Sample Paper: Math Class ten

Mathematics Class Tenth


sample paper math class ten term-1 mcqs-4

Question (31) If one of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 + 3x + k is 2, then the value of k is :

(a) 10

(b) – 10

(c) – 7

(d) – 2

Answer : (b) – 10

Explanation :

Given polynomial P(x) = x2 + 3x + k

Given, one of the zeros = 2

Then value of k = ?

P(2) = 22 + 3 × 2 + k = 0

⇒ 4 + 6 + k = 0

⇒ 10 + k = 0

⇒ k = – 10

Thus, option (b) – 10 is the correct answer.

Question (32) If x = a, y = b be the solution of the equations x – y = 2 and x + y = 4 then the value of a & b respectively are:

(a) 3 and 5

(b) 5 and 3

(c) 3 and 1

(d) – 1 and – 3

Answer : (c) 3 and 1

Explanation :

Given, x = a & y = b

And, x – y = 2

⇒ a – b = 2 - - - (i)

And, x + y = 4

⇒ a + b = 4 - - - - (ii)

Now, after adding equation (i) and (ii), i.e. equation (i) + equation (ii), we get

a – b + a + b = 2 + 4

⇒ 2a = 6

⇒ a = 6/2 = 3

⇒ a = 3

Now, after substituting the value of a = 3 in equation (i), we get

3 – b = 2

⇒ 3 – 2 = b

⇒ 1 = b

⇒ b = 1

Thus, value of a & b = 3, 1

Thus, option (c) 3 and 1 is the correct answer.

Question (33) ABCD is a Cyclic Quadrilateral, the measures of ∠ A and ∠ B are:

10 math sample paper MCQs29

(a) 64o , 80o

(b) 30o, 14o

(c) 100o, 70o

(d) 116o, 100o

Answer : (a) 64o , 80o

Explanation :

Given, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral, in which

∠ A = 2y + 4o

∠ B = 6x–4o

∠ C = 4y – 4o

And, ∠ D = 7x + 2o

Thus, ∠ A and ∠ B = ?

We know that, in a cyclic quadrilateral, the sum of opposite angles are 180o

Thus, in the given cyclic quadrilateral,

∠ A + ∠ C = 180o

⇒ 2y + 4o + 4y – 4o = 180o

⇒ 6y = 180o

⇒ y = 180o/6

⇒ y = 30o

Now, after putting the value of y = 30o in the expression given for the ∠A, we get

∠ A = 2y + 4o

⇒ ∠ A = 2 × 30o + 4o

⇒ ∠ A = 60o + 4o

⇒ ∠ A = 64o

Now, ∠ B + ∠ D = 180o

⇒ 6x – 4o + 7x + 2o = 180o

⇒ 13 x – 2o = 180o

⇒ 13 x = 180o + 2o

⇒ 13 x = 182o

⇒ x = 182o/13

⇒ x = 14

Now, after substituting the value of x = 14 in ∠B = 6 x – 4o, we get

⇒ ∠ B = 6 × 14 – 4o

⇒ ∠ B = 84 – 4

⇒ ∠ B = 80o

Thus, ∠ A and ∠ B = 64o & 80o

Thus, option (a) 64o & 80o is the correct answer.

Question (34) In the following figure, LM is parallel to BC and LN is parallel to CD, then which of the following relation is true?

10 math sample paper MCQs30

10 math sample paper MCQs30a

Answer : (d) `(AM)/(LC) = (AN)/(AD)`

Explanation :

As per question, in the given figure,

ML || BC

And LN ||DC

Now, in Δ ABC,

ML || BC

Thus, from BPT (Basic proportionality Theorem) (Thales Theorem), which says If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two distinct sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.

10 math sample paper MCQs30b

Similarly, in Δ ADC

As given, LN || DC

Thus, from BPT (Basic proportionality Theorem) (Thales Theorem),

10 math sample paper MCQs30c

Thus, option (d) is the correct answer.

