Introduction to Trigonometry

Mathematics Class Tenth


Solution of NCERT Exercise 8.1 part3

Question (8) If 3cot A = 4, check whether 1 – tan2A/1 + tan2A = cos2A – sin2A or not


Given, 3 cot A = 4

⇒ cot A = 4/3 --------- (i)

We know that, cot A = Base(b)/Perpendicular(p)

Thus, after substituting the value of cot A from equation (i) we get

4/3 = Base(b)/Perpendicular(p)

Thus, Base (b) = 4 k, and Perpendicular(p) = 3 k

solution of the ncert exercise 8.1 question 8 class ten math

According to Pythagoras Theorem, we know that,

(Hypotenuse)2 = (Perpendicular)2 + (Base)2

Thus, by substituting values of b (base) and p (perpendicular) we get

(Hypotenuse)2 = (3 k)2 + (4 k)2

⇒ (Hypotenuse)2 = 9 k 2 + 16 k2

⇒ (Hypotenuse)2 =25 k2

⇒ Hypotenuse (h) = 25 k2

⇒ Hypotenuse (h) = 5 k

Now, we have, Base (b) = 4 k, Perpendicular (p) = 3 k and Hypotenuse(h) = 5 k

Calculation of the trigonometric ratio of tan A

Now, we know that, tan A = Perpendicular(p)/Base(b)

By substituting values of p (perpendicular) and b (base), we get

tan A = 3 k/4 k

⇒ tan A = 3/4 - - - - - (ii)

Calculation of the trigonometric ratio of cos A

Now, we know that, cos A = Base(b)/Hypotenuse(h)

Thus, by substituting values of b(base) and h (hypotenuse), we get

cos A = 4 k/5 k

⇒ cos A = 4/5 - - - - - (iii)

Calculation of the trigonometric ratio of sin A

Now, we know that, sin A = Perpendicular(p)/Hypotenuse(h)

Thus, by substituting values of p(perpendicular) and h (hypotenuse), we get

sin A = 3 k/5 k

⇒ sin A = 3/5 - - - - - (iv)

Now, LHS = 1 – tan2A/1 + tan2A

After substituting value of tan A from equation (ii), we get

1 – (3/4)2/1 + (3/4)2

= 1 – 9/16/ 1 + 9/16

= 16 – 9/16/16 + 9/16

= 7/16/25/16

= 7/16 × 16/25

⇒ LHS = 7/25

Now, RHS = cos2A – sin2A

After substituting values of cos A and sin A from equation (iii) and (iv), we get

=(4/5)2 – (3/5)2

= 16/259/25

= 16 – 9/25

⇒ RHS = 7/25

Thus, LHS = RHS Proved

i.e. 1 – tan2A/1 + tan2A = cos2A – sin2A Proved

Alternate Method to solve the question

If 3cot A = 4, check whether 1 – tan2A/1 + tan2A = cos2A – sin2A or not

Given, 3 cot A = 4

∴ cot A = 4/3 - - - - - (i)

Calculation of the trigonometric ratio of tan A using given value of cot A

Now, we know that, tan A = 1/cot A

Thus, by substituting the value of cot A from equation (i), we get

tan A = 1/4/3

⇒ tan A = 3/4 - - - - (ii)

Calculation of the trigonometric ratio of cosec A using given value of cot A

Now, we know that, cot2 A = cosec2A – 1

After substituting value of cot A from equation (i), we get

(4/3)2 = cosec2A – 1

⇒ cosec2A =(4/3)2 + 1

⇒ cosec2A = 16/9 + 1

⇒ cosec2A = 16 + 9/9

⇒ cosec2 A = 25/9

⇒ cosec A = 25/9

⇒ cosec A = 5/3

Calculation of the trigonometric ratio of sin A using given value of cosec A

Now, we know that, sin A = 1/cosec A

⇒ sin A = 1/5/3

⇒ sin A = 3/5 - - - - - (iii)

Calculation of the trigonometric ratio of cos A using given value of sin A

We know that, cos2 A = 1 – sin2A

After substituting value of sin A from equation (iii), we get

cos2 A = 1 – (3/5)2

⇒ cos2 A = 1 – 9/25

⇒ cos2A = 25 – 9/25

⇒ cos A = 16/25

⇒ cos A = 4/5 - - - - - (iv)

