`

`:. d = 54/5`

Thus, `n = 6 and d = 54/5` Answer

(viii) Given, `a_n = 4, d = 2, S_n = -14`, find `n and a`


We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. 4 = a+(n-1)2`


`=>a+2n = 4+2`

`=>a+2n = 6`

`=>a = 6-2n` ----(i)

We know that, Sum of first `n` terms `S_n=n/2[2a+(n-1)d]`

`:. -14 = n/2[2a+(n-1)2]`

`=>-14 = n/2xx2[a+(n-1)]`

`=>-14 = n [a+n-1]`

After putting the value of `a` from equation (i), we get

`-14 = n [6-2n +n-1]`

`=>-14 = n [5-n]`

`=>-14=5n - n^2`



`=>n^2 -5n -14 = 0`

`=> n^2 -7n+2n-14=0`

`=>n(n-7)+2 (n-7)=0`


Now, if `n+2 = 0`

`:. n = -2`

And, if `n-7=0`

`:. n = 7`

After discarding the negative value of `n`, we have

`n = 7`

Now, by putting the value of `n=7` in equation (i), we get



Thus, `n = 7 and a = -8` Answer

(ix) Given, `a=3, n=8, S= 192`, find `d`


Here, given, `a=3, n=8, and S= 192`

Therefore, `d=?`

We know that sum of all terms, `S= n/2(a+l)`

`:. 192 = 8/2(3+l)`


`=>3+l = 192/4=48`

`=> l = 48-3=45`

This means 45 is the 8th term

Or, `a_8 = 45`

We know that, `a_n=a+(n-1)d`

`:. a_8 = 3+(8-1)d`

`=> 45 = 3+7d`

`=>7d = 45-3=42`

`:. d = 42/7`

`=> d = 6`

Thus, `d = 6` Answer

(x) Given, `l=28, S = 144` and there are total 9 terms, find `a`


Here, given, `l=28, S = 144 and n=9`

We know that sum of all terms, `S= n/2(a+l)`

`=>S = 9/2(a+28)`

`=> 144 = 9/2 (a+28)`

`=>a+28 = (144xx2)/9`

`=>a+28 = 288/9`

`=> a +28 = 32`

`=> a = 32 - 28`

`=> a = 4`

Thus, `a = 4` Answer

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