Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Mathematics Class Tenth


NCERT Exercise 3.3

Algebraic Methods of Solving a Pair of Linear Equations

Substitution Method

Let, a pair of linear equations in two variables are

`x+y=11` -------(i)

And `3x-2y = 3` -------(ii)

Steps to solve these linear equations by substitution method:

Step: 1. Find the value of one variable, say `y` in terms of the other variable, i.e., `x` from either equation, whichever is convenient.

Example: From equation (i)

`x+y = 11`

`=> x = 11-y` ----------(iii)

Step: 2. Substitute this value of `x` in the other equation, and reduce it to an equation in one variable, i.e. in terms of `y`, and solve it and find the value of `y`.

Example: After substituting the value of `x` from equation (iii) in equation, (ii), we get

`3(11-y) - 2y = 3`

`=>33 -3y - 2y = 3`

`=> 33-5y = 3`

`=>-5y = 3 - 33`

`=> -5y = -30`

`:. y = (-30)/(-5) = 6`

Step: 3. Now, substitute the value of `y` in the equation (i) and calculate the value of `x`


After substituting the value of `y` in equation, (i) we get


`=> x = 11-6 = 5`

Thus, `x = 5` and `y = 6` Answer.

NCERT Exercise 3.3

Question: 1. Solve the following pair of linear equations by the substitution method.

(i) `x+y = 14`; `x-y = 4`


Given, `x+y = 14` ------------(i)

`x-y = 4` -----------(ii)

Now, from equation (i) `x+y = 14`

`x= 14 - y` ---------(iii)

Now after substituting the value of `x` from equation (iii) in equation (ii), we get

`(14-y)-y = 4`

`=> 14-y - y = 4`

`=> 14-2y = 4`

`=> -2y = 4-14 = -10`

`=> y = (-10)/(-2) = 5`

Now, by substituting the value of `y` in equation (i), we get,

`x+5 = 14`

`=> x = 14-5 = 9`

Thus, `x = 9` and `y = 5` Answer

(ii) `s-t = 3`; `s/3+t/2 = 6`


Given, `s-t = 3` --------(i)

`s/3+t/2 = 6` ---------(ii)

Now, `s-t = 3`

`=> s = 3+t` ------(iii)

And, `s/3 + t/2 = 6`

`=> (2s+3t)/6 = 6`

`=> 2s+3t = 6xx6`

`=> 2s+3t = 36`

After substituting the value of `s` from equation (iii), we get

`=> 2(3+t) + 3t = 36`

`=> 6+2t+3t = 36`

`=> 5t = 36-6 = 30`

`:. t = 30/5 = 6`

Now, after substituting the value of `t = 6` in equation (i), we get

`s - 6 = 3`

`=> s = 3+6 = 9`

Thus, `s = 9` and `t = 6` Answer

(iii) `3x-y = 3`; `9x-3y = 9`


Given, `3x-y = 3` -------------(i)

`9x-3y = 9` -----------(ii)

Now, `3x-y = 3`

`=> 3x-3 = y`

`=> y = 3x-3` ----------(iii)

After substituting the value `y` from equation (iii) in equation (ii), we get

`9x - 3 (3x-3) = 9`

`=>\cancel( 9x) -\cancel( 9x)+9 =9`

`=>9 = 9` which is true

Here, from given pair of linear equations

`a_1 = 3, b_1 = -1, c_1 = -3`

And, `a_2 = 9, b_2 = -3, c_2 = -9`

Thus, `a_1/a_2 = 3/9 = 1/3`

`b_1/b_2 = (-1)/(-3) = 1/3`

`c_1/c_2 = (-3)/(-9) = 1/3`

Here, since, `a_1/a_2 = b_1/b_2 = c_1/c_2`

Thus, given pair of equation has infinitely many solutions.

From equation (i) `3x-y = 3`

If `x = 0`

`:. y = -3`

And, if `x = 1`

`=> 3xx1 - y = 3`

`=> - y = 3/3 = 1`

`=> y = -1`

Thus, one possible solution is `x = 0, y = -3` and `x = 1, y = -1` are two possible solutions.