Now, LHS = 1 – tan2A/1 + tan2A

After substituting value of tan A from equation (ii), we get

1 – (3/4)2/1 + (3/4)2

= 1 – 9/16/ 1 + 9/16

= 16 – 9/16/16 + 9/16

= 7/16/25/16

= 7/16 × 16/25

⇒ LHS = 7/25

Now, RHS = cos2A – sin2A

After substituting values of cos A and sin A from equation (iii) and (iv), we get

=(4/5)2 – (3/5)2

= 16/259/25

= 16 – 9/25

⇒ RHS = 7/25

Thus, LHS = RHS Proved

i.e. 1 – tan2A/1 + tan2A = cos2A – sin2A Proved

Question (9) In triangle ABC, right angled at B, if tan A = 1/3, find the value of

(i) sin A . cos C + cos A . sin C

(ii) cos A . cos C – sin A . sin C


solution of the ncert exercise 8.1 question 9 class ten math

Let Δ ABC is a right-angle triangle, in which ∠B = 90o

Here, since the acute ∠A is to be considered, thus for acute ∠ A,

the side opposite to the ∠ B = AC = Hypotenuse (h)

The side opposite to the ∠ A = BC = Perpendicular (p)

And, the side adjacent to the ∠ A = AB = Base (b)

Given, tan A = 1/3

We know that, tan A = Perpendicular (p)/Base (b)

Thus, tan A = Perpendicular(p)/Base(b) = 1/3

∴ Perpendicular (p) = BC = k

And Base (b) = AB = √3 k

Calculation of the Hypotenuse

According to Pythagoras Theorem, we know that,

(Hypotenuse)2 = (Perpendicular)2 + (Base)2

After substituting values of Perpendicular(p) and Base(b), we get

⇒ [Hypotenuse(h)]2 = k2 + (√3 k)2

⇒ [Hypotenuse(h)]2 = k2 + 3 k2

⇒ Hypotenuse(h) = 4 k2

⇒ Hypotenuse(h) = AC = 2 k

Calculation of the sinA using the value of tanA

Now, we know that sin A = BC/AC = Perpendicular (p)/Hypotenuse (h)

After substituting values of perpendicular (p) and hypotenuse (h), we get

sin A = k/2 k

⇒ sin A = 1/2 - - - - - (i)

Calculation of the cos A using the value of tan A

We know that, cos A = AB/AC

After substituting values of base(b) and hypotenuse(h), we get

cos A = 3 k/2 k

⇒ cos A = 3/2 - - - - - (ii)

Now in the given Δ ABC, for the acute ∠ C

the side opposite to the right ∠ B = AC = Hypotenuse (h) = 2k

The side opposite to the ∠ C = AB = Perpendicular (p) = 3k

And, the side adjacent to the ∠ C = BC = Base (b) = k

solution1 of the ncert exercise 8.1 question 9 class ten math

Calculation of the sin C using the values given for the right angle triangle ABC

Now, we know that, sin C = Perpendicular (p)/Hypotenuse (h)

⇒ sin C = AB/AC

After substituting values of AB and AC, we get

sin C = 3 k/2 k

⇒ sin C = 3/2 - - - - - (iii)

Calculation of the cos C using the values given for the right angle triangle ABC

Now, we know that, cos C = Base (b)/Hypotenuse (h)



After substituting values of Base (BC) and Hypotenuse (AC), we get

cos C = k/2 k

⇒ cos C = 1/2 - - - - (iv)


(i) sin A . cos C + cos A . sin C

After substituting values of sin A, cos A, sin C and cos C from equation (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), we get

1/2 × 1/2 + 3/2 × 3/2

= 1/4 + 3/4

= 1 + 3/4

= 1/4

Thus, sin A . cos C + cos A . sin C = 1/4 Answer

(ii) cos A . cos C – sin A . sin C

After substituting values of sin A, cos A, sin C and cos C from equation (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), we get

3/2 × 1/2  –  1/2 × 3/2

= 3/4  –  3/4

= 0

Thus, cos A . cos C – sin A . sin C = 0 Answer

Question (10) In Δ PQR, right angled at Q, PR + QR = 25 cm and PQ = 5 cm. Determine the values of sin P, cos P and tan P.


solution of the ncert exercise 8.1 question 10 class ten math

Let, ABC is the given triangle

∠ Q = 90o (As given in the question)

