Knowing Our Numbers

NCERT Solution Exercise 1.2 – part3 Question 10 to 12

Question (10) Medicine is packed in boxes, each weighing 4 kg 500g. How many such boxes can be loaded in a van which cannot carry beyond 800 kg?


Given, weight of medicine in one box = 4 kg 500 g

Total capacity of the van = 800 kg

Thus, number of box can be loaded in the van = ?

To solve this question first we need to convert the weight of medicine in one box into either gram or in kg

Here given weight of medicine in one box = 4 kg + 500 g

Since, 1 kg = 1000 gm

Thus, to convert gram into kg, we need to divide the gram by 1000

Thus, 500 g = 500/1000 kg

= 0.5 kg

Thus, 4 kg + 500 gm

= 4 kg + 0.5 kg = 4.5 kg

Thus, weight of medicine in one box = 4.5 kg

Now, the number of box can be loaded in the van which has capacity to load only 800 kg

= Capacity of van/Weight of medicine in one box

= 800 kg/4.5 kg

= 177.77 boxes

Discarding the fractional part total number of box = 177

Thus, total number of box can be loaded in the van = 177 Answer

Question (11) The distance between the school and the house of a student's house is 1 km 875 m. Everyday she walks both ways. Find the total distance covered by her in six days.


Distance between the school and student's house = 1 km 875 m

Thus, total distance covered in six days = ?

Here the distance is given in km and meter

To so make this uniform we will convert the meter into kilometre

Distance between the school and student's house = 1 km + 875 m

= 1 km + 875/1000 km

= 1 km + 0.875 km

= 1.875 km

Thus, distance between the school and student's house = 1.875 km

Now, distance covered in six days = distance of school from house × 6

= 1.875 km × 6

= 11.25 km

In this result we have a whole part and a fractional part

Whole part = 11 km and fractional part = 0.25 km

To convert km into meter we need to multiply it with 1000

Thus, 0.25 km = 0.25 × 1000 = 250 meter

Or, 0.25 km = 250 meter

Thus, distance covered in six days = 11 km 250 meter Answer

Question (12) A vessel has 4 litres and 500 ml of curd. In how many glasses, each of 25 ml capacity, can it be filled?



The amount of curd in the vessel = 4 litres and 500 ml

And the capacity of one glass = 25 ml

Thus, number of glass can be filled using given volume of curd = ?

Here, since the amount of curd has been given in litres and millilitres.

So, first we need to make the unit uniform.

For this either we can convert the litres into millilitre or millilitre into litre and add them.

Since, 1 litre = 1000 millilitre

Thus, 4 litre = 4 × 1000 millilitre = 4000 millilitre

Thus, volume of curd

= 4 litres and 500 ml

= 4000 ml + 500 ml = 4500 ml

Thus, volume of curd in millilitre = 4500 ml

Now, number of glass can be filled =

Amount of curd/Capacity of one glass

= Amount of curd/Capacity of one glass glass

= 4500 ml/25 ml glass

= 180 glass

Thus, total glass of given capacity can be filled = 180 glass Answer