Knowing Our Numbers

Comparing Numbers

Solution of Try These (1)

Can you instantly find the greatest and the smallest numbers in each row?

Question (1) 382, 4972, 18, 59785, 750


59785 is the greatest and 18 is the smallest. (Answer given in this try these Exercise)

Question (2) 1473, 89423, 100, 5000, 310


89423 is the greatest and 100 is the smallest. Answer


In the given question total of five numbers have been given. In which one number has 5 digits, two have 4 digits and two have 3 digits.

Thus, 89423

Clearly number having the greatest number of digits is the largest.

Thus, the number having 5 digits is the greatest among the given numbers. After that, there are two numbers 100 and 310 left

Now to identify the smallest, numbers having the smallest digits will be the smallest. Here two numbers 100 and 310 have the smallest number of digits that is each has 3 digits.

So, to find the smallest among them, first of all, we see the number at 100th place and the numbers which have a smaller number at the 100th place will be smaller.

Between the given two numbers 100 and 310, 1 is smaller than 3.

Thus, 100 is the smallest among the given numbers.

Thus, clearly 89423 is the largest and 100 is the smallest among the given numbers.

Question (3) 1834, 75284, 111, 2333, 450


75284 is the greatest and 111 is the smallest number. Answer


In the given numbers one number has 5 digits, two have 4 digits and two have 3 digits.

We know that number having a greater number of digits is the greatest and a number having the smallest number of digits is the smallest among the given numbers.

Thus, 75284 is the greatest.

And between 111 and 450, 111 has a smaller number at the 100th place.

Thus, 111 is the smallest.

Thus, 75284 is the greatest, and 111 is the smallest among the given numbers.

Question (4) 2853, 7691, 9999, 12002, 124


12002 is the greatest and 124 is the smallest among the given numbers. Answer


Among the given numbers one has 5 digits and one has 3 digits.

We know that number having the maximum number of digits is the greatest and the number having the least number of digits is the smallest.

Thus, among the given numbers 12002 is the greatest and 124 is the smallest Answer

What that easy? Why was it easy?


Yes, these questions were easy.

These were easy because given numbers have uneven numbers of digits. And we know that number having the maximum number of digits is the greatest and a number having the least number of digits is the smallest.

Solution of Try These (2)

Find the greatest and the smallest numbers

Question (a) 4536, 4892, 4370, 4452


4892 is the greatest and 4370 is the smallest among the given numbers. Answer


All the given numbers have 4 digits. In such a case we need to observe the digit at the 1000th place to identify the greatest and smallest number.

4536, 4892, 4370, 4452

But among the given numbers all have the number 4 at their 1000th place.

So, in this case, we need to observe the number at 100th place to identify the greatest and smallest among the given numbers.

4536, 4892, 4370, 4452

Among the given numbers 8 is the largest and 3 is the smallest at their 100th place.

Thus, clearly 4892 is the largest, and 4370 is the smallest among the given numbers.

Question (b) 15623, 15073, 15189, 15800


15800 is the greatest and 15073 is the smallest among the given numbers. Answer


All the given numbers in the question have 5 digits each.

So we need to observe the number at the 10000th place first to identify the greatest and smallest among the given numbers.

Since, among the given numbers, all have 1 at their 10000th place.

So, we need to observe and compare numbers at their 1000th place.

Since, among the given numbers, all have 5 at their 1000th place.

So, we need to observe and compare numbers at their 100th place.

Among the given numbers 15623 has 6 at the 100th place,

15073 has 0 at the 100th place,

15189 has 1 at the 100th place, and

15800 has 8 at the 100th place.

Thus, among 6, 0, 1, and 8 zero (0) is the smallest, and 8 is the greatest.

Thus, the greatest number is 15800 and the smallest number is 15073 Answer

Question (c) 25286, 25245, 25270, 25210


25286 is the greatest and 25210 is the smallest among the given numbers. Answer


Among the given numbers all have the same numbers at their 10000th, 1000th, and 100th places.

So, we need to observe and compare the numbers at 10th place among the given numbers.

25286 has 8 at its 10th place,

25245 has 4 at its 10th place,

25270 has 7 at its 10th place, and

25210 has 1 at its 10th place.

Clearly 8 is the greatest and 1 is the smallest.

Thus, 25286 is the greatest and 25210 is the smallest among the given numbers. Answer.

Question (d) 6895, 23787, 24569, 24659


24659 is the greatest and 6895 is the smallest among the given numbers. Answer


Among the given numbers three have 5 digits and one has four digits. So the number having four digits is the smallest.

And among the rest of the three have 2 at their 10000th place.

Thus, we need to observe and compare numbers at their 1000th to find the greatest among them.

Among these three numbers one has 3 at 1000th place and two have 4 at their 1000th place.

So, among the numbers which have 4 at their 1000th place, we need to compare the numbers at their 100th to find the greater.

Between the two numbers 24569 and 24659, the second number has 6 at its 100th place, so it is the greater.

Thus, 24659 is the greatest, and 6895 is the smallest among the given numbers. Answer