(iv) `0.2x + 0.3y = 1.3`;

`0.4x + 0.5y = 2.3`


Given, `0.2x + 0.3y = 1.3` ----------(i)

`0.4x + 0.5y = 2.3` ----------(ii)

Thus, now, equation (i)

`0.2x + 0.3y = 1.3`

`=> 0.2x = 1.3 - 0.3y `

`=> x = (1.3-0.3y)/(0.2)` ----------(iii)

Now, by substituting the value of `x` in equation (ii), we get

`0.4xx(1.3-0.3y)/(0.2) + 0.5y = 2.3`

`=> (0.52 - 0.12y)/(0.2)+0.5y = 2.3`

`=> ((0.52-0.12y)+0.1y)/(0.2) = 2.3`

`=> 0.52-0.12y +0.1y = 2.3xx0.2`

`=> 0.52 - 0.02y = 0.46`

`=> -0.02 y = 0.46 - 0.52`

`=> - 0.02 y = - 0.06`

`=> y = (0.06)/(0.02) = 3`

Now, after substituting the value of `y` in equation (i), we get

`0.2x + 0.3 xx 3 = 1.3`

`=> 0.2x + 0.9 =1.3`

`=> 0.2x = 1.3 - 0.9`

`=> x = (0.4)/(0.2)`

`=> x = 2`

Thus, `x = 2` and `y = 3` Answer

(v) `sqrt2\x+sqrt3\y = 0`;




`sqrt2\x+sqrt3\y = 0` --------- (i)

`sqrt3\x-sqrt8\y=0` ----------- (ii)

Now, `sqrt2\x+sqrt3\y = 0`

`=> sqrt2\x = -sqrt3\y = 0`

`=x = -(sqrt3\y)/sqrt2` ---------(iii)

After substituting the value of `x` in equation (ii), we get

`sqrt3 xx (-sqrt3\y)/sqrt2 - sqrt8\y = 0`

`=>(-3y)/sqrt2 - sqrt8\y =0`

`=>(-3y - sqrt2xxsqrt8\y)/sqrt2 =0`

`=> - 3y - sqrt16\y = 0`

`=> y (-3-4) = 0`

`=> y = 0/(-1) = 0`

Now, by substituting the value of `y` in equation (i)

`sqrt2\x - sqrt3 xx 0 = 0`

`=>sqrt2\x - 0=0`

`=> x = 0`

Thus, `x = 0` and `y = 0` Answer

(vi) `(3x)/2 - (5y)/3 = -2`;

`x/3 + y /2 = 13/6`


Given, `(3x)/2 - (5y)/3 = -2` -------(i)

`x/3 + y /2 = 13/6` --------------(ii)

Now, from equation (i)

`(3x)/2 - (5y)/3 = -2`

`=> (9x-10y)/6 = -2`

`=> 9x-10y = -12`

`=> 9x = (-12 + 10y)`

`=> x = (-12+10y)/9` -----------(iii)

After substituting the value of `x` in equation (ii), we get

`((-12+10y)//9)/3 +y/2 = 13/6`

`=> (-12+10y)/27 + y/2 = 13/6`

`=>(2xx(-12+10y) + 27 y)/54 = 13/6`

`=> -24 + 20y + 27 y = (13xx\cancel(54)9)/\cancel(6)`

`=> -24 + 47 y = 117`

`=> 47y = 117+24= 141`

`=> y = 141/47 = 3`

Now, by substituting the value of `y` in equation (ii), we get

`x/3 + 3/2 = 13/6`


`=>2x+9 = (13xx6)/6`

`=> 2x+9 = 13`

`=> 2x = 13-9 =4`

` :. x = 4/2 = 2`

Thus, `x = 2` and `y = 3` Answer

Question: 2. Solve `2x+3y =11` and `2x-4y= -24` and hence find the value of `m` for which `y = mx +3`.


Given, `2x+3y = 11` -----------(i)

And, `2x-4y = -24` ------------(ii)

Now, from equation (i)

`2x+3y = 11`

`=> 2x = 11-3y`

`=> x = (11-3y)/2` -------------(iii)

Now, by substituting the value of `x` from equation (iii) in equation (ii), we get

`2((11-3y)/2)-4y = -24`

`=> 11-3y - 4y = -24`

`=> 11-7y = -24`

`=> -7y = -24 -11`

`=>-7 y = -35`

`=>y = (-35)/(-7) = 5`

Now, by substituting the value `y` in equation (i), we get

`2x + 3xx5 = 11`

`=>2x +15 = 11`

`=>2x = 11-15 = -4`

`=> x = (-4)/2 = -2`

Thus, `x = -2` and `y = 5`

Now, as given, `y = mx +3` -----------(iv)

After substituting the values of `x` and `y` in equation (iv), we get

`5 = m(-2) +3`

`=> -2m = 5-3 = 2`

`=> m = 2(-2) = -1`

Thus, `m = -1` Answer

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