Sample Paper: Math Class ten

Mathematics Class Tenth


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Question (21) In the figure given below AD is the median of triangle ABC, find the coordinates of the point B.

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(a) (– 13, –13)

(b) (– 11, 10)

(c) (– 10, – 10)

(d) (– 15, – 15)

Answer : (d) (– 15, – 15)

Explanation :

We know that, the coordinates of the point P(x, y) which divides the line segment joining points A (x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) internally, in the ratio 1 : 1 are `((x_1+x_2)/2, (y_1+y_2)/2)`

In the given figure C is the mid-point of BD, i.e. C divides BD in the ratio of 1:1

Thus, let the B (x1, y1)

Therefore, coordinates of point C

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⇒ – 10 = x1 + 5

⇒ – 10 – 5 = x1

⇒ – 15 = x1

⇒ x1 = – 15


–5 = `(y_1+5)/2`

⇒ – 5 × 2 = y1 + 5

⇒ – 10 = y1 + 5

⇒ – 10 – 5 = y1

⇒ – 15 = y1

⇒ y1 = – 15

Thus, coordinate of point B is (–15, – 15)

Thus, option (d) (–15, – 15) is the correct answer.

Shortcut Method

Since, D is the median, this means D divides BC in 1:1 ratio.

Here, difference between the coordinates of C and D = –10

Thus, difference between B and D will also be equal to –10

Thus, coordinates of B = coordinates of C + (–10)

Or, coordinates of B = coordinates of C – 10

Thus, B = C ( –5 – 10, – 5 – 10)

⇒ The coordinates of B = –15, – 15

Thus, option (d) (–15, – 15) is the correct answer.

Question (22) The cooridinates of point B, if B is the midpoint of the line segment AC in the given figure is

10 math sample paper MCQs21

(a) (2.5, 4)

(b) (7, 5.2)

(c) (5.2, 7)

(d) (4, 2.5)

Answer : (a) (2.5, 4)

Explanation :

Since, OA = 8 units and it lies on the y-axis, thus coordinates of A = (0, 8)

i.e. A (0, 8)

Similarly, OC = 5 units and it lies on x-axis,

Thus, coordinates of C = (5, 0)

i.e. C (5, 0)

Now, the point B is the mid-point of A( 0, 8) and C (5, 0)

We know that, the coordinates of the point P(x, y) which divides the line segment joining points A (x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) internally, in the ratio 1 : 1 are `((x_1+x_2)/2, (y_1+y_2)/2)`

In the given figure B is the mid-point of AC, i.e. B divides AC in the ratio of 1:1

Thus, let the B (x, y)

Therefore, coordinates of point B

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Similarly, y = 8/2 = 4

Thus, coordinates of given mid-point B = 2.5, 4

Thus, option (a) (2.5, 4) is the correct answer.

Question (23) The values of x and y in the above rectangle are

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(a) 4, 1

(b) 1, 4

(c) 8, 3

(d) 3, 8

Answer : (b) (1, 4)

Explanation :

Since, the given figure is a rectangle, thus,

AD = BC and AB = CD

Thus, x + 3 y = 13 - - - - (i)

And, 3 x + y = 7 - - - - - (ii)

Now equation (i) × 3 – equation (ii)

(x + 3 y ) 3 – (3 x + y) = 13 × 3 – 7

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⇒ y = 4

Now, after substituting the value of y = 4 in equation (i), we get

x + 3 × 4 = 13

⇒ x + 12 = 13

⇒ x = 13 – 12

⇒ x = 1

Thus, x = 1 and y = 4

Thus, option (b) 1, 4 is the correct answer.

Question (24) The value of the given expression

(3 – cot 30o) (√3 + 1) = 2 A

Hence A can be replaced by

(a) cot 60o

(b) tan 60o

(c) 2 tan 30o

(d) 2 tan 60o

Answer : (b) tan 60o

Explanation :


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⇒ A = tan 60o

[∵ tan 60o = √ 3]

Thus, A can be replaced by tan 60o

Thus, option (b) tan 60o is the correct answer.