Question (35) In the given figure, `(PS)/(SQ) = (PT)/(TR)` and ∠ PST = ∠ PRT, then Δ PQR is a/ an:

10 math sample paper MCQs31

(a) Equilateral Triangle

(b) Isosceles Triangle

(c) Scalene Triangle

(d) Right Triangle

Answer : (b) Isosceles Triangle

Explanation :

As per question, in the given figure,


Thus, from the converge of Basic Proportionality Theorem which says If a line divides any two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, then the line is parallel to the third side.


Now, since ST||QR and SQ is the transversal,

∴ ∠SQR = ∠PSR (Because corresponding angles are equal)

And, ∠PSR = ∠SQR = ∠TRQ

⇒ ∠SQR = ∠TRQ

⇒ ∠PQR = ∠ PRQ

Hence, the given triangle PQR is an isosceles triangle.

Thus, option (b) Isosceles Triangle is the correct answer.

Question (36) In Δ ABC, AB = 6 &rad; 3 cm, AC = 12 cm and BC = 6 cm, the angle B is:

(a) 120o

(b) 60o

(c) 90o

(d) 45o

Answer : (c) 90o


Let the given figure can be drawn as follows:

10 math sample paper MCQs32

Here, AB = 6&radi;3, and BC = 6 cm

Thus, to prove AC = 12 cm

Now, (AB)2 + (BC)2

= (6 √ 3 cm)2 + (6 cm)2

= 36 × 3 cm2 + 36 cm2

= 108 cm2 + 36 cm2

= 144 cm2

Now, (AC) 2 = (12 cm)2

= 144 cm2

Thus, (AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2

Since, this follows the rule of Pythagoras Theorem,

Thus, the given triangle is a right angled triangle.

Thus, ∠ B = 90o

Hence, option (c) 902 is the correct answer.

Question (37) In the given figure DE is parallel to BC, then the value of x is :

10 math sample paper MCQs33

(a) 10 cm

(b) 8 cm

(c) 6 cm

(d) 4 cm

Answer : (c) 6 cm

Explanation :


AD = 3 cm & DB = 4 cm

Thus, AB = AD + DB = 3 + 4

⇒ AB = 7 cm

BC = 14 cm


Now, since, DE || BC, thus according Basic Proportionality Theorem,


10 math sample paper MCQs33a

After cross multiplication, we get,

x × 7 cm = 3 cm × 14 cm

⇒ 7 x cm = 42 cm

⇒ x = 42/7 = 6 cm

Thus, option (c) 6 cm is the correct answer.

Question (38) Corresponding sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio of 2 : 3. If the area of a small triangle is 48 sq. cm, then the area of a large triangle is :

(a) 230 sq. cm

(b) 106 sq. cm

(c) 107 sq. cm

(d) 108 sq. cm

Answer : (d) 108 sq. cm

Explanation :

Given, two triangles are similar.

Ratio of their corresponding sides = 2 : 3

And, area of small triangle = 48 sq cm

Thus, area of larger triangle = ?

We know form one of the theorem of areas of similar triangle that, The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding sides.

Now, let the area of larger triangle = AL

Thus, Area of smaller triangle : Area of larger triangle = (side of smaller triangle)2 : (side of larger triangle)2

10 math sample paper MCQs33b

⇒ AL = 12 × 9 cm2

⇒ Area of larger triangle = 108 cm2

Thus, option (d) 108 sq. cm is the correct answer.

Question (39) If (1 – cos2 θ) cosec2 θ = A, then the value of A is :

(a) 0

(b) 1

(c) 2

(d) 3

Answer : (b) 1

Explanation :

Given, (1 – cos2 θ) cosec2 θ A

Thus, value of A = ?

(1 – cos2 θ) cosec2 θ

= sin2 θ × cosec2 θ

`=cancelsin^2 theta xx 1/(cancelsin^2 theta)`

= 1 = A

Thus, option (b) 1 is the correct answer.

Question (40) After simplification we get the value of the given expression for acute angle θ as tan θ . sin θ + cos θ = A. Then the value of A is

(a) sin θ

(b) cos θ

(c) sec θ

(d) cosec θ

Answer : (c) sec θ

Explanation :


tan θ . sin θ + cos θ = A

10 math sample paper MCQs33c

⇒ sec θ = A

⇒ A = sec θ

Thus, option (c) sec θ is the correct answer.

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