Thus, in this right angle triangle, for the acute ∠ P

The side opposite to right ∠Q = PR = Hypotenuse (h)

And, side adjacent to the acute ∠P = Base (b) = PQ

And, the side opposite to the acute ∠ P = Perpendicular (p)

As given in question,

∠ Q = 90o

And, PQ = Base (b) 5 cm

And, PR + QR = 25 cm

∴ QR = Perpendicular (p) = 25 cm – PR - - - - (i)

Now, according to Pythagoras Theorem,

(Hypotenuse)2 = (Perpendicular)2 + (Base)2

⇒ PR2 = QR2 + PQ2

⇒ PR2 = (25 cm – PR)2 + (5 cm)2

[∵ from equation (i) QR = 25 – PR]

⇒ PR2 = 625 cm2 + PR2 – 2 × 25 cm × PR cm + 25 cm2

⇒ PR2 = 625 cm2 + PR2 – PR × 50 cm + 25 cm2

⇒ PR2 = 650 cm2 + PR2 – PR × 50 cm

PR2PR2 = 650 cm2 – PR × 50 cm

⇒ 0 = 650 cm2 – PR × 50 cm

⇒ PR × 50 cm = 650 cm2

⇒ PR = 650 cm2/50 cm

⇒ PR = 13 cm

Now, by substituting value of PR in equation (i), we get

QR = 25 cm – 13 cm

⇒ QR = 12 cm

Thus, now we have

PQ = Base(b) = 5 cm,

QR = Perpendicular (p) = 12 cm,

And, PR = Hypotenuse (h) = 13 cm

Calculation of sinP using the values given for the right angle ABC

Now, We know that, sin P = Perpendicular (p)/Hypotenuse (h)

⇒ sin P = QR/PR


Substituting values of QR and PR we get

sin P = 12 cm/13 cm

⇒ sin P = 12/13

Calculation of cosP using the values given for the right angle ABC

We know that, cos P = Base (b)/Hypotenuse (h)

⇒ cos P = PQ/PR

After substituting values of PQ and PR we get

cos P = 5 cm/13 cm

⇒ cos P = 5/13

Calculation of tanP using the values given for the right angle ABC

Again, we know that, tan P = Perpendicular (p)/Base (b)

⇒ tan P = QR/PQ

After substituting values of QR and PQ we get

tan P = 12 cm/5 cm

⇒ tan P = 12/5

Thus, sin P = 12/13, cos P = 5/13 and tan P = 12/5 Answer

Question (11) State whether the following are true or false. Justify your answer.

(i) The value of tan A is always less than 1.

Answer: False

Justification: The value of tan 45o is equal to 1 and hence the statement "The value of tan A is always less than 1" is false.

(ii) sec A = 12/5 for some value of angle A.

Answer: True


We know that, sec A = h/b

Here, given, sec A = 12/5

Thus, sec A = 12/5 = h/b

Thus, h = 12 k, and b = 5 k

We know that, According to Pythagoras Theorem,

(Hypotenuse)2 = (Perpendicular)2 + (Base)2

⇒ (12 k)2 = p2 + (5 k)2

⇒ p2 = 144 k2 – 25 k2

⇒ p2=119 k2

⇒ p2 = 119 k2

⇒ p = 10.9

solution of the ncert exercise 8.1 question 11_iii class ten math

Since, here hypotenuse (12) is biggest among all the sides and sum of perpendicular and base is more than hypotenuse, thus, such triangle will exist.

Thus, the statement "sec A = 12/5 for some value of angle A" is true.

(iii) cos A is the abbreviation of used for the cosecant of angle A.

Answer: False

Justification: "cos A" is the abbreviation used for "cosine of angle A" and "cosec A" is the abbreviation used for "cosecant of angle A".

Thus the given statement "cos A is the abbreviation of used for the cosecant of angle A" is false

(iv) cot A is the product of cot and A.

Answer: False

Justification: "cot A" is not the product of cot and A, rather "cot A" is the "cotangent of angle A".

Thus, the given statement "cot A is the product of cot and A" is false

(v) sin θ = 4/3 for some angle θ.

Answer: False

Justification: The value of sin θ is always between or equal to 1 and 0. Here, the value of sin θ is equal to 4/3 which is more than 1. Thus, given statement "sin θ = 4/3 for some angle θ" is false.

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