Introduction to Trigonometry

Mathematics Class Tenth


NCERT Exercise 8.2 Solution part3

Question (3) If tan (A+B) = 3 and tan (A – B) = 1/3;   0o < A + B ≤ 90o; A > B, find A and B.


Given, tan ( A + B ) = 3

⇒ tan (A + B) = tan 60o

[∵ tan 60o = 3]

⇒ A + B = 60o - - - - - (i)

Again given, tan (A – B) = 1/3

⇒ tan(A – B) = tan 30o

[∵ tan 30o = 1/3]

= A – B = 30o - - - - - (ii)

After addition of equation (i) and (ii) we get

A + B + A – B = 60o + 30o

⇒ 2A = 90o

⇒ A = 90o/2 = 45o

Now after substituting the value of A in equation (i). we get

45o + B = 60o

⇒ B = 60o – 45o

⇒ B = 15o

Thus, A = 45o and B = 15o Answer

Question (4) State whether the following are true or false. Justify your answer.

(i) sin (A + B) = sin A + sin B

Answer: False

Explanation: (a)

sin (A + B) does not mean sin multiplied (×) by (A+B), rather it is the sin of ∠ (A + B)

Thus, sin (A+B) ≠ sin A + sin B

Explanation: (b)

By taking different values of A and B it can be easily proved that sin (A+B) ≠ sin A + sin B


Let, A = 30o and B = 60o

Thus, sin (A + B)

= sin (30o + 60o)

= sin 90o = 1

And, sin A + sin B

= sin 30o + sin 60o

= 1/2 + 3/2

= 1 + 3/2

Thus, sin (A+B) ≠ sin A + sin B Proved

Thus given statement is False

(ii) The value of sin θ increases as θ increases.

Answer: True


sin 0o = 0

sin 30o = 1/2

sin 45o = 1/2

sin 90o = 1

Clearly, value of sin θ increases as θ increases. And hence given statement is True.

Explanation: 2

We know that sin θ = Side opposite to the angle θ/Hypotenuse = Perpendicular/Hypotenuse

Thus, in the case, when θ = 0, the hypotenuse will coicide with base, i.e. side adjancent to the angle θ and lenght of the perpendicular will become zero.

But with the increase of the angle θ the lenght of perpendicular increase.

Thus with the increase of the lenght of the perpendicular, the value of sin θ will increase.

Clearly, value of sin θ increases as θ increases. And hence given statement is True.

(iii) The value of cos θ increases as θ increases.

Answer: False


cos 0o = 1

cos 30o = 3/2

`os 45o = 1/2

cos 90o = 0

Clearly, value of sin θ decreases as θ increases. And hence given statement is False

Explanation: 2

We know that cos θ = Side adjacent to the angle θ/Hypotenuse = Base/Hypotenuse

Thus, in the case, when θ = 0, the hypotenuse will coicide with base, i.e. side adjancent to the angle θ and lenght of the hypotenuse will become equal to the base.

But with the increase of the angle θ the lenght of hyptenuse increases while the lenght of the base remains same. This means when we observe the cos θ = b/h, the value of h (hypotnuse) which is denominator will increase while the value of numerator, i.e. base will remain same. And, when value of numerator will increase the the value of cose θ will decrease.

Thus with the increase of the lenght of the hypotenuse, the value of cos θ will decrease.

Clearly, value of cos θ decreases as θ increases. And hence given statement is False.

(iv) sin θ = cos θ for all values of θ

Answer: False


sin θ = cos theta; is for only the θ = 45o. Because sin 45o = cos 45o = 2

Thus, given statement is false.

Explanation: 2

The value of sin θ increases with increase the value of θ while the value of cos θ decreases with increase the value of θ

Thus, the given statement "sin θ = cos θ for all values of θ" is false.

(v) cot A is not defined for A = 0o

Answer: True.


We know that,

cot A = cos A/sin A

Thus, let θ = 0

⇒ cot 0o = cos 0o/sin 0o

= 1/0 = ∞ = Undefined

Thus, the given statement "cot A is not defined for A = 0o" is True

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