Question (25) It tan θ = 1, then the value of (cosec4 θ + sec4 θ) is

(a) 8

(b) 4

(c) 2 &radi;2

(d) 1/4

Answer : (a) 8

Explanation :

Given, tan θ =1

⇒ tan θ = tan 45o

⇒ θ = 45o

Thus, (cosec4 θ + sec4 θ)

= cosec (45o)4 + sec (45o)4

= (√2)4 + (√2)4

= 4 + 4 = 8

Thus, option (a) 8 is the correct answer.

Question (26) If α and β are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 + x – 2 then the value of α2 β + β2 α is :

(a) –2

(b) –1

(c) 0

(d) 2

Answer : (d) 2

Explanation :

Given, x2 + x – 2

And α and β are zeroes of this polynomial,

Then, α2 β + β2 = ?

We know that, α + β = –b/a = –1/1

⇒ α + β = – 1

And, we know that, α β = c/a = –2/1

⇒ α β = – 2

Thus, α2 β + β2

= &alpha β (α + β)

= –2 ( – 1) = 2

⇒ α2 β + β2 = 2

Thus, option (d) 2 is the correct answer.

Question (27) If the HCF of 14 and 105 is expressed as 14 m – 105, then the value of m is

(a) 2

(b) 4

(c) 6

(d) 8

Answer : (d) 8

Explanation :

The prime factorization of

14 = 2 × 7

And, 105 = 3 × 5 × 7

Thus, HCF of 14 and 105 = 7

Now, as given the HCF of 14 and 105 is expressed as 14 m – 105

Thus, m = ?

This, means the HCF of 14 and 105 = 14 m – 105

⇒ 14 m – 105 = 7

⇒ 14 m = 7 + 105

⇒ 14 m = 112

⇒ m = 112/14

⇒ 8

Thus, option (d) 8 is the correct answer.

(28) The decimal expansion of `51/(3xx2^2xx5^3)` will be

(a) Non-Terminating and repeating

(b) Terminating

(c) Non-terminating and non-repeating

(d) Non-Terminating

Answer : (b) Terminating

Explanation :

The given expression `51/(3xx2^2xx5^3)`

Can be written as `17/(2^2xx5^3)`

We know that, if a rational number x = p/q, such that prime factorisation of q is of the form 2n 5m, where n and m are non-negative integers, then x has a decimal expansion which terminates.

Since, in the given expression the prime factorisation of q is in the form of 2n 5m, thus this given expression has a terminating decimal expansion.

Thus, option (b) Terminating is the correct answer.

Question (29) The greatest number which divides 70 and 125, leaving remainder 5 and 8 respectively is :

(a) 1750

(b) 875

(c) 65

(d) 13

Answer : (d) 13

Explanation :

The given numbers are 70 and 125

And to find the greatest number, i.e. HCF which divides the given number leaving remainder 5 and 8 respectively.

Thus, the numbers can be modified as

70 – 5 = 65

And, 125 – 8 = 117

The prime factorization of 65 = 5 × 13

And, prime factorization of 117 = 3 × 3 × 13

Thus, HCF = 13

Thus, the greatest number is 13 which divides the 70 and 125 leaving the remainder 5 and 8 respectively.

Thus, option (d) 13 is the answer.

Question (30) If α and β are the zeroes of the polynomial 5x2 – 7x + 2, then the sum of their reciprocals is:

(a) 7/2

(b) 7/5

(d) 2/5

(d) 14/25

Answer : (a) 7/2

Explanation :

Given polynomial P(x) = 5x2 – 7x + 2

And zeros of the polynomial are α and β

Now, we know that, α + β = – b/a

= –( –7 )/5

⇒ α + β = 7/5

α β = c/a

⇒ α β = 2/5

Now, sum of reciprocal of α and β

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After substituting the values of α + β and α β, we get

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Thus, sum of reciprocal of α and β = 7/2

Thus, option (a) 7/2 is the correct answer.

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